Album :
Morocco, GHARNÂTI MUSIC - Nûbâ Ramal
الــمــغــرب, الـطــرب الــغــرنــاطــي - نــوبــة الــرمــل
Maroc, MUSIQUE GHARNÂTI - Nûbâ Ramal
Artists :
Ahmad Pirou & L'Ensemble Gharnâtî de Rabat
أحــمد بــيــرو و جــوق الــطــرب الــغــرنــاطــي لــمــديــنــة الــربــاط
Ahmad Pirou & the Rabat Gharnâtî Ensemble▼
•Ahmad Pirou, chant, banjo et direction / singer, banjo and conductor;
أحمد بيرو.غناء, بانجو و إدارة•Husayn Hajjam Belmekki, violon / violin;
حسين الحجام بلمكي, كمان•Hisham Belghiti, violon / violin;
هشام البلغيتي, كمان
•Hamid Bergawi, violon / violin;
حميد بركاوي, كمان
•Ahmad Bennis, violon / violin;
أحمد بنيس, كمان•Mourad Bennani, luth / lute ‘ûd;
مراد بناني, العود•Mohammed Amin Dabbi, luth / lute ‘ûd;
محمد أمين الضابي, عود•Moulay Driss Diouri, mandoline;
مولاي ادريس الديوري, مندولين•Allal Bentoja, banjo;
علال بن توجه, بانجو•Rachid Roumi, luth / lute kwîtra;
رشيد الرومي, عود رباعي•Allal Benjelloun, tambour / drum darbûka;
علال بن جلون, الدربوكة•Khaled Srairi, tambour / drum târ;
خالد السريري, الدف♪
Index :
•• Read the Booklet 'PDF'
•• the kwitra is quite similar to the ud arbi in having 4 courses, the body is a bit more elongated (more like a Renaissance lute), with smaller dimensions, and the pegbox less bend back and often quite straight.
Language : Arabic الـعــربية
Country : Morocco الــمــغــرب
Melodies :
[.01.] Istikhbâr, San‘a 1 : Msaddar
استخبار, الصنعة 1 : مصدر
This movement begins with an istikhbâr, a prelude improvised of the mandoline,immediately followed by the msaddar.
[ghusn 1] It is Spring, the birds are singing at the tops of their voices.
[ghusn 2] In the garden, the roses are budding.
[ghusn 3] Fill our glasses and let me drink with you.
[matla‘] Among the leaves, elegant beings are passing around their glasses.
[ruju’] Oh my beloved, I know of no greater pleasure than to linger in your company.
[.02.] San‘a 2 : Btâyhî
الصنعة 2 : البطايحي
Since you are here still awake my frient, Let us abandon ourselves to the pleasure of love and wine.
Do you not see the river of morning overtaking the armies of shadows?
When the cloud wheeps its dew the flowers smile.
And while the meadow takes on a new martle,The birdsong welcoming the morning arouses us.
[.03.] Istikhbâr & inshâd
إستخبار و إنشاد
Instrumental and vocal improvisations.
[.04.] San‘a 3 : Darj
الصنعة 3 : درج
Come and see the nutshells scattered on all sides.
The breeze has carried them while they are still covered with dew.
In this meadow of bewitching colours, come take what is your due.
Oh my friend, come into the garden that we enjoy life to the full!
The pretty feathered canaries wiegh down the leaves of the trees.
The birds are singing for the universe, may God bless them!
Oh my friend, let us go walking, fill the glasses.
Ah, how I love my Beauty when she says: “Iobey you!”
Oh my friend, come into the garden that we enjoy life to the full!
[.05.] San‘a 4, 5 & 6 : Insirâf
الصنعة 4, 5, 6 : انصراف
San‘a 4
Oh my friends, when the flovers open, how beautiful their colour becomes!
I hear their voices moaning Like a lover separated from his beloved: “Long is the separation.”
But however interminable that separation maybe, At the moment of meeting again, he will be sure to recognize her.
San‘a 5
Oh doe eyes, oh gazelle brows, Why this startled look, why such coldness?
Is is so difficult to part, who can bear it?
Lovers make moan, but what can be done?
I seek a delicate and enlightened go-between,but in vain.
There is no one to bring me relief.
They have left me, will they return?
All hope of seeing them again has vanished.
I would have liked them to leave without bid-ding me farewell.
But we have left one another, it is destiny.
Ah! I cry out with pain.
San‘a 6
My noble friend, my love grows each day.
Let us meet for my heart is breaking.
Make of me a slave among slaves.
But have mercy on my heart.
Ah! I cry out with pain.
[.06.] San‘a 7 & 8 : Makhlas
الصنعة 7, 8 : مخلص
San‘a 7
Oh my friend, my patience is at an end
And my love as strong as ever.
He whom I love as forgotten me, he is taking his revenge, Although I have committed no crime.
Of Light of my Eyes, God wants us to me uni-ted.
May the wicked tongues be cursed!
Good fortune has at last smiled on me, my belo-ved is close by me.
To celebrate this joy, I have invited all my friends And my enemy remains outside.
San‘a 8
Go, messenger of my beloved
In the name of our troths and hope.
Tell him of my long wait.
I pray God that he will respond to my wishes and reunite us.
Soon I will enjoy happiness in your company May the wicked tongues be cursed!
For our separation has been so long
That our reunion must come soon.
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© to Miguel