Viaje De Las Almas . رحــلــة الارواح
Travelling Soul . Voyage Des Ames
Artists :
Naseer Shamma, Ashraf Sharif Khan and Shabbaz Hussain
نـصــيـــر شـمـّـه، وأشـــرف شـــريــف خــان وحــســيــن شــــبـّــاز
•» Naseer Shamma: Laud •» Ashraf Sharif Khan: Sitâr •» Shabbaz Hussain: Tabla, percussion indienne
Index :
Language : Instrumental
Country : Iraq - Pakistan - India
Melodies :
[.01.] Viaje de las Almas. Travelling Souls • [.02.] Al-Andalus Abre Sus Puertas. Al-Andalus Opens Its Gates • [.03.] El Camino a Shaqlawa. The Path to Shaqlawa • [.04.] La Sabiduría de mi Abuelo. My Grandfather's Wisdom • [.05.] Nostalgia de Córdoba. Nostalgia for Cordoba • [.06.] Hammurabi • [.07.] Para Túnez. For Túnez
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