Artists :
Moneim Adwan - vocals, 'ud
Mahran Moreb - kânun
Safwan Kenani - violin
Youssef Hebeisch - percussion
Adel Shams Eddine - percussion
El Sayed Shaban - ney, kawalâ
Melodies :
{1}. Law Ani Moughani (Si j'étais chanteur) (If I Were a Singer)
{2}. Seb'a Nejmat (Sept étoiles) (Seven Stars)
{3}. Chat el Bahr (Le bord de mer) (By the Sea)
{4}. Ana Darwiche (Je suis le derviche) (I Am a Dervish)
{5}. Saher al Hawa (Amour ensorcelant) (Bewitching Love)
{6}. Douzeni (Harmonie) (Harmony)
{7}. Qalb (Coeur) (Heart)
{8}. Waqfou Soufouf (Mise en rang) (Sequence)
.Download Part 1.
.Download Part 2.
Moneim Adwan was born in 1970 at Rafah in the part of Gaza. He start to sing when he was child some populars and religious songs.At 17 years old, he was interesting to play 'Ûd and few years later, he left his country to go to Tripoli (Lybia) where he got a master of Musicology at the University of Arts, with the teachers Fateh el-Ramiz (songs) and Abdallah Sebaï ('Ûd).After a turn in Egypt, Tunisia, Jordania and Irak, he worked during 6 years for differents events of the palestinian gouvernment, Ministery of Education, theater, cinema. He composed a opening music for Bethleem in January 2000. Since 1999, he recorded 3 cds in France : Chicha (meeting with the musician Michel Montanaro and the music of Provence), Nawah (meeting with the singer Françoise Atlan and sefarads songs, Buda Musique), Motayem "ecstatic with love" (meeting with the group Pêcheurs de Perles, music from Irak).In june 2004, he sung for the Fès Festival of world sacred music in Marocco.
The songs of Moneim Adwan are his own compositions with all the musical heritage of his culture (traditional palestinian songs and classical arabic music). The text of this musician speak about the history of his country, the feeling and the sawl of palestinian people, the love.His strong and warmer voice who continue to sing is the most beautiful bird to carry the message of peace and hope even the war and the destruction.Moneim would like to transmit the palestinian sawl and philopsophy as much by the traditional repertory Taha than his own compositions Darwish. His last meeting with the sefarad singer Françoise Atlan (Nawah) and the group with irakians influences Pêcheurs de Perles (Motayem) give to him rich exchanges for resonance, tones and meaning.