Thursday 6 March 2008

Tamaas - Samir Joubran -:- تماس - سمير جبران

Album : Tamaas تماس

Artist : Samir Joubran سمير جبران

Melodies :
1.: Khiyanat Mariha
2.: Tamaas
3.: Tanaas
4.: Sama'e Bayat
5.: Khalaas
6.: Takaseem
7.: Ramallah August 10th
8.: El Nesf El Akhar/Astoria
.Download Part 1.
.Download Part 2.

Posted By FolkmusicSMB :
Le Trio Joubran - Randana -- رنــدنــة - الـثلاثـي جـبــران

Samir was born in Nazareth, in 1973, in the Galilee. At five, his father introduces him to the oud. The encounter between boy and instrument is more like the passionate encounter of two lovers. At nine, Samir enters the Nazareth Institute of Music. In 1995 he graduates from the highly prestigious Muhammad Abdul Wahhab Conservatory of Cairo. His musical talents are recognized in the musical workshops and seminars he attends in various arabic and European countries, leading him to teach the oud in a large number of schools and institutes.
The Joubran family adventure begins with Samir, an innovative soloist. Their first album, Taqaseem, comes out in 1996, followed by Sou'fahm in 2001. His first album under the Daqui label (the label of the Atypical Nights in Langon), Tamaas, appears in 2002. His run of performances in European and Middle Eastern venues begins. At the time, Samir is the only Palestinian performing outside the borders of his country. He is also the first musician to be awarded, in 2003-2004, a two-year scholarship to Italy through the Writer's Asylum Program which is organized by the International Parliament of Writers.
His musical virtuosity receives universal acclaim, and he is quickly invited to play with numerous other artists, in particular with great poets of the likes of Mahmoud Darwish. Music allies itself with the spoken word to bring to life poetry where melancholy and passion are inextricably mixed.
Samir Joubran's musical talent is acknowledged by the movie world when he composes the original sound track for Rashir Masharawi's Ticket to Jerusalem. He is then contacted by director François Dupeyron. Three tracks from the album Tamaas are included in the sound track of Inguélézi. Three titles from Randana are used in Parvez Sharmas' documentary A jihad for love (coming out this year).
After Randana, the first album to bring together all three Joubran brothers, their new opus, Majâz, will come out this fall. With Palesine beating in his heart, driven by his desire to give voice to his oud, Samir Joubran will travel the world with his brothers.