Monday, 31 December 2007

Ensemble Bnat El-Ghiwane - The Best Of Ensemble Bnat El-Ghiwane -:- مجموعة بنات الغيوان - روائع مجموعة بنات الغيوان

Album :

The Best Of Ensemble Bnat El-Ghiwane
روائع مجموعة بنات الغيوان

Artists :

Ensemble Bnat El-Ghiwane مجموعة بنات الغيوان

Melodies :

{1}.اجمع راسك
{2}.علاش حكرتنا
{3}.واش حنا هوما حنا
{4}.حنا صابرين اسيدي
{5}.يا من جانى
{6}.يا حباب الغيوان
{7}.الله مولانا
{9}.حكمت ربنا
{10}.ماني غريبة
{13}.كثر الخوف
{14}.يا بني الانسان
{15}.يا بارد القلب
{16}.مزين مدحك
.Dwonload From Here.
لا يسعنى الا ان اقول وانا استمع لهده الاغنية : سقى الله ايام الاستنكار و الشجب و الادانة التي كان يطلقها الحكام العرب كالصواريخ العابرة للقارات في ختام قممهم او اثناء حدث جلل
وسقى الله زمن الاغنية التي تجعلنا نبتسم ونأمل ونحن الاكثر ألماَ
كلمات رائعة للاغنية " كثر الخـوف " أما الاداء فهو أروع
ما يخوفناش صهيون لاا طغى و تجبر, وخى هو بالمدافع حنا غي بالحجر
ما يخوفناش صهيون لاا على أرضنا سيطر, حقنا غادي نديوه طال الزمان أو قصر
ما يخوفناش صهيون لاا طغى و تجبر, وخى هو بالمدافع حنا غي بالحجر
ما يخوفناش صهيون لاا على أرضنا سيطر, حقنا غادي نديوه طال الزمان أو قصر
الله الله يا مولانا والله يا الله, لاغيرك نرجاو يامولانا والله يا الله
الله الله يا مولانا والله يا الله, لاغيرك نرجاو يامولانا والله يا الله
كثر الخوف وكثر الرعب مهزلة هده يالعرب
كثر الخوف وكثر الرعب وفين مشيتوا يالعرب
كثر الخوف وكثر الرعب مهزلة هده يالعرب
كثر الخوف وكثر الرعب وفين مشيتوا يالعرب
الله الله يا مولانا والله يا الله, لاغيرك نرجاو يامولانا والله يا الله
صهيون في أرضنا كيسلب كيسرق وكينهب, القوي فينا ولاا يطلب والضعيف فيهم ولاا يغلب
صهيون في أرضنا كيسلب كيسرق وكينهب, القوي فينا ولاا يطلب والضعيف فيهم ولاا يغلب
كثر الخوف وكثر الرعب مهزلة هده يالعرب
كثر الخوف وكثر الرعب وفين مشيتوا يالعرب
الله الله يا مولانا والله يا الله, لاغيرك نرجاو يامولانا والله يا الله
الصغير بالحجر كيضرب تهدم ليه بيتوا وتخرب, والعلامة عليه كيكدب والتاريخ شاهد كيكتب
الصغير بالحجر كيضرب تهدم ليه بيتوا وتخرب, والعلامة عليه كيكدب والتاريخ شاهد كيكتب
كثر الخوف وكثر الرعب مهزلة هده يالعرب
كثر الخوف وكثر الرعب وفين مشيتوا يالعرب
الله الله يا مولانا والله يا الله, لاغيرك نرجاو يامولانا والله يا الله
مَوصل حق و ما قرب عيا ما يخطط و يحسب, رضى بالسلام واستجب وخب ليه ضنه واستغرب
مَوصل حق و ما قرب عيا ما يخطط و يحسب, رضى بالسلام واستجب وخب ليه ضنه واستغرب
كثر الخوف وكثر الرعب مهزلة هده يالعرب
كثر الخوف وكثر الرعب وفين مشيتوا يالعرب
الله الله يا مولانا والله يا الله, لاغيرك نرجاو يامولانا والله يا الله
وقولوا لينا يا أمم متى يعم علينا السلام, وقولوا لينا يا أمم متى يصفى علينا الغيام
وقولوا لينا يا أمم راحنا عيينا بشلى كلام, وقولوا لينا يا أمم متى يزيل قهر الظُلام
وقولوا لينا يا أمم, وقولوا لينا يا أمم
وقولوا لينا يا أمم, وقولوا لينا يا أمم
وقولوا لينا يا أمم متى يعم علينا السلام, وقولوا لينا يا أمم متى يصفى علينا الغيام
وقولوا لينا يا أمم راحنا عيينا بشلى كلام, وقولوا لينا يا أمم متى يزيل قهر الظُلام
الله الله يا مولانا والله يا الله

Le Silence Des Mosquées -:- Ensemble Le Silence Des Mosquées

Album : Le Silence Des Mosquées
Artists :
Ensemble Le Silence Des Mosquées
[Aziz, Kader, Karim, Ali et Brahim.]
Melodies :
{02}.Les Pierres de Gaza
{03 }.Larmes
{04 }.Muhammad
{05 }.Silence
{06}.Silence des mosques
Stones from Gaza lyrics
كلمات اغنية حـجـارة مـن غــزة
Les Paroles de Les Pierres de Gaza
C'est l'histoire d'une guerre, Trop de soldats qui courent
Des conflits tous les jours, C'est l'histoire d'une terre
Des maisons anéanties, pour venger tous leurs morts
Des tortures pour les familles, ALLAH connaît les torts
Une terre sans partage, Une paix jamais vue ;
Ce n'était qu'un mirage, La violence continue ;
Des pierres qu'on a bâties, Des pierres qu'ils ont détruits ;
Les pierres de l'intifada sont les pierres de Gaza, Les pierres de l'Intifada sont les pierresdeGaza ;
Jahidou bile imane, Jahidou biçalah, Jahidou bidoaa, Oua bidikri koraane Jahidou bile imane,
Jahidou biçalah, Jahidou bidoaa, Oua bidikri koraane, Oua bidikri koraane, Oua bidikri koraane.
Avez-vous souvenir, De ce fameux matin
Où un homme a tué, Des fidèles en prière
Des fidèles morts devant DIEU, qui priaient pour être heureux
Peut-on toujours espérer, voir la paix s'installer
Sur les murs sont inscrits, Les massacres, les tueries
Des rues qui portent le sang, Des femmes et des enfants
Des enfants se retrouvant, un matin sans parents
Orphelins abandonnés, trop souvent oubliés
Pourquoi toute cette violence, Pourquoi tant d'innocents
Les discours qu'on entend, Ne parlent que de souffrance
Une terre sacrée, La terre de Palestine
Evitons de la souiller, Allahouma amine
Un homme emprisonné, Témoin de cette guerre
A voulu dénoncer, Le goût de la misère
Dans les livres sacrés, Qui portent la vérité
Depuis longtemps est écrit la justice d'aujourd'hui
Il ne reste que l'image, Des mères qui ont portées
Tant d'années de douleur, Des larmes sur les visages
Prions Notre Seigneur, De juger les menteurs
Un jour sera montré, L'Unique Vérité

Sunday, 30 December 2007

Ensemble Imetlaâ-Izran -:- I. Ad Niri (Exist) - II. Izran and Flamenco

Les musiciens d’Imetlaâ sont originaires des montagnes du Rif du Maroc.
The musicians Imetlaâ originated in the mountains of Morocco's Rif.
Album : Ad Niri - Exist

Artists : Ensemble Imetlaâ-Izran

Melodies :

01 - Tamimunt
02 - D aseqsi
03 - D aweddar
04 - Ag ijj n u3ecci
05 - Tfuct intnudumen
06 - Izran
07 - Ini asen i midden neccin nkhes a niri
08 - Ameqnud
09 - Astiem
10 - Sseqsiyxam taziri
11 - Tayri
12 - Tarjij Lhusima

Album :Izran and Flamenco

Artists :Imetlaâ-Izran & Flamenco

Melodies :

{1}.Tamimunt(Nci en Alamo)
{4}.Ag Ijj N Un3ecci(Tangos)
{8}.De Locos(Colombianas)

Izran and Flamenco : After a very successful row of concerts in the title of an Amazigh-Andalucian project that took place in Belgium and The Netherlands. Imetlaa and the flamenco group NL Mundo are proud to announce a new live Album. This Album lets ancient Izran, the heart of the oral Amazigh culture in the Rif, melt away with the impressive sound and voice of the Flamenco. That is why the title: Izran & FlamencoThis unique Amazigh-Andalucian project is a musical search of two harmonious styles, full of wonderful lyrical melodies and firing passions, searching for the point of contact which leads to the roots of Moors Spain. A search for the musical culture in the times of Andalucia blooming period where different tribes and cultures added their contribution, particularly the Amazigh people.

Ensemble Tinariwen - Aman Iman : Water Is life -:- مجموعة تـيـنـغـيـويـن - الــماء حــياة

Album :
Aman Iman -:- Water Is life
الــماء حــياة
Artists :
Ensemble Tinariwen مجموعة تـيـنـغـيـويـن
Melodies :
{1}.Cler Achel
{2}.Mano Dayak
{3}.Matadjem Yinmixan
{5}.Soixante Trois
{7}.Imidiwan Winakalin
{8}.Awa Didjen
{9}.Ikyadarh Dim
{10}.Tamatant Tilay
{12}.Izarharh Tenere

Omar Boutmazought - Afach Aydbire -:- عمــر بوتمزوغت - عفاش أيذبيــر

Album : Afach Aydbire عفاش أيذبيــر

Artist : Omar Boutmazought عمــر بوتمزوغت

Melodies :

{1}.عفاش أيذبير
{2}.أرشتكخ أثفنيت الزين
{3}.تقاسيم صامتــة
{4}.حيدي حيدي
{5}.مرفيخ أفراد فروخ
.Download From Here.

Friday, 28 December 2007

Najat Aatabou نجاة آعتابوا -:- Hope الأمل l'espoir

Album : Hope الأمل l'espoir

Artist : Najat Aatabou نجاة آعتابوا

Melodies :

{01}. Aouwaou Haou
أواوا هاوا
{02}. Ihewa Mama
ايهوا ماما
{03}. Ana Man Brikch Ana
أنا ما نبغيش أنا
{04}. Ana Chaftek Beaini
أنا شفتك بعيني
{05}. Mabkalou Maerjaa
مابقالو مايرجع
{06}. Je reviens pas
مغديش نرجع
{07}. Lala 3la Lamour
لالا على لامور
{08}. Cheri Nebrik
شيري نبغيك
.Download From Here.

Suffused with emotion, Najat Aatabou's voice is among the strongest in popular Moroccan music. Her radiation and voice become explosive on the stage, while some of her movements originate in the jedba, the ritual trance of Northern Africa. Her dynamic performance and forward-looking viewpoints take her right into the hearts of Moroccan audiences and have made her a star.
Najat Aatabou (44) by now has 25 albums to her name and enjoys immense popularity, in her own country and also among Moroccan communities abroad. The Chemical Brothers scored a worldwide hit with Calvanize in 2005 (over one million singles sold). This song is an excellent example of the musical impact the sample of Just Tell Me The Truth by Najat Aatabou has on it. ?In my own, self-written traditional songs I try to sketch a fair picture of Moroccan women. I also try to defend their rights and to change prevailing views.?
In her songs she does not shrink back from presenting awkward issues. One of her songs for instance is about women having a love affair with a married man. Her message is: go out and find yourself another (?Shoufi Ghirou?)! Just imagine something like this in a country where such relationships are a punishable offence. ?I also put forward issues like adultery, infidelity and domestic violence and sing about girls abandoned by their boyfriends when they turn out to be pregnant. I advocate that parents must stand by their children at all times. I challenge prevailing views.?
This she used to do from an early age onwards. Rebellious, Najat grew up in the poor village of Khmisset in the central Atlas mountains. Singing was her favourite pastime, sneaking out of her bedroom window at nights to sing at weddings and school parties. It was at one of those weddings that someone taped her show while Najat was unaware of this. Although the cassettes sold well in Morocco, her relatives were less enthusiastic. ?It was downright disaster when they found out. They did not accept it, taking it that I had put the family to shame. My brothers wanted to kill me.?
So Najat, who had once dreamed of becoming a lawyer, decided to flee. ?In tears I went to the village shop that sold the illegal tapes of my performance. My family froze all contacts with me and I had nowhere to go. Herself a mother of three, she now owns various houses in Morocco and France.
?Purely by coincidence that day a producer walked into the shop. He had apparently heard the cassette somewhere and was looking for me. He asked me to rely on him, proposing that I joined him to Casablanca. Although I had no other choice it appeared to be my rescue.?
Downright seething Najat was. With all and everything. ?I found it so frustrating that as a woman I had no say in anything, hardly knew any rights or that as a child I was not allowed to wear the clothes I fancied. And there was no question whatever about talking to strange men. For these reasons her first hit was called ?J鮠ai marr钠(?I?ve had enough?) which is sung in Arabic all the same. By now Najat has dozens of hit to her name, like Shoufi Ghirou (Find a Better Man), Souvenir and Hadi Kadba Beyna (Just Tell me the Truth).
For three years to come there were no contacts with her family, but they were restored thanks to her manager. ?He went to the village where I was born to explain that I was not doing anything bad or immoral, which in fact was that everybody had been scared of. In the meantime my brothers had seen me on television as well and read about me in the papers, so the uproar had been calmed down?, says Najat, the first woman to release a cd in the Moroccan market. ?Our contact now is fine.?
Najat receives incredible amounts of fanmail, also from those who do not especially like her shrill notes at traditional rhythms, but who do like the message they convey. The interpreter of the popular ballad gathers inspiration from the occasionally distressing stories her admirers tell her. ?Much has changed for women over the past twenty years here; they have started working and travelling. What?s more, they have learnt to say ?no? now and then. All the same, a lot is still awaiting to be done and I hope my songs will help to achieve this.?
In the last year she underwent a great development. Together with her husband Hassan Dikouk she changed the style of her music, exchanging traditional instruments for a new sound with musical influences from instruments like bass and electric guitar, synthesizer, drum, congas and so on. Doing so, Najat Aⴡbou now wants to make these Moroccan songs accessible to music lovers all over the world.
The 2004 ?Morocco Swings? masterclass showed Najat in the main role; a film intended primarily to add a positive contribution to the position/liberation of Moroccan women all the world over.
Au Maroc, la Berbère Najat Aatabou, grande star de la chanson populaire châabi au royaume de Mohammed VI, tient une sorte de courrier du cœur, s’inspirant " des lettres, très nombreuses, que je reçois des femmes qui m’écoutent puis me racontent leurs problèmes. Et je les résous en chantant.
"Et quels sont les douleurs des femmes marocaines ?" Comme partout, des blessures d’amour. Des maris infidèles, des foyers parallèles, des mensonges. " Comment cette infatigable joueuse de mots, alignant des strophes (en arabe, parfois en tamazight, l’une des trois langues berbères du Maroc) comme une rappeuse du Bronx, traduit-elle ces blessures ordinaires ? " Eh bien, par exemple, j’ai une chanson, Souerret (Ces clés sont à qui ?). La femme prend le trousseau du mari, et passe en revue les clés les unes après les autres, la porte d’entrée, le garage, le bureau, et l’une ne correspond à rien... "
Femmes trompées, jalouses, jamais soumises, telles sont celles qui peuplent l’univers des chansons écrites par Najat Aatabou, qui fustige " l’homme qui ment toujours ", inventant travail et réunion, ou celui qui abandonne son épouse enceinte en prétextant que l’enfant n’est pas de lui. Au passage, elle s’en prend aux maîtresses, et cela fait un tube, Choufi Ghirou (Cherches-en une autre). Du groupe-phare de l’opposition marocaine, Nass-el-Ghiwan, elle dit simplement : " Eux, ils font de la chanson engagée. " Chapeau à large bord, maquillage impeccable, manteau à motifs panthère, Najat Aatabou promène des allures de star, légitimement. Enceinte, la " lionne de l’Atlas " a momentanément abandonné ses tailleurs-pantalons de cuir noir, au profit d’une robe de velours cernée de perles. A quelques jours d’un retour à l’Olympia, où elle avait fait ses débuts français en 1984, Najat Aatabou revient sur un parcours qui l’a menée de sa ville natale de Khemisset, dans le Moyen Atlas, au triomphe. En 1981, Najat Aatabou chante dans un mariage une chanson inspirée d’une histoire vraie : une de ses amies part en voyage, et à son retour son fiancé est mort. " J’en ai marre, j’en ai marre ", psalmodie la jeune femme.
Dans l’assemblée, un joyeux bootlegger enregistre secrètement la voix vibrante de Najat Aatabou. Quelques semaines plus tard, alerté par la radio et les cassettes pirates, le petit peuple marocain fredonne la chanson de cette inconnue dont on ignore le visage, le nom, l’identité. Najat entend sa voix par hasard en faisant ses courses. Sa famille aussi. " Je n’étais pas contente, dit-elle aujourd’hui. Je voulais faire des études, devenir avocate, mais... mektoub. Je suis tombée malade, clouée au lit. J’étais terrorisée par la réaction de mes frères. Chanter, pour une femme, était synonyme de mauvaise vie. " Najat se réfugie à Casablanca, et signe un contrat avec les éditions musicales Hassania. Bannie pendant plus de trois ans par sa famille, elle en fait une chanson, Ma mère qu’est-ce que j’ai fait ? Excuse-moi, c’est le destin qui nous a séparées, qu’elle vient de reprendre en duo avec Neneh Cherry. Najat Aatabou n’est pas à proprement parler une chikha, chanteuse traditionnelle à la parole libre, à l’instar des chikhates du Moyen Atlas. Celles-ci incarnent une tradition paysanne où le rythme est donné par le bendir et la mélodie appuyée par le luth lotar, tandis que Najat Aatabou en provoque le dévoiement urbain, synthétiseur et électrification en conséquence.

Balvvoslatjna (Room Of Worship) -:- Mari Boine

Mari Boine may add you as a friend if you have a profile in my space, she answers the personal message too ... More about my favorite Singer :

Album : Balvvoslatjna (Room Of Worship)

Artist : Mari Boine

Melodies :

1. Eallin (Life)
2. Beaivvi Nieida (Daughter Of Sun)
3. Risten
4. Eagle Man/Changing Woman
5. Alddagasat Ipmilat (Gods Of Nature)
6. Oarjjabeal Beaivvi Ja Mánu (West Of Moon And Sun)
7. Mu Vahkar Lásse (My Youngest)
8. Alit Go Buot Várit (Higher Than All Mountains)
9. Don It Galgan (Thou Shalt Not)
10. Etno Jenny (Ethno Jenny)

Winter In Moscow -:- Mari Boine, Inna Zhelannaya and Sergey Starostin

Album : Winter In Moscow

Artists : Mari Boine, Inna Zhelannaya and Sergey Starostin

Melodies :

1. Dás Áiggun Cuozzut (Here Will I Stand)
2. Pjesna Lesorubov (Song Of The Lumberjacks)
3. Korridorsangen (The Corridor Song)
4. Sjesta Maja Notsj (The Night Is My Sister)
5. Vozlje Tvojej Ljobvi (Near Your Love)
6. Odinotsjestvo-Sestritsa (Sister Loneliness)
7. Roahkkadit Rohtte Luodi, Mánázan (Joik With Pride, My Child!)
8. Balada O Gorje (Ballad Of Grief)
.Download From Here.

Idjagiedas-In the hand of the Night -:- Mari Boine

Album :Idjagiedas-In the hand of the Night

Artist :Mari Boine

Melodies :

01 - Vuoi vuoi mu
02 - Idjagiedas
03 - Suoivva
04 - Gos bat munno cinat leat?
05 - Mu ustit, Engeliid sogalas
06 - Davvi bvttiin
07 - Lotts
08 - Diamntta spillit
09 - Geasuha
10 - Fruvv
11 - Uldda nieida
12 - Big medicine

Remixed -:- Mari Boine

Album :Remixed

Artist :Mari Boine

Melodies :

1. Gula Gula
2. Cuovgi Liekkas -Radiant Warmth
3. Gulan Du (Those Norwegians Mix)
4. Alddagasat Ipmilat
5. Ale Ale Don (Mark De Clive-Lowe Melodious Mood Mix)
6. Maid aiggot Muinna Eallin - What Do You Want Life?
7. Gulan Du (Nils Petter Molvaer-Jan Bang Remix)
8. Mun Da' Han Lean Oaivámus - Just When I Had...
9. Vuollgge mu Mielde Bassivarrai (Ludvigsen/ellingsen/Sonnenberg Mix)
10. Ahccai - To My Father
.Download From Here.

Thursday, 27 December 2007

Eight Seasons : Gavcci Jahkejuogu -:- Mari Boine

Album: Eight Seasons: Gavcci Jahkejuogu
Artist: Mari Boine
Melodies :
1 - I Come from the Other Side (5:36)
2 - Song for the Unborn (6:34)
3 - Sarahka's Wine (4:39)
4 - By the Source of Aurora B (6:00)
5 - Soul Medicine (5:05)
6 - Hymn (4:23)
7 - Butterfly (4:19)
8 - In a Blanket of Warmth (5:45)
9 - You Never Know (4:39)
10 - Tundra Flower (4:30)
11 - Let Silver Protect (7:54)
12 - Give Me a Break (3:35)

Gula Gula -:- Mari Boine

Album : Gula Gula

Artist : Mari Boine

Melodies :

1. Gula Gula
2. Vilges Suola
3. Balu Badjel Go Vuoittan
4. Du Lahka
5. It Sat Duolmma Mu
6. Eadnan Bakti
7. Oppskrift For Herrefolk
8. Duinne
.Download From Here.

Mari Boine - Leahkastin/Unfolding

Album :Leahkastin/Unfolding(1994)

Artist :Mari Boine

Melodies :

1. Gumppet Holvot (The Wolves Howl)
2. Ale Sat (No More)
3. Cuovgi Liekkas (Radiant Warmth)
4. Ahccai (To My Father)
5. Maid Aiggot Muinna Eallin (What Do You Want Life )
6. Mielahisvuohta (Lunacy Lunacy)7. Gilvve Gollat (Sow Your Gold)
8. Gulan Du (Hearing You)
9. Vuolgge Mu Mielde Bassiv Arrai
10. Mun Da'han Lean Oaiv Amus (Just When I Had )
11. Da Lean Mun (Here I Am)
.Download From Here.

Wednesday, 26 December 2007

Ishtar Alabina - Ragga Boom (2007) Part II

Part I :
Album :Ragga Boom (2007) Part II
Artist :Ishtar Alabina
Melodies :
01. Ragga boom(03:49)
02. Habibi (sawah)(03:51)
03. Diki diki(03:48)
04. Ala bali(03:35)
05. Je sais d’ou je viens(04:53)
06. Habiba(03:23)
07. Yalla yalla(03:38)
08. Sin ti(03:15)
09. Dis le moi (03:06)
10. Fi hawak(04:20)
11. Helwa ya baladi(03:17)
12. Ragga boom(04:54)

Dany Brillant -:- Histoire D'un Amour 2007

Album : Histoire D'un Amour 2007

Artist : Dany Brillant

Melodies :
1.Viens Danser (2:19)
2.Histoire D'un Amour (2:28)
3.Mambo Italiano (2:23)
4.Strangers In The Night (3:33)
5.Volare (2:42)
6.Ay! Mourir Pour Toi (3:25)
7.You Don't Have To Say You Love Me (2:09)
8.Hava Naguila (2:32)
9.Besame Mucho (2:55)
10.La Belle Vie (3:11)
11.Buona Sera (2:33)
12.Les Moulins De Mon Coeur (3:34)
.Download From Here.

Tuesday, 25 December 2007

Hadj Mohamed Bajeddoub, Abderrahim Souiri - The Art Of Mawwâl -:- الحاج محمد باجدوب و عبدالرحمان الصويري - فـــــن المــــــوال

Album :

The Art Of Mawwâl
فـــــن المــــــوال

Artists :

Hadj Mohamed Bajeddoub, Abderrahim Souiri
الحاج محمد باجدوب و عبدالرحمان الصويري

Melodies :

{01}. Ataytu li-qâdi l-hubbi
{02}. Amurru 'alâ d-diyâri
{03}. Dumû'u l-'ayni tajrî
{04}. 'Îdû ilayya l-wisâl
{05}. 'Aynî li-ghayri jamâlikum lâ tandhuru
{06}. Arâdû l-bi'âda
{07}. Amurru 'alâ diyâri Laylâ
{08}. Qultu li-Laylâ09. Badat - Yâ ghazâlan
{10}. Zâranî tayfu
{11}. Zor man tuhibb
{12}. Jarhu qalbî
.Download Part 1.
.Download Part 2.

Mgani Muhammed with Haadh Aoeki -:- مغني محمد برفقة حادة أوعكي

Album & Artists :

Mgani Muhammed with Haadh Aoeki
مغني محمد برفقة حادة أوعكي

Melodies :

{1}.Nikhach Awra Ghouri نيخاش أورا غوري
{2}.Doune Ghasdoune دون غاسدون
{3}.Ayourinou Awiteamarte أيورينو واتعمرت
{4}.Tguite Akadous تكيت أقادوس
{5}.Baadi Machrikh بعدي ماشريخ
.Download From Here.

Monday, 24 December 2007

Alache Ya Ghezali - Latifa Raafat -:- علاش يا غزالي - لطيفة رأفت

Album :
Alache Ya Ghezali علاش يا غزالي
Artist :
Latifa Raafat لطيفة رأفت
Melodies :
{1}.Alache Ya Ghezali علاش يا غزالي
{2}.Tawadouaa Lilah تواضع لله
{3}.Al Kamar القمر
{4}.Kan Bil Imkan كان بالامكان
{5}.La Tfekerni لا تفكرني
{6}.Ache Dani أش داني

Tunesia -Takht OR World Network, Vol.45:Tunisia -Takht -:- تونس : سونيا مبارك - تخـت


Album :
Tunesia - Takht
World Network, Vol.45:Tunisia - Takht
Artist : Sonia M'Barek
Melodies :
1. Mihtara Bein Ithnein
2. Ya Douroub El-Hayet
3. Wasla Maqam Asbain "Asidil Qualba Bi Waslek"
4. Samai Chad Orbane (Instrumental)
5. Wasla Maqam Sika6. Wasla Maqam Kurdi 'Sabani Jamalek"
7. Wasla Maqam Hassine
.Download From Here.
Takht ("bed", "seat", or "podium") (Persian: تخت) is the representative musical ensemble, the orchestra, of Arab music. In Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan, the ensemble consists of the 'ud, the qanun, the Arabian kamanjah (or now two), the nay, the riqq, and the darabukkah.
The melody instruments play heterophonically in octaves or perform solos. Instrumental forms include bashraf, sama'i, tahmilah, and dulab. The ensemble may be joined by a male or female vocalist and a group of four to six singers who provide the refrain sections. Vocal genres performed include dawr, muwashshah, layali, ma'luf, qasidah, and mawwal.
Sonia M'Barek began singing Maluf - traditional Tunisian court music - as a child. Maluf affinity with like styles in Algeria, Libya and Morocco voices the music's historical origins in southern Andalusia, before the Reconquest drove Arabs from Spain in 1492. She trained in the Tunis conservatory, and has performed widely in Tunisia and the neighboring Maghreb. While rooted in the traditional maluf repertoire, M'Barek steps beyond it by delving into the sharqi music of Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and Turkey, and is a great performer of Muwashaht.
Diploma of Arabian Music (1986)
Master in Right (1995)
Diploma of third cycle in political sciences (1999).
Thesis of doctorate in political sciences (in progress)

Sunday, 23 December 2007

Ensemble Nass El-Ghiwane - Nahlh Chamaa -:- مجموعة نـاس الغيوان - النحلــة شــامة

Album : Nahlh Chamaa
Artists : Ensemble Nass El-Ghiwane
Melodies :
{1}.Nahlh Chmaa النحلة شامة
{2}.Ya Chalal يا شلال
{3}.El-Kyama القيامة
{4}.El-Samte الصمت
{5}.Laa Tsalouni Ane El-Jrahe لا تسالوني عل الجراح
{6}.Jari جاري
{7}.Laachabe لعشاب
{8}.Ya selm يا سلم
{9}. El-Rada El-Rada الرضا الرضا
{10}.Jili جيلي
{11}.Mawale Jarwale موال زروال

Ibn'Arabi El intérprete de los deseos -:- آبــن عربــي - تـرجمان الاشواق

Album :
Ibn ‘Arabi - El intérprete de los deseos
آبــن عربــي - تـرجمان الاشواق
Artists :
Ensemble Ibn Báya - Cofradia Shushtari [Omar Metioui ('ud, voice, choir), Hassan Ajyar (soloist, choir), Said Belcadi (soloist, choir, atabal, darbuka), Abdesselam El Amrani Boukhobza (voice, choir, tar), Noureddine Acha (nay), Ahmed El Gazi (rabab), David Mayoral (agnafil, pandero, bendir, zarb, daff), Abdellatif Ben Yahya (Recitation of poems), Said El Ouerdighi (Fuqar&aacute-Derviches), El Kabir Touihar (Fuqar&aacute-Derviches), Mountasser Touihar (Fuqar&aacute-Derviches), Mohammed Dahdouh (Fuqar&aacute-Derviches), Abdelaziz Dahdouh (Fuqar&aacute-Derviches)] - Omar Metioui & Eduardo Panigua, dir.
Melodies :
I. La Caaba del corazón
{1}.Talbiya, Oración del peregrino - Al Adán, Llamada a la oración
{2}.1 Canto de bienvenida en honor del Profeta. Tala'a l-badru 'alayná. "Tú que has sido enviado"
2 Recitado de la casida XI "La religión del amor", Tatúfu bi-qalbí "Una y otra vez dan vueltas a mi corazón"
{3}.1 Muwwál sáhlí. Laqad sára qalbí. "Mi corazón adopta todas las formas"
2 Mutaqárib. Il-taybata dhabyun. "Hay en Tayba una gacela"
II. El rayo oriental. Modo Raml L-Máya
{4}.Dawr tawíl. Salámun 'alá Salmá "Saludo a Salma"
{5}.1 Dawr tawíl. Rá 'al-barqa sharkqiyyan. "El rayo oriental"
2 Dawr basít. Qálat 'ajibtu li-sabbin. "No te asombres"
3 Dawr hazaj. Ahbábu qalbf. "¿Donde están las que amamos?"
4 Dawr ramal. Yá 'ulí l-albáb. "¡Oh, vosotros, hombres de conocimiento!"
5 Dawr jafíf. Hiya bintu l-'iráqi. "Hija es de Iraq, de me imam"
{6}.Muwwál tawíl. Alá yá nasíma. "El secreto encuentro"
{7}.1 Dawr mujalla l-basít. Man lí bi-majdúbati. "Quien me mostrará a la de tintados dedos"
2 Dawr kámil. Tarnú idhá lahadat. "Al mirar lo hace con ojos de cervatillo"
3 Dawr jafíf. Tala 'at bayna adri'átin. "Como la luna llena"
III. El anbelo de la Amada. Modo Síka
{8}.Dawr tawíl. Ayá rawdata l-wádí. "Oh, jardín del valle"
{9}.1 Dawr l-kámil. 'Uj bir-raká'ibi. "Desvía tus monturas hacia los pedregales"
2 Dawr jafíf. Tala'at fí l-'iyáni. "Como un sol surge ante los ojos"
3 Dawr ramal. Yá jalílayya qifá. "¡Oh, compañeros! Deteneos"
{10}.Muwwál kámil. Raqqat hawáshíhá. "Sus laderas son suaves como su brisa"
{11}.1 Dawr basít. Bána l-'azá'u. "Sin resignación ni paciencia"
2 Dawr jafíf. Fa 'idhá balagtumá d-dára. "Desmontad cuando lleguéis hasta ella"
ترجمـــان الاشواق : يعد هدا المؤلف واحد من أكبر الاعمال في ميدان الادب الصوفي والدي ابدعه المتصوف الكبير الامام محي الدين محمد بن علي بن محمد بن عربي الحاتمي الطائي الأندلسي ،الملقب بالشيخ الأكبر ... الالبوم استأنس بالكتاب وانشاده ثم باللغة العربية من قبل اعلام عن حق وهو يستحق الاستماع
The Tarjuman al-Ashwaq or Interpreter of Desires by Ibn Arabi is acknowledged as one of the major works in Sufi literature.

This book is a wonderful book of poetry--even in translation the imagery created by the words is beautiful but the real meaning of the poems is extremely difficult. Indeed, in these poems Shaykh al Akbar Ibn e Arabi (may his secret be sanctified) was revealing Truths which he experienced in his journey towards and in Allah (The Divine) and therefore unless one has similar experiences it is impossible to ascertain the real meanings behind the words. His explanations help a little but even they are really aimed at other Sufi Masters who are traversing the Path. The layman or ordinary Muslim (or non Muslim) can still though indulge him or herself into these masterpieces as literary outpourings of a soul singed with Divine Love and thus experience at least a little of Ibn Arabi's profound station and insights. A must-have.

SALSA Around The World -:- Various

Album : SALSA Around The World
Artists : Various
Melodies :
1. Salsa Celtica - El Sol de la Noche (Scotland)
2. Havana Mambo - Malanina (Italy)
3. Arnell i su Orkesta - Ban Sali (Curacao)
4. Apurimac - Forest Flower (Greece)
5. Toure Kunda - Rapada (Senegal)
6. Mousta Largo - Anna Maria (Morocco)
7. Shaan - Mana Janab Ne Pukara Nahin (India)
8. Babacar y Sabor Internacional - Ignane (Senegal)
9. Orquesta de la Luz - Flores y Tambores (Japan)
10. Richard Bona - Te Dikalo (Cameroon)
11. El Septeto - Runidera (Finland)
12. Haitiando - Pa Koute Konsey (Haiti)
.Download From Here.

Site Officiel Du Chanteur Belgo-Marocain
Mousta Largo
The songs on 'Salsa Around The World', are a testament to the global appeal of Latin Music. Artists from every corner of the world have been influenced by the intoxicating rhythms and rich melodies of a sound that originated in the Caribbean and has been refined by Latinos in New York, Miami, Havana and San Juan.
On 'Salsa Around The World', one can hear salsa-influenced music sung in Greek, Arabic, Hindi, Wolof, Douala and Creole. Typical Cuban instruments such as congas, bongos, and timbales are played alongside pennywhistles and panpipes. Using Latin music as inspiration, these artists have created unique and appealing sounds that reflect their own roots

Saturday, 22 December 2007

Putumayo Presents: Sahara Lounge -:- Various Artists

Album :Putumayo Presents: Sahara Lounge

Artists : Various

Melodies :

01 Sharif - Shiraz (Iran-Usa)
02 Nabiha Yazbeck - Astahel (Lebanon)
03 Bahia El Idrissi - Arhil (Morocco)
04 Maya Nasri - Khallini Biljao (Lebanon)
05 Dahmane El Harrachi - Ya Rayah (Sonarremix) (Algeria)
06 Soap Kills - Dub4Me (Lebanon)
07 Nickodemus Ft. Carol C. - Cleopatra In New York (Zim Zam Mix) (Usa)
08 Yasser Habeeb - Elama (United Arab Emirates)
09 Ilhan Ersahin - Fly (Turkey)
10 Jasmon Ft. Mohammed Mounir - Hanina (Jasmon Mix) (Germany-Egypt)
11 Justin Adams - Desert Road (Uk)
12 Toufic Farroukh Ft. Yasmine Hamdam - Lili S'en Fout (Lebanon)

If anyone can be seen to be involved in 'world music' , it certainly is Ali Bahia El Idrissi (Casablanca, Morocco). Idrissi is not only a talented singer, but also an accomplished percussionist, director, composer and songwriter. His musical career started in Morocco where he studied Andalucian singing. Idrissi specialised in soefi-singing, an art form made popular in the Western world by singers such as Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan from Pakistan. In the past few years, Idrissi hasn't only performed as Cheb Mami's and Cheb Khaled's support act, but has also made several video clips with groups such as Casa Express, who have played on the Moroccan tv many times (and in Holland on a number of migrants' tv stations). Musicians which Idrissi has worked with recently include Rachid & Samir Laklifi and Mohammed Benchakhchakh.
In 1998 Idrissi worked together with sound artist Michel Banabila for the first time which resulted in the track 'Idrissi'. Banabila co-operated in the past with East meets West, Yasar Saka, Erkan Ogur, and Byzantium to name a few. Currently, he has already signed off on a respectable number of solo CD's including VoizNoiz-urban sound scapes. (Steamin. Soundworks 1999) which was received very well internationally.The co operation between Banabila and Idrissi was a success and resulted in new tracks recorded on the promotion CD 'Kawakib Al Maghred' produced by Banabila and published by the 'Zuid-Hollandse Popunie' .

Friday, 21 December 2007

Xarq Al-Andalus -:- Al Tall & Muluk El-Hwa {Moroccan Ensemble} -:- آل تول والمجموعة المغربية ملوك الهوى

Album : Xarq Al-Andalus

Artists :

Al Tall & Muluk El-Hwa {Moroccan Ensemble}
آل تول والمجموعة المغربية ملوك الهوى

Melodies :

01. Absencia -La jove negra
02. Viage de les mans
03. Les pigues
04. Nostalgia
05. Epistola a un amic
06. La tirania-el carrec capgira les virtuts
07. El jardi
08. El vailet nadador
09. La riuada-inundacio d'Alzira
10. Elegia
.Download From Here.
Muluk el-Hwa (The Demon of Love) ( ملوك الهوى ) was formed in the 1980s by brothers Elaadili and Ben Bich Abderrahim. A Marrakesh-based outfit, they are essentially Berber in composition and derive their rhythmic patterns from the Gnawa order of the Sufis. Unlike many Chaabi bands, Muluk el-Hwa play only traditional acoustic instruments. The group has collaborated with the Spanish band Al Tall and together they have released Xaeq Al-Andalos, a collection of music from Valencia and Arabic poetry. ~ Leon Jackson, All Music Guide.
In this little-heard but arguably classic recording in the field of cross-genre fusion, Al Tall, the Catalan flamenco outfit, combines with Muluk El-Hwa, a Moroccan Gnawa ensemble. Despite the many similarities in rhythm and aesthetics, as well as geographical and historical distance, the two genres perhaps wouldn't be expected to work so well together. Nonetheless, the two forms fuse almost seamlessly here. Flamenco's palmas (handclapping) meet Gnawa's qaraqeb (metal castanets) for a versatile, organic rhythmic structure. Similarly, the guitarra flamenco and the ginbri fuse together well, with the ginbri generally providing a bassline for the guitar. Vocals are dominated by cante flamenco here, which is perhaps something of a letdown given the power of Gnawa ritual chant. Still, a fine album all around, and worth hearing for fans of either genre represented or for those seeking something completely different.

Wednesday, 19 December 2007

Ahouzar Abdel Aziz & Cherifa with Stars of Azrou ♪ أحوزار عبد العزيز مع الشريفة و نجوم أزرو

Cherifa : Poetess Of Middle Atlas -:- Cherifa : Poétesse du Moyen Atlas
الشريفة : شاعرة الاطلس المتوسط
Ahouzar Abdel Aziz : Symbol song Tamazight in the World -:- Ahouzar Abdel Aziz : Symbole de la chanson Amazighe dans le Monde
أحوزار عبد العزيز : رمز الاغنية الامازيغية في العالم

Ahouzar Abdel Aziz & Cherifa with Stars of Azrou
أحوزار عبد العزيز مع الشريفة و نجوم أزرو

Melodies :

{1}. Awa Asbar Ilinou -:- أوا أصبر أيولينو
{2}. Athabrat -:- أثابرات
{3}. Afache Ababanou -:- عفاش أبابانو
{4}. Labass Labass -:- لاباس لاباس
{5}. Asfroukh Adjmil -:- أسفروخ أجميل
{6}. Tahedouste -:- تحيدوست
.Download From Here.

Cherifa :Born in Tazrout Mu Ukhbou, close to Khenifra, Cherifa is 37 years old. Raised in her village, The poetess never attended to school, it is the same for all the girls of the same age.
She worked her voice outdoors during her shepherdess activity, at home during the domestic tasks or during meetings between girls. At the age of 16, she performs in the traditional festivals of the village. At the beginning of the eighteens, she met the star singer Rouicha. This meeting made her a Cheikha singer(popular singer or artist). She recorded then with Rouicha but also with Meghni, Lamrabeth and Aziz Arim. However she didn’t recorded for herself ; her family did not wish her to make song her livelihood.
Very quickly she will impose herself in the country with her exceptional voice comparable with the voices of Tifrist, Rqya Aabbou and Hadda Ouaakki, all of them er Tamawayt singers (solo improvisation) in the Middle Atlas. She came to France in 1999, Cherifa had impressed the public of Paris, moved by the power and roughness of its voice.
The poetry of Cherifa, just like that of the Cheikhat of the Middle-Atlas, is a major poetry which treats mainly everyday life. It’ s also a philosophy of life ; one finds lesson there about world destiny. It’ s a very picturesque poetry, made of metaphors where the things are said with half-words. Hence the difficulty and the complexity of its translation.
Under the pressures of its entourage and some of his friends, Cherifa ends up returning in studio and records her first album, an album which bears her name. An album: "Berber Blues" produced by "From a Distance" in 2002.

Spanish National Anthem is a Nuba Andalusia -:- L'hymne National Espagnol est un Nuba Andalousie -:- النشيد الوطني الاسباني معزوفة من النوبة الاندلسية

النشيد الوطني الاسباني هوعبارة عن معزوفة من النوبة الاندلسية ,الخبر لا يستند الى دراسة علمية موثقة بل الى قرائن
نوبة الاستهلال من عزف فرقة ابن بيا التي يقودها الأستاذ الكبير عمر متيوي
النشيد الوطني الاسباني

Montserrat Figueras - Ninna Nanna 1450 - 2002 Berceuses - Lullabies - Nanas - Wiegenlieder -:- Various

Album :Montserrat Figueras - Ninna Nanna 1450 - 2002 Berceuses - Lullabies - Nanas - Wiegenlieder

Performers :

Montserrat Figueras - voice
Paul Badura-Skoda - piano
Xavier Diaz-Latorre - baroque guitar, renaissance guitar, romantic guitar
Driss El Maloumi - ud
Pedro Estevan - santur, pandero
Marc Hantai - renaissance transverse flute, baroque transverse flute
Andrew Lawrence-King - arpa doppia
Pedro Memelsdorff - recorders
Begona Olavide - psaltery
Dimitris Psonis - santur, bells
Arianna Savall - triple harp
Jordi Savall - soprano viola da gamba, bass viola da gamba, rebab
Sergi Casademunt - tenor viola da gamba
Imke David, Lorenz Duftschmid, Sophie Watillon, Philippe Pierlot - bass viola da gamba

Melodies :

01 - Anon. Portugal - Cancao de emballar - Jose embala o menino
02 - Anon. England - Lullaby - My little sweet darling
03 - Anon. Greece - Lullaby - Koimnesou kaidemeno mou
04 - Anon. Sepharad Morocco - Ladino lullaby - Nani, nani
05 - Anon. - Berber - Amazigh lullaby
06 - William Byrd - Lullaby - Come, pretty babe
07 - Tarquinio Merula - Hor ch'e tempo di dormire
08 - Anon. Alicante - Mareta, mareta no'm faces plorar
09 - Johann Friedrich Reichardt - Dors mon enfant
10 - Moussorgski - Children's room - With a doll
11 - Anon. Israel - Hebrew lullaby - Noumi noumi yaldati
12 - Arvo Part - Rojdestvenskaia Kolibelnaia
13 - Max Reger - Maria Wiegenlied -Maria sitzl am Rosenhag
14 - Manuel de Falla - Nana - Duermete, nino, duerme
15 - Darius Milhaud - Hebrew lullaby - Dors, dors
16 - Federico Garcia Lorca - Nana de Sevilla - Este galapaguito
17 - Arvo Part - Estonian lullaby - Kuus, kuus kallike
18 - Anon. Catalan - Canco de Bressol - La mare de Deu

Driss el-Maloumi was born in Agadir, Morocco in 1970. He went on to study Arab literature at university and also attended the National Musical School of Rabat from 1992-4. As well as Eastern and Western influences, he also incorporated tribal Berber oud playing into his compositions.

Ninna Nanna- :- Lullabies by Monstserrat figueras : From the moment a baby is born, lullabies are a mother's indispensable ally in soothing her child for whom everything in the big, wide world in new and frightening. The baby recognizes in the song his mother's voice, her presence and her expression. The intimacy of the moment creates a space rich in ancestral symbols, in which words and music create a bond of pure emotion and truth. It is in this space that the child experiences his first dialogue, his first story, his first contact with the teachings of tradition, experience and culture, which over time build into an essential part of our collective memory.
Whoever sings a lullaby is moved by a desire to give of their very best, which in itself is an expression of love, and so the child begins to experience the essence of life.Montserrat Figueras–Nina Nanna artist's introduction
Figueras' words constitute one of the best distillations in pure emotional terms of the meaning and purpose of the children's lullaby as a musical form.
One of my favorite songs is Nani, Nani, a Berber lullaby from Morocco. Figueras uses her most sprightly vocal cadence to convey the lively melody of a song whose lyrics are quite mournful :

I met my brother, Sleep
And he asked me:
'What do you carry on your back?'
The moon is very sad.
I asked her:
'Where is happiness?'
And she answered:
'Happiness is with others.'
I carried the moon on my back
And I walked and wept.
'Moon, you are hungry,
You are sleepy,
All of nature shivers with cold.'
I met Sleep,
And he asked me
What I was carrying on my back.
I answered that I carried
Nothing but the moon.
And he said:
'Rock her to sleep, rock her to sleep.

The following Sephardic lullaby (from pre-1492 Spain, but first collected later in Morocco) is actually a song about marital infidelity cleverly disguised as a lullaby:

Lullaby, lullaby
Hush little child.
Mam's little boy
Will grow up tall.
Go to sleep my sweetheart,
Sleep, apple of my eye.
Your daddy is coming
And his spirits are high.
Open up, good wife,
Open the door,For I come home weary
From ploughing the fields.
I will not open up.
For you are not weary.
I know that you come
From another new love.
She is no more lovely
Nor worthier than I,
And the jewels that she wore
Are no better than mine.

Essence Ordinaire -:- Ensemble ZEBDA

Album : Essence Ordinaire
Artists :
Ensemble ZEBDA
Magyd Cherfi, vocals
Pascal Cabero, guitar
Joël Saurin, bass
Hakim Amokrane, vocals
Mustapha Amokrane, vocals
Vincent Sauvage, drums
Rémi Sanchez, keyboard and accordion
Melodies :
Zebda is a French music group from Toulouse "Arabic Roots". The group consists of seven musicians who met for the first time in 1985.
The name of the group, the Arabic word for butter (or beurre in French), is a play on the use of the word beur in French slang to refer to Arabs. Several of the group's members are of North African descent.
Their music is influenced by these roots as well as music from all over the world, for example reggae, rap, raï and rock, and their lyrics deal with issues affecting the Arab population in France. They are best known in France for their single "Tomber la chemise".
Their supporters claim that, unlike other immigrant musicians in France, they don't advocate fighting for social equality, but instead doing something about it. In March 2001 their political movement, called Motivé-e-s, won four seats on the city council with 12.38% of the vote.