Thursday 27 December 2007

Eight Seasons : Gavcci Jahkejuogu -:- Mari Boine

Album: Eight Seasons: Gavcci Jahkejuogu
Artist: Mari Boine
Melodies :
1 - I Come from the Other Side (5:36)
2 - Song for the Unborn (6:34)
3 - Sarahka's Wine (4:39)
4 - By the Source of Aurora B (6:00)
5 - Soul Medicine (5:05)
6 - Hymn (4:23)
7 - Butterfly (4:19)
8 - In a Blanket of Warmth (5:45)
9 - You Never Know (4:39)
10 - Tundra Flower (4:30)
11 - Let Silver Protect (7:54)
12 - Give Me a Break (3:35)