Sunday, 30 December 2007

Ensemble Imetlaâ-Izran -:- I. Ad Niri (Exist) - II. Izran and Flamenco

Les musiciens d’Imetlaâ sont originaires des montagnes du Rif du Maroc.
The musicians Imetlaâ originated in the mountains of Morocco's Rif.
Album : Ad Niri - Exist

Artists : Ensemble Imetlaâ-Izran

Melodies :

01 - Tamimunt
02 - D aseqsi
03 - D aweddar
04 - Ag ijj n u3ecci
05 - Tfuct intnudumen
06 - Izran
07 - Ini asen i midden neccin nkhes a niri
08 - Ameqnud
09 - Astiem
10 - Sseqsiyxam taziri
11 - Tayri
12 - Tarjij Lhusima

Album :Izran and Flamenco

Artists :Imetlaâ-Izran & Flamenco

Melodies :

{1}.Tamimunt(Nci en Alamo)
{4}.Ag Ijj N Un3ecci(Tangos)
{8}.De Locos(Colombianas)

Izran and Flamenco : After a very successful row of concerts in the title of an Amazigh-Andalucian project that took place in Belgium and The Netherlands. Imetlaa and the flamenco group NL Mundo are proud to announce a new live Album. This Album lets ancient Izran, the heart of the oral Amazigh culture in the Rif, melt away with the impressive sound and voice of the Flamenco. That is why the title: Izran & FlamencoThis unique Amazigh-Andalucian project is a musical search of two harmonious styles, full of wonderful lyrical melodies and firing passions, searching for the point of contact which leads to the roots of Moors Spain. A search for the musical culture in the times of Andalucia blooming period where different tribes and cultures added their contribution, particularly the Amazigh people.