Tuesday, 1 April 2014

The Rough Guide to Arabic Revolution مـدخــل لمــوسـيـقى ثـورات الـربـيـع الـعـربـي ♪ Various Artists

Album :
The Rough Guide to Arabic Revolution
مـدخــل لمــوسـيـقى ثـورات الـربـيـع الـعـربـي

Index :

Language : Arabic - Instrumental

Melodies, Country and Artists :
CD 01: The Rough Guide to Arabic Revolution
[.01.] Ramy Essam/ Taty Taty: Features Egyptian singer/activist Ramy Essam, accompanied by his guitar, sarcastically singing about democracy in Egypt • [.02.] Emel Mathlouthi/ Kelmti Horra (My Word Is Free): Tunisian songstress whose new album was fueled by the Tunisian revolution • [.03.] El Tanbura/ Heela Heela: El Tanbura is a collective of veteran Egyptian master musicians, singers, fishermen and philosophers who have been custodians to some of Egypt’s oldest folk melodies at their home in Port Said • [.04.] Dam Feat. Abeer Al Zinati/ Hon Enwaladet - Born Here (Arabic Version): Palestinian Hip Hop band living in Israel and singing here about being born there. Abeer is a female rapper who often sings with the group • [.05.] El General Feat. Mr Shooma/ State Of The Nation: El General is the Tunisian rapper whose song to the then President of Tunisia went viral on the net, igniting and contributing to the ensuing revolt • [.06.] Cariokee/ Sout El Horeya: Canokee’s song about the “Sound of Freedom.” • [.07.] Sami Yusuf/ I'm Your Hope: Sami Yusuf sings this track in English and classical Arabic about cherishing the young men and women who rose up against their regimes • [.08.] Ibn Thabit/ Calling The Libyan Youth: Libyan singer who dedicates his songs to the courage of Libyan women • [.09.] May Matar/ Metlak Mesh 3ayzin: May Matar is a Lebanese singer whose song(s) rebels against patriarchy, sexism, and the subjugation of women • [.10.] The Palestine National Ensemble Of Arabic Music/ Kafkef Domouak: Palestinian Chorus performing a track about selling and buying one’s homeland • [.11.] Ramzi Aburedwan/ Rahil: Moving instrumental by a Palestinian musician whose career began at age 8 • [.12.] Mustafa Said/ Ya Masr Hanet We Banet: Longest track on the CD (over 10 min long) by an Egyptian singer who plays the Oud and laments the loss of human life while proclaiming his love for Egypt • [.13.] Dal'ouna/ Et Nous, Nous Aimons La Vie: Slow, soothing tune with narration in French and vocal ensemble singing in Arabic about martyrs, mosques and loving life
CD 02: Revolution Erupts by Ramy Essam
[.01.] Etma3zam: Title means “Self Aggrandizement.” Guitar intro; reminiscent of American folk music • [.02.] “Action” has guitar plus other instruments about massacres in Egypt • [.03.] 3ahd Mubark: Title means “The Age of Mubarak.” Track attacks Mubarak and his regime • [.04.] 3oksha: Fast track with electric guitar, back vocals, very different from other songs on this CD • [.05.] Bata2ty: Title means “My ID Card” Faster beat; song about free Egypt. Sounds like 80s rock • [.06.] Sabona W Khazoo2: Title means “Soap and Trouble.” Symbolic song about Tahrir Square • [.07.] Shay El-Thawra: Title means “Revolutionary Tea.” About people “boiling” from anger • [.08.] 8 April: Short Track marking April 8, 2011, the day when 21 Egyptian military officers switched allegiances and decided to join the Revolution • [.09.] Mal3oon: Title means “Rascal.” Ditty about Ahmad Shafiq who lost the elections to Morsi • [.10.] El-Masala: Title means “The Matter at Hand.” About the media and dictators. Hard rock sound • [.11.] Bta2ty Acoustic: This is the acoustic version of track 5 above • [.12.] Dabora W Short: Title refers to police/secret service uniforms. Song against the police • [.13.] El-Ga7sh Wel 7omar: Title means “The Mule and the Donkey.” Song about politicians • [.14.] Nafadt: Title is in colloquial Egyptian and refers to “forsaking” order, human rights, and the Egyptian Constitution • [.15.] Tartoor: Title refers to a person who is easily manipulated to serve others. Demeaning term. Smooth sounding track • [.16.] Al-Masry Al-Asly: Title means “The Real/Original Egyptian.” Just Ramy Essam and his guitar singing about being proud of being Egyptian

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