Friday 6 July 2012

Music in the Land of Three Faiths مــوسـيــقــى الديــانــات الــثـلاث تـحــت ســقـف واحـــد ♪ The Ivory Consort أيفل كنسورت

Album :
Music in the Land of Three Faiths
مــوسـيــقــى الديــانــات الــثـلاث تـحــت ســقـف واحـــد

Artists :
The Ivory Consort أيفل كنسورت

Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيـــب Livret

Genre : Andalusian, Medieval

Language & Country :
This CD features a mosaic of songs from the Golden Age of Spain, when Jews, Muslims, and Christians forged a common musical language. "Music in the Land of Three Faiths" feature 10th through 13th century songs in Ladino, Hebrew, Arabic, and Galician-Portuguese and provides a historical context for the intermingling of cultures that took place in Andalusia before the 1492 Expulsion

Melodies :
[.01.] Cantiga de Santa Maria #166 • [.02.] Porque Llorax Blanca Nina • [.03.] Nubah Maya • [.04.] Splenden Ceptigeras • [.05.] Shalom L'ven Dodi • [.06.] Cantiga #20 • [.07.] Cantiga #1 -Des Oge Mais • [.08.] Polorum Regina • [.10.] Call to Prayer • [.11.] Ein Keloheinu • [.12.] El Rey por Muncha Madruga • [.13.] Mwasha/El Adon • [.15.] Los Set Goyts • [.16.] Ayyu-has-saqi • [.17.] Cantiga #7

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