Thursday 12 July 2012

Buddhist Shõmyõ And Gregorian Chants ♪ بــوذيــة سـيـمـيـهْ وأنــاشـيــد الـغـريـغــوري

Album :
Musica Sacra
Buddhist Shõmyõ And Gregorian Chants
بــوذيــة سـيـمـيـهْ وأنــاشـيــد الـغـريـغــوري
A Dialogue of two Spiritual Cultures Based on the Musical Repertoire of the Buddhist & the Christian Tradition
حــوار روحــي بـيــن ثـقــافـتـيــن قـائــم على الـمـوسـيـقـى الـبـوذيـة والـتـقــالـيــد الـمـسـيــحــية

Artists :
Schola Gregoriana Pragensis and Buddhist Tendai Monks
ســكــولا غـريـغــوري برغـنـســيـس ورهـبــان بـوذيــة تـنــداي

Index & Language :声明

Genre : Religious, Spiritual

Country : Japan - Czech

Melodies :
[.01.] Allerheiligen Litanei (Procession) • [.02.] Goschin-bo (Ritual Protection) • [.03.] Oi sange • [.04.] Veni Sancte Spiritus - Moteto Veni Sancte Spiritus • [.05.] Shoten Kango no san • [.06.] Alleluia Magnus Dominus • [.07.] Sorai kada - Psalm 51. Miserere mei Deus • [.08.] Oratio Ieremiae Prophetae • [.09.] Antiphona Alieni insurrexerunt - Shoten Kango no san • [.10.] O virgo splendens • [.11.] Kudsho Shakudsho • [.12.] Graduale Iustus ut palma • [.13.] Amida-kyo (Amida-Sutra) / Kyrie IV • [.14.] Jinriki-hon - Cantio Ave virgo gloriosa • [.15.] Kikyo bongo no san • [.16.] Chant (From Old Slavic Liturgy)

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