Thursday 5 January 2012

Palestine Lives!فـلـتـحـيــا فــلــســطــيـــن ♪ Al Fat'h members مــجــموعــات فـتــح الــثــوريــة

Album :
Palestine Lives!فـلـتـحـيــا فــلــســطــيـــن
Songs from the Struggle of the People of Palestine
أنــاشــيــد مــن كــفــاح شــعــب فــلــســـطــيــن

Artists :
Al Fat'h members مــجــموعــات فـتــح للـمـوسـيـقـى الــثــوريــة

Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيـــب Livret

Language : Arabic - English - Instrumental

Country : Palestine

Melodies :
[.01.] Man: "Try To Imagine..." • [.02.] Beladi (Motherland) • [.03.] Boy: "We Are The Palestinian People..." • [.04.] The Revolutionaries' Debt • [.05.] The Rising Tide • [.06.] The Testament Of A Martyr • [.07.] Woman: "We Were Living In..." • [.08.] The Road Of Dignity • [.09.] Fedayee (Freedom Fighter) • [.10.] Man: "In 1956, We Started..." • [.11.] Palestinian Arab • [.12.] Take Me With You • [.13.] Man: "The Palestinian Revolution Was Born..." • [.14.] The March Of Our People • [.15.] The Revolutionaries' Pledge • [.16.] The Wedding Of Victory • [.17.] Man: "The Town Of Karameh..." • [.18.] Blood United • [.19.] Al-Assifa (The Storm) • [.20.] Woman: "My Part In The Revolution..." • [.21.] Over The Hill • [.22.] If I Should Fall • [.23.] Boy: "My Name Is Abu Zaid..." • [.24.] I Am Enduring

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