Thursday, 3 November 2011

Debaa.Singing of Sufi Women ♪ دوبــآ. أنــاشــيــد الــنــســاء الـــصــوفــيـــة ♪ Debaa. Chant des femmes soufies

Album :
Mayotte مــايــّـوت
Debaa. Singing of Sufi Women
دوبــآ. أنــاشــيــد الــنــســاء الـــصــوفــيـــة
Debaa. Chant des femmes soufies

Note :
Debaa is a term used for the singing of mystical poetry within Sufism, more specifically it grew from the singing of the poems and narratives of Abdurahman al-Dayba, a Yemeni writer from the 15th century. Debaa has evolved on the island of Mayotte, part of the Comoros chain in the Indian Ocean, into a female choral practice, accompanied by drums, bells and tambourines and choreographed with dance movements. Several debaa groups (known as Madarassati) perform on Mayotte.

Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيـــب Livret

Language : Arabic - Instrumental - French - Vernacular languages

Melodies & Artists :
Madarassati Nidhoimya
[.01.] Shadi le prophète, un amant sans nul pareil • [.02.] Debaa : Accorde-nous subsistance et effusion
Madarassati Salamia
[.03.] Shadi : L'ivresse des gens de Dieu • [.04.] Debaa : Mon ivresse est sans pareille • [.05.] Shadi : L'asservissement amoureux • [.06.] Debaa : L'espoir d'une rencontre
Madarassati Toyaria
[.07.] Shadi : Naissance prodigieuse • [.08.] Debaa : Nostalgie d'un amour
Madarassati Nouriana
[.09.] Shadi : Panégyrique du prophète • [.10.] Debaa : L'amour du prophète

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