Monday 17 October 2011

Don Quixote دون كـيــشــوت ♪ Marwan, Ghadi and Oussama Rahbani, Rafic Ali Ahmad, Hiba Tawaji and Paul Sleiman

Album :
Don Quixote دون كـيــشــوت

Index, Note & Artists :
A musical play by Marwan, Ghadi and Oussama Rahbani. Based on Cervantes’ literary masterpiece, Don Quixote is an epic musical play created by Marwan, Ghadi and Oussama Rahbani for the opening of Byblos 2011. Don Quixote’s idealism clashes with Lebanese realities in this huge theatrical sensation starring Rafic Ali Ahmad, Hiba Tawaji and Paul Sleiman

Language : Arabic - Instrumental

Country : Lebanon

Melodies :
[.01.] Ouverture • [.02.] Aalbal Ya Watanna • [.03.] Min A'shik Gharib • [.04.] Yemkin Sarli Aktar Men Daher • [.05.] Rayhin• [.06.] Lamouni Ktir • [.07.] Dehket Lhkoul • [.08.] Ghanou Leddar • [.09.] Min Li Byekhtar • [.10.] Mouhakamat Al Maktaba • [.11.] Hata El Ketob Hara'touha • [.12.] Elli Ya Habibi • [.13.] Moujtamaana Bi Khatar • [.14.] Kasik Ya Madineh • [.15.] Ahla Be Don Assaad • [.16.] Ahmar Azrak • [.17.] La Valse - Douri Ya Tawahin • [.18.] Machiyeh Wma Ba'ref La Weyn • [.19.] Aazameh W Fakhameh • [.20.] Samho Hakem Al Jazireh • [.21.] Awlak Leych Mlahekni • [.22.] Jayi Tezraa' Ahlam • [.23.] Jano Al Tawahin .Watan Al Hassassine • [.24.] Ouverture

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