Sunday 19 June 2011

Insirâf آنــصـــراف ♪ Ensemble Cantilena Antiqua فــرقــة الانـشــاد الــعـريــق

Album :
Insirâf آنــصـــراف
Arab-Andalusian Music from the 13th Century
الــمــوســيــقـى الــعـربـبـة الانــدلسـيـة في الـقـرن الـتـالـت عـشــر
Música Arábigo-andalusí del Siglo XIII

Sea Waves.. Mediterranean Love Songs of the XIIIth century
أمــواج الـبــحــر..أغـانــي الــحــب في الــبـحـر الأبـيــض الـمتـوسـط من الـقـرن الـثـالـث عـشـر
Ondas do mar.. El Canto De Amor En El Mediterraneao Del Siglo XIII

Artists :
Ensemble Cantilena Antiqua فــرقــة الانـشــاد الــعـريــق
Stefano Albarello (voice, citole, 'ud, saz, gittern), Paolo Faldi (recorders, shawm), Marco Muzzati (santur, edufe, bendir, darbukka, riqq), Gianfranco Russo (vielle, lyre)

Note :
This recording presents an anthology of magnificent songs from various Mediterranean traditions with a strong Arab influence on performance style. The program features Galician works by Martin Codax (13th c.), the "Cantigas de Amigo" which are the only songs analogous to the more famous contemporary “Cantigas de Santa Maria” surviving with music in Spain. Berenger de Palou (d.1194) was an Occitan troubadour. Also included are songs in other idioms from medieval Spain, including Sephardic and Andalusian repertory.
This CD is a reissue of the “Ondas do Mar” recording from Symphonia label. “This lovely recording succeeds in its goal of transporting the listener back to the lost Iberian world of the 13th century, where a unique culture emerged in the Mediterranean, an amalgamation of Christian, Hebraic and Arabic elements … This is simply one of the most beautifully engineered recordings I have ever heard. I highly recommend this CD, without reservation, for all audiences.”

Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيـــب Livret

Language : Italien - Arabic - Instrumental

Country : Italy

Melodies :
[.01.] Calvivi Arabia/La Rosa En Florese - Ens Cantilena Antiqua/Stefano Albarello • [.02.] Ai Tal Domna • [.03.] San'a Darj • [.04.] Ondas Do Mar • [.05.] Tant m' Abelis • [.06.] Mishalja-Btahi • [.07.] Man Did Ei Comigo • [.08.] Amuri Amuri/Abenamar • [.09.] De La Gencor • [.10.] Peshref • [.11.] Totz Temoros • [.12.] Ay Ondas • [.13.] Insiraf • [.14.] Quantas Sabedes Amar • [.15.] Mia Yrmana Fremosa

║♪♪║♥ ♪ Download From Here. [169 Mo]

Thanksgiving & © to Zyriab