Saturday, 15 January 2011

Liturgies Juives d'Éthiopie ♪ طــقــوس يــهــود الــفــلاشــا بــإثــيـــوبــيـــا ♪ Ethiopian Jewish liturgical chanting

Album :
Liturgies Juives d'Éthiopie
طــقــوس يــهــود الــفــلاشــا بــإثــيـــوبــيـــا
Ethiopian Jewish liturgical chanting
Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيـــب Livret
Note :
A panorama of Beta Israel (Falasha) liturgical chants: feast-days, Shabbat, circumcisions and weddings / Un panorama du chant liturgique des Beta Israel (Falachas) : fêtes, shabbat, circoncisions et mariages
Language : The Beta Israel once spoke Qwara and Kayla, closely related Cushitic languages. Now they speak Amharic and Tigrinya, both Semitic languages. Their liturgical language is Ge'ez, also Semitic. Since the 1950s, they have taught Hebrew in their schools; in addition, those Beta Israel currently residing in the State of Israel "Palestine" use Hebrew as a daily language
Country : Ethiopia
Melodies :
[.01.] Hale-luya • [.02.] Zegevre - office du matin du Nouvel An / morning office for the New Year • [.03.] Prières pour la clôture de Kippour / Prayers for the closing of Yom Kippur • [.04.] Wi'itu amlakeeye isebho - office du matin de Pessah / morning office for Pessah • [.05.] Qil'e tsilat - office du matin de Shavouot / morning office for Shavuot • [.06.] Wanevivo egzee'aviher limusye - office du matin de Rosh-Hodesh / morning office for Rosh-Hodesh • [.07.] Bila'wotsegiv - du repas du shabbat / closing of the shabbat meal • [.08.] Yitbarek - bénédiction sur le pain du shabbat / blessing of the shabbat bread • [.09.] Bihateetu - office du matin du shabbat / morning office for the shabbat • [.10.] Sibhatat - chant de shabbat / song for the shabbat • [.11.] Afqirnaki - office du matin du shabbat / morning office for the shabbat • [.12.]Tsiwa'ikuki 'egzee'o eetitsimimeni - office du matin du shabbat / morning office for the shabbat • [.13.] Chants pour la circoncision / Songs for circumcision • [.14.] Prières pour la cérémonie du mariage / Prayers for the wedding ceremony

║♪♪║♥ ♪ Download From Here. [135 Mo]
