Thursday, 7 January 2010

Under the Olive Tree تـحـت شـجــرة الـزيـتـون ♪ The Yuval Ron Ensemble Featuring Najwa Gibran مـجمـوعة يـوفـال رون، عـرض نـجـوى جبـران

Album :
Under the Olive Tree - Sacred Songs From Middle East
تــحــت شـــجـــرة الــزيــتــون - موسيقى ثراثية من الشرق الاوسط

Artist :
The Yuval Ron Ensemble Featuring Najwa Gibran
مـجـمـوعة يــوفـال رون، عــرض نــجـوى جــبـران

The Yuval Ron Ensemble :
Najwa Gibran - voice, Maya Haddi - voice, Norik Manoukian - duduk, zurna, shvi (flute) and clarinet Virginie Alumyan - kanoun, Jamie Papish - percussion, David Martinelli - percussion, Carolyne Aycaguer-Ron - keyboards, Yuval Ron - oud, saz and musical director

Index :

Note :
Sacred music of the Middle East featuring voice, duduk, zurna, shvi, clarinet kanoun, percussion, keyboards, oud and saz.The US-based ensemble brings together the sacred musical traditions of Judaism, Sufism (Islamic mystical tradition) and the Christian Armenian Church into a harmonious world of its own. A song of Sufi origin from Turkey is sung both in Arabic and Hebrew, a Jewish prayer from Morocco is introduced by an Armenian chant and a Yemenite Jewish prayer receives a gripping clarinet solo in the best tradition of the Armenian performance style.

Language : Arabic - Instrumental

Country : Israel/Palestine48 - US

Melodies :
[.01.] Tudra
[.02.] El helwa di
[.03.] Illahi
[.04.] D'ror yikra
[.05.] Fogel nakhal
[.06.] Kol nidrey
[.07.] Shaya Dance
[.08.] Vartani mor vort
[.09.] Laz
[.10.] Walla Zaman

Download From Here. [147 Mo]
