Thursday 21 January 2010

The Prophet الــنــبــي - مــوســيـقـى مـسـتــوحـاة مــن شـعــر جـبــران خـلـيـل جـبــران ♪ Joseph Tawadros جــوزيــف تـــودرس

Album :
The Prophet - Music Inspired by the Poetry of Kahlil Gibran
الــنــبــي - مــوســيـقـى مـسـتــوحـاة مــن شـعــر جـبــران خـلـيـل جـبــران

Artist :
Joseph Tawadros جــوزيــف تـــودرس

Index :

Language : Instrumental

Country : Egyptian born Australian based

Melodies :
[.01.] Love
[.02.] Self Knowledge
[.03.] Pain
[.04.] Friendship
[.05.] Work
[.06.] Marriage
[.07.] Reason and Passion
[.08.] Pleasure
[.09.] Talking
[.10.] Clothes
[.11.] Teaching
[.12.] Good and Evil
[.13.] Death
[.14.] Children
[.15.] Joy and Sorrow

Download From Here. [153 Mo]

Thanksgiving & © to Z.Shalev