Sunday 8 November 2009

Pilgrims of the Soul حـُجـّــاج الــروح ♪ Sarband & Fadia El-Hage, Osnabrück Youth Choir سـربانـد و فـاديـا طـنـب الحـاج, جـوقـة شبـاب اوسـنـابـروخ

Album :
Pilgrims of the Soul حـُجـّــاج الــروح
Music From Voyages Of The Body And The Spirit.
رحـلــة مــوســيـقـيــة عـبــر الـجـســد و الـــروح
Medieval And Traditional Songs. From Santiago De Compostela, Montserrat And Al-Andalus.
الاغاني التقليدية و العصور الوسطى. من سانتياغو ، دي كومبوستيلا ، ومونتسيرات و الأندلس

Artists :
Sarband & Fadia El-Hage, Osnabrück Youth Choir
سـرْبـانـْد و فــاديا طــنــب الــحـاج، جــوقـة شــبــاب اوسنابروخ

SARBAND:, Fadia EL-HAGE Vocals/voix, Piers FORD Bagpipe, Harpe, Rebec, Ian HARRISON Bagpipe, Shawm, Cornetto, Marianne KIRCH Dulcimer, Anja HERMANN Percussion, Anette OSANN Nyckelharpa [Key fiddle], Charbel ROUHANA Oud, Jean WALTHER Percussion, Dulcimer, Shawm, Vladimir IVANOFF Percussion, Luth, Direction, OSNABRÜCK YOUTH CHOIR:, Johannes RAHE Direction.

Index :
Booklet الــكــتـيــّـب Livret

Language : Arabic - Instrumental - Others

Country : Germany - Lebanon ...
Focusing on musical connections between Orient & Occident; Jewish, Christian & Muslim music

Melodies :
[.01.] Lamma Badda (Traditional: Al-Andalus)
[.02.] 2.1 Dum Pater Familias
2.2 Laudemus Virginem
2.3 Salve Virgo Regia
2.4 Splendens Ceptigera
[.03.] 3.1 Ya Ra'i Z-ziba (Traditional: Al-Andalus)
3.2 Salve Regina
[.04.] 4.1 Mariam Matrem (Instrumental)
4.2 Ad Mortem Festinamus
[.05. ] Zarani L-makhbub (Traditional: Al-Andalus)
[.06.] Ayyu-ha S-saqi (Traditional: Al-Andalus)
[.07.] Cuncti Simus Concanentes
[.08.] 8.1 Nani Nani
8.2 O Successores Fortissimi Leonis
[.09.] 9.1 Polorum Regina
9.2 Stella Splendens

Download From Here. [142 Mo]
