Saturday, 9 May 2009

Each of Us كـل واحـد مـنـا ♪ Ya Elah يـآ إلــَـه

Album :
Each of Us كـل واحـد مـنـا

Artists :
Ya Elah يـآ إلــَـه
• Ya Elah's Vocalists are: Marsha Attie, Cyrise Beatty, Stephanie Bernstein, Alisa Fineman, Nina Perlman, Melita Siberstein and artistic director Bon Singer.
• Gari Hegedus ('ud, percussion)
• Shira Kammen (vielle, harp, violin d'amore)
• Tim Rayborn (percussion, psaltery, sehtar, santur)
• Dylan Eliyahu Sills ( flutes)

Index :
Ya Elah’s music sparkles with the influences of Bulgarian village songs, Middle Eastern melodies, and Medieval Choral works. Texts are drawn primarily from Jewish sources but also from the rich poetry and liturgy of other spiritual traditions.
Ya Elah is a group born out of a longing to illuminate the beauty, mystery and power of the world's many Spiritual Paths. Our music combines the sacred texts and liturgies of many traditions to reveal the deep knowing of our hearts, that all life is one. We send these songs out as prayers on the breath of our hearts. May they help to bring healing and a sense of wonder at the ways we have named and connected to the Divine.

Country : USA

Melodies :
[.01.] Mayan Ganim
[.02.] Yipatach Libi
[.03.] Each of Us
[.04.] Om
[.05.] Ahava
[.06.] Lech Lecha
[.07.] Mah Gadlu
[.08.] Shir HaShirim
[.09.] El na refa na la
[.10.] Yishru
[.11.] Hare Krishna
[.12.] Shiviti HaShem
[.13.] Y'hi Ratzon
[.14.] Ananim
[.15.] Kol HaN'shama:La Ilaha Il Allah

Download From Here. [69.6 Mo]
