Wednesday, 22 April 2009

The Arabian Passion According to J.S. Bach العاطفة العربية وفقا لجون سباستيان باخ ♪ E.Sarband • Fadia El-Hage ~ Modern String Quartet • V.Ivanoff

Album :
The Arabian Passion According to J.S. Bach
العاطفة العربية وفقا لجون سباستيان باخ
Die Arabische Passion Nach J.S. Bach

Artists and Country :
Ensemble Sarband • Fadia El-Hage
Modern String Quartet • Vladimir Ivanoff
Fadia el-Hage (Beirut): Alto / Adnan Schanan (Bagdad): Nay / Furat Qadduori (Bagdad): Qanun / Mohammed Ali A. Hashim (Bagdad): Violin / Angelika Moths (Basle): Cembalo, Organ, Qanun / Hugo Siegmeth, Till Martin: Saxophones / Vladimir Ivanoff (Munich): Percussion
Modern String Quartet (Munich): Jörg Widmoser (Violin), Winfried Zrenner (Violin), Andreas Höricht (Viola), Jost-H. Hecker (Cello) /
Projections: Judith Haug / concept, arrangements & direction: Vladimir Ivanoff

Index :
Sarband confronts Bach’s passions with the disastrous present-day situation in Jesus’ native land, the Middle East, but also with the conflicts between the Arabic world and the West, between believers and those who believe differently, between the future-oriented and the tradition-minded. All over the world, regardless of their origins or religions, people are suffering on account of these conflicts.

Language : Arabic - Instrumental

Melodies :
[.01.] Erbarme Dich (Have mercy)
[.02.] Mein Jesus schweigt zu falschen Lügen stile (My Jesus holds his peace before false lies)
[.03.] Geduld, Geduld! (Patience, partience!) - Taqsim (Instrumental)
[.04.] Jesum von Nazareth (Jesus of Nazareth) (Instrumental)
[.05.] Nay-Taqsim - O große Liebe (O great love) (Instrumental)
[.06.] Können Tränen meiner Wangen nichts erlangen (Of the tears on my cheeks are of no avail)
[.07.] Taqsim - Wenn ich einmal soll scheiden (When I one day must depart)
[.08.] Wir haben ein Gesetz (We have a law) (Instrumental)
[.09.] Aljaum (Today)
[.10.] Von den Stricken meiner Sünden (From the bonds of my sins)
[.11.] Mein teurer Heiland (My precious Saviour) (Instrumental)
[.12.] Und weinete bitterlich (And wept bitterly) (Instrumental)
[.13.] Es ist vollbracht (It is accomplished)
[.14.] Ich bin's, ich sollte büßen (It is I, I should atone) (Instrumental)

Download From Here. [103 Mo]
