Monday 23 March 2009

Tanger Sessions معزوفات طنجة ♪ Dissidenten & Jil Jilala جيل جيلالة و الديسيدانتن

Album :
Tanger Sessions معزوفات طنجة

Artists :
Dissidenten & Jil Jilala جيل جيلالة و الديسيدانتن

Index :

Country : Morocco - Germany

Melodies :
[.01.] Akaaboune's Homage (This Is The World - Not Your Country)
[.02.] Morock'n Roll (God Gave You Something Better Than Magic - Brain)
[.03.] Gun Factory (Heart You Missed It - Time Is A Wolf - That's Why There Are Wars)
[.04.] Fata Morgana (The Eagle Sits In The Cage - While The Chicken Are Watching TV) (Tangier Version)
[.05.] Song 4 A Rainbow (Make Wars History)
[.06.] Truth Is The Only Religion (Nothing Ever Changes - Except Gods And Fashions)
[.07.] The World Is A Mirror (Show Yourself In It - And It Will Reflect Your Image)
[.08.] Morock'n Roll - Part II (Who Can't Dance Complains: "The Floor Is Uneven!") (Kasbah Version)

Download From Here. [60.6 Mo]

Thanksgiving & © to hermanthegerman