Monday 1 December 2008

Romances Séfardies - Noches . Sephardic Songs ♪ Françoise Atlan

Album :
Romances Séfardies - Noches
Sephardic Songs

Artist :
Françoise Atlan

Index :
Of Jewish origin, Françoise Atlan born in France in 1964 is a Moroccan singer. She is a Sephardic Jew and performs songs from the Spanish Jewish (Ladino) and North African traditionsçoise_Atlan

Language : Spanish

Country : Morocco/France/Israel(Jewish Origin)

Melodies :
[.01.] Skalerika De Oro
[.02.] Nani, Nani
[.03.] El Duque De Gandia
[.04.] Aman Minush
[.05.] Ay Kalelumbror
[.06.] Poco Le Dach La Mi Consuegra
[.07.] Galeas-Oud, Voix
[.08.] Las Escuegras
[.09.] Lavava i suspirava
[.10.] El Rey Que Muncho Madruga
[.11.] La Mujer De Terah
[.12.] Moche Salyo De Misraim
[.13.] Ah Sinora Novia, Abajes Abajo
[.14.] Buena Semana
[.15.] Levia mi amor/la galana y la mar
[.16.] Noches noches
[.17.] Juego de siempre
[.18.] La mala suegra .

Download From Here. [47.4 Mo]
