Friday, 7 November 2008

HABAYTAK حــبـّـيــتـــك ♪ The Arab Orchestra of Nazareth فـرقــة الـمـوسـيـقـى الــعربـيـة . الــنــاصــرة

Album :
HABAYTAK - Tribute to Fairuz & The Lebanese Music
حــبـّـيــتـــك - تــكــريــم لــفـيــروز و الــموســيقـى اللــبــنـــانــيــة
LIVE concert in Nazareth, June 6, as part of The Israel Festival 2002

Artists :
The Arab Orchestra of Nazareth
فـرقــة الـمـوسـيـقـى الــعربـيـة . الــنــاصــرة

» Singers الفنانين :
Suzan Kazmouz-Mazzawi, Lubna Salame, Hiba Bathish, Alla Shurush
هـبـة بـطـحـيـش, لـبـنى سـلامـة, عـلاء شـرش, سـوزان قــزمــوز
» Conductor قيادة :
Nizar Radwan نــزار رضـــوان

Index :
The Arab Orchestra of Nazareth presents 12 wonderful songs by the famous Lebanese musicians Assi and Mansour Rahabani (the Rahabani Brothers) combined with texts by the distinguished poet Jubran Khalil Jubran and others - all outstanding artists of the 20th century Lebanese music and poetry.
The music on this album skillfully combines elements from East and West to create beautiful and powerful songs - as once sung by the great female singers Fairuz and Magda El-Roumi - and which achieve worldwide fame for them.
On this album, the most renowned singers of the Arab Orchestra of Nazareth perform love songs as they were interpreted by those illustrious Lebanese singers, bringing together the all-time great music and poetry of the Land of Cedars. (Buy the album to support the orchestra)

Language : Arabic

Country : Israel/Palestine

Melodies :
[.01.] Habaytak حبّيتك
[.02.] Al-Mahaba المحبة
[.03.] Sihar سْهَـار
[.04.] Snarjio Yawman سنرجع يوما
[.05.] A'la Jisr Il Iouzieh على جسر اللوزية
[.06.] Laylieh ليْلي
[.07.] Taqassim Qanun/Ya Bayti Ya Boytati تقاسيم قانون - يا بيتي يا بويْتثي
[.08.] Ya A'kida Al Hajibaynee يا عاقد الحاجبين
[.09.] Inte Wana إنت و أنا
[.10.] Holom Layali حلم الليالي
[.11.] Qouly Ohebuka قولي أحبك
[.12.] Lyali Lobnan ليالي لبنان

Download From Here. [82.1Mo]
