Album :
Desert Crossroads
Artists :
Etran Finatawa
Index :
Le site des musiques Touarègues :
Country : Etran Finatawa’s musicians come from Niger النيجر which is one of the three poorest countries in the world, it is a landlocked country in West Africabordered by Mali مالي , Algeria الجزائر , Libya ليبيا , Chad تشاد and نيجيريا Nigeria. Niger has a very rich cultural heritage and sits at a desert crossroads between the Berber (الامازيغية) and Arab cultures (الثراث العربي) of the North and the many sub-Saharan cultures (الثراث الصحراوي) of the South.
Melodies :
[.01.] Saghmar N Nanna
[.02.] Kel Tamascheck
[.03.] Iguefan
[.04.] Tea Ceremony I
[.05.] Jama'aare
[.06.] Tekana
[.07.] Ganyo Maada
[.08.] Soto
[.09.] Asistan
[.10.] Bagui's Soundscape
[.11.] Gaynaako
[.12.] Alghalem Taxat
[.13.] Tea Ceremony II
[.14.] Amidinine
[.15.] Naanaaye
[.16.] Tea Ceremony III
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Artists :
Etran Finatawa
Index :
Le site des musiques Touarègues :
Country : Etran Finatawa’s musicians come from Niger النيجر which is one of the three poorest countries in the world, it is a landlocked country in West Africabordered by Mali مالي , Algeria الجزائر , Libya ليبيا , Chad تشاد and نيجيريا Nigeria. Niger has a very rich cultural heritage and sits at a desert crossroads between the Berber (الامازيغية) and Arab cultures (الثراث العربي) of the North and the many sub-Saharan cultures (الثراث الصحراوي) of the South.
Melodies :
[.01.] Saghmar N Nanna
[.02.] Kel Tamascheck
[.03.] Iguefan
[.04.] Tea Ceremony I
[.05.] Jama'aare
[.06.] Tekana
[.07.] Ganyo Maada
[.08.] Soto
[.09.] Asistan
[.10.] Bagui's Soundscape
[.11.] Gaynaako
[.12.] Alghalem Taxat
[.13.] Tea Ceremony II
[.14.] Amidinine
[.15.] Naanaaye
[.16.] Tea Ceremony III
♪ Download From Here. [155 Mo] ♪