Wednesday 17 September 2008

Anthology of World Music•Lebanon ♪ مــنــتــخــبــات لــموسيــقــى الــعـــالــم•لــبــنــان

Album :
Anthology of World Music•Lebanon
مــنــتــخــبــات لــموسيــقــى الــعـــالــم•لــبــنــان

Index :
This collection presents the vocal music of three distinctive Islamic religions: the druse, the matawila shiites and the Hanafi Sunnites of Lebanon.
Several of the pieces are described here in as "intimate conversations with God" and Western Listeners may find a common point of reference in the Gregorian chant, hymns and prayers demands a synergy of religious knowledge, ritual, word and melody, enhanced with individual improvisation and embellishments... Download the file to get more.
الــشيـعـة فــي لــبــنـان يـسـمـيــهـم أهـل بـلاد الـشـام "الـمتـاولــة"،أي الـمـوالـيــن أو الــمتــولــيــن لأئــمـة أهــل الـبــيـت

Language : Arabic

Country : Lebanon

Melodies and Artists :
[.01.] Zikrayat (Prayer for the Dead)
تــذكــيــر - دعـــاء وابــتــهــال فــي حــضــرة الــمــتــوفـى
Druse Falougha الــدروز
Mohafazat Of Baada
Sheikh Yussef Ali Abul Hosn
[.02.] Monadjat (Individual Prayer)
مــنــاجــاة - دعـــاء ورجــآ الــمـــؤمــــن
Matawila Shiites مـــتـــاولــة الــشـــيــعــة
Arbassalim Village, South Lebanon
Dja'far Nureddin
[.03.] Du'a (Invocation) الـــدعـــاء
Matawila Shiites مـــتـــاولــة الــشـــيــعــة
Arbassalim Village, South Lebanon
Dja'far Nureddin
[.04.] Tasbih Wa Adhan Al Fadjr (Glorification and Call to the Dawn Prayer)
تـــســـبـــيــح وأذان الـــفـــجـــر
Hanafi Sunnites ســنـــة مــذهــب الــحــنــفــيــة
Teynal Mosque, Tripoli
Sheikh Salh-eddin Kabbarah
[.05.] Ibtihal: Lakal'Hamd (Supplication: Glory in Time)
ابـــتـــهـــال: لـــك الــحــمــد
Hanafi Sunnites ســنـــة مــذهــب الــحــنــفــيــة
Nadji Abbas
[.06.] Muashshah: Ruhi fida al qurashi (Hymn: I offer my life to the Qoreichite the Arab tribe from which the Prophet came)
مــوشّـــح: روحـــي فــــدا الـــقــــرشــــي
Hanafi Sunnites ســنـــة مــذهــب الــحــنــفــيــة
Maqam Bayat, Beirut
Nadji Abbas and his group

Download From Here. [179 Mo]

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