Friday 8 August 2008

The sufi spirit, the spirit of love روح الـــصـــوفــيـــة, روح الـــمـــحــبـــة ♪ Nassima نــــســــيـــمــة

Album :
Voie soufie, voix d'amour
روح الـــصـــوفــيـــة, روح الـــمـــحــبـــة
The sufi spirit, the spirit of love

Artist :
Nassima نــــســــيـــمــة
(Nasira Chabane نــصــيــرة شــعــبـــان)

• Nassima: Luth, mandole et chant/lute, mandola and singing
• Pierre Rigopoulos: Daf, Zarb, Darbuka et choeur/precussion instruments and vocals
• Noureddine Aliane: Luth et voix/lute and vocals
• Rachid Brahim Djelloul: Violin et voix/violin and vocals
• Mustapha Kaïd: Voix/vocals

Index :
Download the file and get more data.

Language : Arabic - Instrumental

Country : Algeria

Melodies :
[.01.] Mon Dieu Très Aimé - My much beloved God
إلـــهــــي الـــحــبـــيـــب
[.02.] Layla! لــــيـــلـــى
[.03.] Vision De L'aimé - A vision of the beloved
عــــشــــاق الـــمــحـــبــوب
[.04.] Solo De Luth - Lute solo
عـــزف مـــنـــفــرد عــلـى الــعـــود
[.05.] Je Suis L'amour - I am love
أنـــــــا الـــحــــب
[.06.] Présence Divine - Divine Presence
فـــي حـــضـــرة الله
[.07.] Ô Mon Seigneur! - O my lord
يـــــا إلـــهــي
[.08.] Le Sacrifice D'abraham - Abraham's sacrifice
قــــربــان آبــراهـــيــم
[.09.] L'amour Divin - Divine love
حـــــب الإلـــــه
[.10.] Au Coeur De La Nuit - In the heart of the night
فـــــي جــــوف اللــــيـــل
[.11.] Sagesse Suivi De Complaintes - Widsom,followed by laments
الــــحــــرم يـــا رســـول الله
[.12.] Paix...Salâm - Peace...Salâm

Download From Here. [54.6 Mo]
