Thursday 7 August 2008

SheshBesh ♪ SheshBesh, Yossi Arnheim, Yair Dalal, Amir Massarik, Chen Zimbalista

Album :

Artists :
• SheshBesh
• Yossi Arnheim
• Yair Dalal
• Amir Massarik
• Chen Zimbalista

Index :

Language : Instremntal

Country :Israel/Iraq - Israel

Melodies :
[.01.] Jonona
[.02.] Nelson
[.03.] Romance
[.04.] Kramim
[.05.] Longa Yurgo
[.06.] Amman Amman
[.07.] Segoh
[.08.] Wared
[.09.] Kumran
[.10.] Shortwave

Download From Here. [133 Mo]

SheshBesh is a unique ensemble on the world music scence. It's a harmonious encounter between the leading musicians within the Arab community in Israel and solists of the Israel and soloists of the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra.
Their playing and ontage presence project the mutual respect they feel about each other's clture, also their belief that the language of music may bind the hearts and build a real bridge between peopels.
SheshBesh was founded in 1997 as an initiative by Youssi Arnheim, principal flautist with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra and a versatile Internationally renowned soloist.
SheshBesh performs Arabic and other Middle Eastern traditional Music, as well as original works by Israleli compsers of Various ethnic backgrounds and improvised parts.
"SheshBesh" is a Turkish game very similar to Western backgammon .