Monday 14 July 2008

Guitare des Sables - قــيـــثــارة الـــرمـــــال - Guitar of the Sands ♪ Moudou Ould Mattalla and the singers of El Mouna

Album :
Mauritanie - Guitare des Sables
مـــوريـــتــانــيا - قــيـــثــارة الـــرمـــــال
Mauritania - Guitar of the Sands

Artists :
Moudou Ould Mattalla and the singers of El Mouna
مــدّو ولــد مـــتــّالاّ بــرفــقــة غــــنــّـــايـــات الـــمنـــــى

- Moudou Ould Mattalla : Guitar, Musical direction.
- Fatimatou Mint Demine, Mama Mint Mallane, Fatma Mint Messoud, Dida Mint Bilal : Vocals, Handciapping, Tbel Kettledrum.

Index :
Download the file, you'll find More Informations
بـــعــد تــحــمــيــلــك لـلـمـلـف سـتـجــد الــعــديــد مــن الــمــعــطــيــات

Language : Arabic - Local Language

Country : Mauritania مــوريـــتــانــيا

Melodies :
Mode Karr / Karr Mode
.[1]. Improvisation
Mode Varhou / Varhou Mode
.[2]. Ouezn-Le Dattier Mehboula
(Ouezn-The Mehboula Date Tree)
.[3]. Improvisation
.[4]. Benja-Oh Ma Mère Leila
(Benja-Oh My Mother Leila)
.[5]. Ouezn-Chaoueda
Mode Lekhal / Lekhal Mode
.[6]. Improvisation
Mode Lebyad / Lebyad Mode
.[7]. Chor-Meya Je T'Aime
(Chor-Meya I Love You)
.[8]. Ouezn-La Joie De La Femme
(Ouezn-Woman Joy)
.[9]. Improvisation
.[10]. Chor-Plaise A Dieu Qu'Il Vive Longtemps
(Chor-Pray God He Will Live a long)
.[11]. Ouezn-La Dédicace De L'Année
(Ouezn-The Dedication of the Year)
.[12]. Tebra [Liyeen]
Mode Lebtayt / Lebtayt Mode
.[13]. Ouezn-Le Sentiment Divers
(Ouezn-Diverse Feeling)
.[14]. Improvisation

Download From Here. [125 Mo]
