Saturday, 21 June 2008

Itinérances [ رحـــــــــال Romaing ] ♪ Luthomania

Album : Itinérances
[ رحـــــــــال Romaing ]
Artists : Luthomania
* Xia Hua : Pi-pa.
* Abid El Bahri : ‘Ud, Sentir, Saz.
* Philippe Malfeyt : Luit, Theorbe, ‘Ud.

Country :
China - Morocco - Belgium
الـصـيـن - الـمـغـرب - بـلـجـيـكـا
Melodies :
.{1}. Transsiberia
.{2}. Lila
.{3}. Itinérance
.{4}. Meeting
.{5}. Arida
.{6}. Epitaph
.{7}. Andaloussiat
.{8}. Flips Eclips
.{9}. Erhu
.{10}. Bach To LA
.{11}. Peace Piece
If someBody has more Informations (Albums, News....) about this Ensemble, I'll be glad to post it
Index :
The two components that bond a Belgian, a Chinese and a Moroccan together are Belgium and the lute. Belgium because the three live and work in this small European country; and the lute because all three adore this instrument. However, the lute is not merely one instrument. It is more or less a family of instruments, all descendants from an original archetype invented in a region now called Iraq. Towards the East, the ancient lute developed into the pipa, the Western varieties became the lute and the theorbo, the bass lute with its giant neck. The north of Africa is home to the oud. All these different variations on the lute as a fretted string instrument have their own distinct sounds and ways of playing.
Philippe Malfeyt, Xian Hua and Abid El Bahri are Luthomania -- a self-explanatory name -- and on the (SA)CD Itinérances, they not only combine and blend the various timbres of their instruments, they do the same with their respective musical backgrounds intact. East meets West meets Maghreb. Only Hua remains faithful to his pipa throughout the recording. His fellow lutheniers pick up different versions of their own lutes whenever appropriate to widen or deepen the sonic scope.
El Bahri and Malfeyt are responsible for all compositions here, allowing plenty of Western and Arabian influences into the mix. Too bad China remains somewhat in the background. The arrangements call for musicians outside the core trio to participate on all but two tracks. These additional instruments are saxophone, cello, harmonica and accordion plus percussion. The combination of lutes, accordion and cello is beautiful and creates just the right amount of melancholia.