Wednesday, 16 April 2008

Glow وهج ♪ Dhafer Youssef and Wolfgang Muthspiel ظافر يوسف و ولفكانك موتسبيل

Album : Glow وهج

Artists :
Dhafer Youssef and Wolfgang Muthspiel
ظافر يوسف و ولفكانك موتسبيل
-. Wolfgang Muthspiel - Guitars
-. Dhafer Youssef - Oud & Voice

Country : Austria-Tunis -:- استراليا - تونس

Melodies :
(1). Mon parfum
(2). Babylon
(3). Sand dance
(4). Mein Versprechen
(5). Etude
(6). Lamento
(7). Maya
(8). Emmerich
(9). Cosmology
(10). Rhaspodie

Download From Here


Glow describes the shared journey of two people who know each other well.Glow is a special album. Not just taking stock, not a live document, neither a fleeting encounter nor a window into the working process of a long-time collaboration, but a sensitively crafted combination of the past, the present and the future, offering no end of room for associations to the listener."
♪♪♪♪♪ Posted By FolkmusicSMB :
ODEM + Dhafer Youssef at London Jazz Festival 2004
Electric Sufi + Malak -- Dhafer Youssef - ظافر يوسف
Divine Shadows - Dhafer Youssef -- ظافر يوسف - ظلال إلهي
Exile -- Gilad Atzmon & The Orient House Ensemble -- المنفى - جيلاد
Digital Prophecy تنبؤ إصبع البيان -- Dhafer Youssef التونسي ظافر يوسف