Monday, 21 April 2008

Dedication إهداء ♪ DAM دام (Da Arabian MCs-مغنو الراب العرب)

Album : Dedication إهداء

Artists : DAM دام
(Da Arabian MCs-مغنو الراب العرب)
Palestinian hip hop Trio :
Tamer Nafar, تامر النفار
Suhell Nafar, سهيل النفار
Mahmoud Jreri.محمود جريري

Country : Israel-Palestine - اسرائيل-فلسطين

Melodies :
(1) - Mukadime - Intro
(2) - Mali huriye - I Don’t Have Freedom
ما الي حرية
(3) - Ng’ayer bukra - Change Tomorrow
نغير بكرا
(4) - Warde - Flower
(5) - Inkilab - Revolution
(6) - Ya sayidati - My Lady
(7) - Al huriye unt’a - Freedom For My Sister
الحرية أنثى
(8) - Da Dam - It’s Dam
دا دام
(9) - Hibuna ishtruna - Love Us And Buy Us
حبونا اشترونا
(10) - Mes endroits - My Hood
عنا بالحارة
(11) - Usset hub - A Love Story
قصة حب
(12) - G’areeb fi bladi - Stranger In My Own Country
غريب في بلادي
(13) - Kalimat - Words
(14) - Sawa’ al zaman - Driver Of Fate
سواق الزمان
(15) - Ihda’ - Dedication

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مشكلة عرب 48 انهم داخل الخط الاخضر ويتقيدون الى حد التخمة بالوقوعية فاحيانا قد يرسلون رسائل مشفرة قلة من يتملك فك رموزها وكثر من يبنون عليها واقعية لا تخدم الرؤية الحقيقية للقضية , لكن تبقى دام فرقة ابدعت ما لايقبل التحديث ومدينة عربية فاضلة داخل الكيان الاسرائيلي

DAM's official website

DAM's Wwikipedi

DAM's Myspace page
DAM is the first and leading Palestinian Rap Group. It is composed of Tamer Nafar, 27, his younger brother Suhell, 23, and Mahmoud Jreri, 24. The group has been performing together since the late 90s. Tamer, who had been performing Rap since 1998 with his brother, was first contacted by Mahmoud Jreri. Mahmoud was writing his own lyrics so they quickly decided to join forces and the group was born in 1999. All three members of the group were born and grew up in the slums of Lod, a mixed town of Arabs and Jews, 20 km from Jerusalem. DAM's music is a unique fusion of East and West, combining Arabic percussion rhythms, Middle Eastern melodies and urban Hip Hop. The lyrics of DAM are influenced by the continuing Israeli-Palestinian conflict as well as by the Palestinian struggle for freedom and equality. DAM also draw their influence from such controversial issues as terrorism, drugs and women’s rights. Musically they take their inspiration from both Hip Hop artists (Nas, 2Pac, Mos Def, IAM, NTM, Saian Supa Crew, MBS etc.) and Arabic music (Marcel Khalifa,Kazem Saher,George Wassouf, Majda al Romi etc.) The songs, lyrics and music, are written and arranged by all members of the group and musically produced by them and other known producers.