Monday, 28 April 2008

Athar أثر Footprints ♪ Sameer Makhoul سمير مخول

Album : Athar أثر Footprints

Artists : Sameer Makhoul سمير مخول
سمير مخول - عود وغناء
نسيم دكور - كمان
نأور كرمي - كونترا باص
أساف زيمر- آلات ايقاعية
بطرس خوري - دف

عيسى عواد - قانون
الفرد حجار - ناي
إيال سيلع - كلارنيت

Country : Israel-Palestine-اسرائيل-فلسطين

Melodies :
(1). The Partridge Run كرج الحجل
مشهد لحظي لايقاعات كرج الحجل في حقول الاجداد

(2). Footprints اثر
انسجامات في خطوط لحنية بأثر تركي
(3). Longings شوق
ذكريات قصة حب

(4). Exodus هجرة
وفيها يتسائل سمير: الى متى الدمار وسفك
الدماء في ارض القداسة والسلام.. الى متى؟؟

(5). Peace Dance رقص السلام
جاءت هذه المقطوعة بأثر حصّة عزف لمجموعة طلاب، وكتبت موسيقى المقطوعة على امل ان نرقص قريباً، كما يقول سمير

(6). Samai Suznak سماعي سوزناك
فن احد قوالب التأليف اللحني العربي والتركي

(7). Those Were the Nights ليالي زمان
تجسيد لنهج الارتجال الغنائي العربي القديم، بشكل خاص المصري، والمتأثرة بعظماء مطربي الغناء العربي الاصيل
(8). You Heart-Stealer يا سالب القلب
قصيدة للشاعر ابن سهل الاندلسي

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A blend of traditional Arab music, ancient poetry and Turkish and Andalusian music.A wealth of cultures and rhythms in music and poetry combine to create the unique voice of virtuoso oud performer and composer, Sameer Makhoul.A remarkable sound, bold yet traditional, in a rich musical vernacular, flowing like the springs of the performerױs native village of Peki'in or like the sigh of the wind in its citrus groves.A rare example of collaboration between Israelױs very finest Jewish and Arab musicians.
Sameer Makhoul was born in Peki'in in Galilee, a village renowned for its poets.He comes from a family of musicians and poets whose roots in the village reach back for generations, and was profoundly influenced by the cultural environment in which he grew up.He believes that the village springs, the olive trees of his forefathers and the green citrus groves were the sources which gave him life and the strength, even as a child, to study and create music on the oud and the violin. A further vital source of support and encouragement was his elder brother, the poet and musician Makhoul Makhoul.
Sameer Makhoul - composer, musician and singer - is a graduate of the Jerusalem Academy of Music, where he studied under the internationally famous oud player, Taiseer Elias. He has appeared, both as a soloist and as a member of the choir, with the Andalusian Muwashahat Orchestra (Tarshiha) and in many other ensembles. He has participated in study workshops in France, and, as an oud-player, has represented Palestine at the Dresden Lute Festival in Germany.He teaches oud, violin and Arab music theory at the School of Ethnic Music at Bar Ilan University and at the Center for Oriental Music in Jerusalem.He is also musical director of the Arab-Jewish orchestra at Joret al-Enab music center in the Hinom Valley in Jerusalem.