Album :
Fall of the Moon ســقــوط الــقــمــرAn Homage to the Poet Mahmoud Darwish
And A Salute to the Arab Spring
تــكـريــم للــشــاعــر مـحـمـــود درويــش، وتــحــيــة للــربـيـــع الـــعـــربـــي
Artists :
Marcel Khalifé and Mahmoud Darwish
مــارســيــل خــلــيــفــة ومـحـمــود درويــش•» Marcel Khalife: composer, oud, vocals
•» Mahmoud Darwish: poetry
•» Al Mayadine Ensemble
•» Kiev Philharmonic Orchestra; Conductor: Vladimir Sirinko
•» Soloists:
- Oumaima Khalil: vocals
- Yolla Khalife: vocals
- Rami Khalife: piano
- Bachar Khalife: percussion
- Peter Herbert: double bass
- Mark Helias: double bass
- Ismail Lumanovski: clarinet
- Anthony Millet: accordian
- Fabio Presgrave: cello
- Mahmoud Tourkmani: guitar
Index :
Genre :
World, Classical, Vocal♪
Language :
Instrumental - Arabic♪
Country :
Lebanon - Ukraine - Australia - France .....♪
Melodies :
Disc 01
[.01.] The Pigeons Fly •
[.02.] And We Love Life •
[.03.] The Stranger's Bed (Instrumental) •
[.04.] Oh, My Proud Wound •
[.05.] Mohammad •
[.06.] Houriyeh's Instructions •
[.07.] Jahar Kah (Instrumental) •
[.08.] Now, In Exile •
[.09.] Two Guitars (Instrumental)
Disc 02
[.10.] Fall of the Moon (Instrumental) •
[.11.] A Song on My Mind •
[.12.] Remember •
[.13.] Her Eyes •
[.14.] The Poem of the Land •
[.15.] Waltz for Rita's Winter (Instrumental) •
[.16.] Palestinian Mawwal •
[.17.] The Most Beautiful •
[.18.] In Damascus
║♪♪║♥ ♪
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قـصــة فـاطـمـة الـقــواس و آبـنــها زيـــد
Fatima al-Qaws and Her Son Zayed
Fatima al-Qaws cradles her son Zayed (18), who is suffering from the effects of tear gas after participating in a street demonstration, in Sanaa, Yemen, on 15 October. Ongoing protests against the 33-year-long regime of authoritarian President Ali Abdullah Saleh escalated that day. Witnesses said that thousands marched down Zubairy Street, a main city thoroughfare, and were fired on when they reached a government checkpoint near the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Some demonstrators retreated, others carried on and were shot at again. At least 12 people were killed and some 30 injured. Ms Qaws—who was herself involved in resistance to the regime—found her son after a second visit to look for him, among the wounded at a mosque that was being used as a temporary field hospital. Zayed remained in a coma for two days after the incident. He was injured on two further occasions, as demonstrations continued. On 23 November, President Saleh flew to Saudi Arabia, and signed an agreement transferring power to his deputy, Abdurabu Mansur Hadi. Saleh’s rule ended formally when Hadi was sworn in as president, following an election, on 25 February 2012