Tuesday 28 February 2012

Tin Hinane الـمـلـكــة تـيـنـهـنــان ♪ Kel Assouf كــل أصـــوف

Album :
Tin Hinane الـمـلـكــة تـيـنـهـنــان

Artists :
Kel Assouf كــل أصـــوف

Note :
Kel Assouf : Son of the desert
Tin Hinan is the name given by the Tuareg to a 4th-century woman of prestige whose monumental tomb is located in the Sahara at Abalessa in the Ahaggar or Hoggar region of Algeria

Index :

Language : Instrumental - Tamasheq

Country : Algeria - Mali - Mauritania - France - Togo - Ghana

Melodies :
[.01.] Alkas • [.02.] Tiliadene N' ashra • [.03.] Tin Hinane • [.04.] Warda • [.05.] Akaline • [.06.] Taggazt • [.07.] Afrik • [.08.] Amidinine • [.09.] Tinariwene • [.10.] Talit • [.11.] Tamasheq • [.12.] Imidiwan

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‹ N/L : 778 ›

La Viola Organista de Leonardo da Vinci أرغـــن لـيــونــاردو دافـنـتـشـــي ♪ Eduardo Paniagua إدواردوا بــانـيـجــوا

Album :
La Viola Organista de Leonardo da Vinci
أرغـــن لـيــونــاردو دافـنـتـشـــي

Artist :
Eduardo Paniagua إدواردوا بــانـيـجــوا

Index :

Language : Instrumental

Country : Spain

Melodies :
[.01.] Fortuna in fa • [.02.] "Venite Amanti" • [.03.] Recercare • [.04.] Piva a due liuti • [.05.] Kirie Angelicum • [.06.] Benedictus, Misa Pange lingua • [.07.] "So trinken wir alle" • [.08.] La Morra • [.09.] Ricercare Il tono • [.10.] Canzona "O vos omnes" • [.11.] "Si come sete bella" • [.12.] Pavana alla veneciana • [.13.] Adam, Instrumental • [.14.] Zwischen Berg und tiefem Tal • [.15.] Perque me fuge amore • [.16.] "Orsú, orsú, car' Signori" • [.17.] La Martinella • [.18.] Balleto • [.19.] Rondeau

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‹ N/L : 777 ›

Hispanie and Japon .. Dialogues هـيــســبـانـيــا و الـيــابــان .. حــوارات ♪ Hesperion XXI, La Capella Reial de Catalunya, Jordi Savall, Montserrat

Album :
Hispania y Japan .. Diálogos
هـيــســبـانـيــا و الـيــابــان .. حــوارات
ヒスパニア と ジャポン..対話
Hispanie and Japon .. Dialogues

Artists :
•» Hesperion XXI, La Capella Reial de Catalunya, Jordi Savall & Montserrat Figueras
•» Ichiro Seki, Yukio Tanaka, Hiroyuki Hoinuma, Masako Hirao, Ken Zuckerman & Prahbu Edouart

Note :
هذا الالبوم ينبش جروح الزمن وما خلفته القنبلة النووية بهيروشيما و نكازاكي، ايضا هو رحلة تضامنية مع ضحايا تسونامي اليابان والتي تحل ذكراها اليوم.. لا أدري لمادا تراودني الدموع عندما أستمع إليه و في مخيلتي الالاف من الفنانين العرب و العجم لكن من منهم ساهم في وأد الحساسيات بين أطياف المجتمع و على راسهم الشيعة و السنة، من فيهم أنتصر لثقافة التعايش بين مسيحي الشرق و المسلمين، من أسمعنا آنين اطفال غزة و العراق، من منهم أرعبت أغانية الطغاة و أقبية المخابرات، من منهم ساهم في التصدي لما يهدد كيان المجتمعات .. على اي العالم كتاب و من لم سيافر فهدا يعني انه قرا ورقة واحدة منه، لكن بالموسيقى يستطيع المرء أن يؤسس لمشروع مكتبة

Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيـــب Livret

Language : Instrumental - Vocals

Country : Japon - Spain ...

Melodies :
[.01.] Improvisación sobre “O Gloriosa Domina” Ichiro Seki shakuhachi • [.02.] O Gloriosa Domina (greg.) • [.03.] Improvisación sobre “O Gloriosa Domina” • [.04.] Quod Eva Tristis II • [.05.] Improvisación sobre “O Gloriosa Domina” • [.06.] Tu Regis Alti Ianua III • [.07.] Improvisación sobre “O Gloriosa Domina” • [.08.] Patri Sit Paraclito IV • [.09.] Luis de Narváez: O Gloriosa Domina Diferencia II • [.10.] O Gloriosa Domina - Amen • [.11.] Venegas de Henestrosa: Himno XX O Gloriosa Domina • [.12.] Rangyoku Hiroyuki Koinuma nokan • [.13.] Anon.: Villancico: Senhora del Mundo • [.14.] Anon.: Alba & Rotundellus • [.15.] Honnôj • [.16.] O Gloriosa Domina Diferencia I • [.17.] Shino no netori • [.18.] Anon.: Ave María (pentatónica) • [.19.] Reibo Ichiro Seki

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‹ N/L : 776 ›

Al Tawsheeh Al Hadith الـتــوشـيــح الــحــديــث ♪ Rebal Al Khodary ريـبـال صــلاح الــديــن الـخـضــري

Album :
Al Tawsheeh Al Hadith الـتــوشـيــح الــحــديــث

Artist :
Rebal Al Khodary ريـبـال صــلاح الــديــن الـخـضــري

Index :

Language : Arabic - Vocal - Instrumental

Country : Syria

Melodies :
[.01.] Samai Nahawand • [.02.] Ramani BiSahmi Hawah • [.03.] Qultu Lama Ghaba Anni • [.04.] Ajaban Li Ghazalin • [.05.] Longa Nahawand • [.06.] Ya Ghosainal Ban • [.07.] Ma Htyaly • [.08.] Ya Leil Tal • [.09.] Longa Yorgo

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‹ N/L : 775 ›

Chants De L'aurés غــنــاء الاوراس ♪ Houria Aïchi حــوريــة عــايــشــي

Album :
Chants De L'aurés غــنــاء الاوراس

Artist :
Houria Aïchi حــوريــة عــايــشــي

Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيـــب Livret

Language : Arabic - Vocal - Instrumental

Country : Algeria

Melodies :
[.01.] Louange au Prophète (Praise to the Prophet) • [.02.] Elle Sort du Bain (She Emerges from the Bath) • [.03.] Chants de Partisans • [.04.] Salah • [.05.] La Fille des Aïth-Abdi (The Girl of the Aïth-Abdi) • [.06.] Fontaine Dis-Moi (Fountain, Tell Me) • [.07.] Gloire aux Chaouis (Glory to the Chaouis) • [.08.] Soussem • [.09.] La Médisance (The Scandal) • [.10.] Berceuse (Lullaby) • [.11.] La Fuite (The Fight Between The Tiger and The Hound) • [.12.] Les Amants the Lovers • [.13.] Mes Frères (My Brothers)

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‹ N/L : 774 ›

Friday 24 February 2012

Alba الابـيـــض ♪ The Nour Ensemble مـجـمـوعـة نــور

Album :
Alba الابـيـــض

Artists :
The Nour Ensemble مـجـمـوعـة نــور
كــروه نــور
•» Mostafa Mahmoudi (voice:Persian, Kurdish) •» Pierre Baranger (voice- tenor) •» Reza Asgarzadeh (voice- baritone, duduk, dohol) •» Ali Boustan (oud, shuranguiz, voice) •» Pierre-Yves Binard (voice - baritone, percussion) •» Hamid Khosroshahi (voice - bass) •» Ali Rahimi (daf, tombak, percussion) •» Saba Alizadeh (kamancheh)

Note :
Alba means 'white', symbolising the interior light of Persian Sufis, or the light that filters through the windows of cathedrals in the West towards the faithful


Language : Instrumental - Persian - Kurdish - French ...

Country : Iran - France

Melodies :
[.01.] Alleluja • [.02.] Santa Maria Amar • [.03.] Villancico • [.04.] Alba • [.05.] Cunctissimus Concanentes • [.06.] Uterus • [.07.] Lullaby • [.08.] Miragresh Fremosos • [.09.] Novus Annus

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‹ N/L : 773 ›

Thursday 23 February 2012

Safi صــافــي ♪ Ray Lema and Tyour Gnawa راي لـيــما و طــيــور كـنــاوة

Album :
Safi صــافــي

Artists :
Ray Lema & Tyour Gnawa راي لـيــما و طــيــور كـنــاوة
•» Ray Lema (vocals, guitar, keyboards, percussion)
•» Tyour Gnaoua: •» Abdeslam Alikkane (vocals, guembri) •» Paco Sery (drums) •» Idrissa Diop (percussion) •» Abdelaziz Soudani, Abdellah Akharraz, Abderrahmane Nemini, Mohamed Khoubbaz (crotales, background vocals) •» Yakhouba Sissokho (kora)

Index :

Language : Arabic - Vocal - Instrumental

Country : Morocco - DR Congo

Melodies :
[.01.] Mimouna • [.02.] Allal • [.03.] Mister X • [.04.] Manandabo • [.05.] Zeyel Meyel, Pt. 1 • [.06.] Zeyel Meyel, Pt. 2 • [.07.] Sidi Hammou • [.08.] Youbati • [.09.] Jilala • [.10.] Tura

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‹ N/L : 772 ›

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Psalms of Loneliness زبــور الـهــجــر ♪ Seyed Ali Jaberi سـيـد عــلــى جــابــرى

Album :
Psalms of Loneliness زبــور الـهــجــر
از زبــور تـنــهــائــي

Artist :
Seyed Ali Jaberi سـيـد عــلــى جــابــرى

Note :
Compositions in this album (based on sacred tanbour music) travel from the ancient maqams of the Ahl-e-Hagh Dervishes to Persian traditional music and further on to musical elements of the present day

Index :

Language : Instrumental - Vocal

Country : Iran

Melodies :
[.01.] A Traveler Through the Ocean of Abstraction • [.02.] Beneath the Shadow of Perplexity • [.03.] On the Spree • [.04.] All Because of Love • [.05.] Psalms of Loneliness • [.06.] A Story Told and Benumbed

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‹ N/L : 771 ›

Yawman Ma يــومــاً مـَـا ♪ Julia Boutros جــولـيــا بـطـرس

Album :
Yawman Ma يــومــاً مـَـا

Artist :
Julia Boutros جــولـيــا بـطـرس

Index :

Language : Instrumental - Arabic

Country : Lebanon

Melodies :
[.01.] Ya Mashallah 1 • [.02.] Chou El 7elo Fik • [.03.] Watani • [.04.] Yawman Ma • [.05.] Alou Mchina • [.06.] Atlek Niranak • [.07.] Mokawem • [.08.] Ya Mashallah 2 • [.09.] Music 1 • [.10.] Music 2

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‹ N/L : 770 ›

Monday 20 February 2012

Tale of Friendship قـصــة الـصـداقـــة ♪ Sepideh Raissadat, Iman Vaziri and Ali Rahimi ســپـیـده رئـیـس ســادات، ایـمــان وزیــری و عـلــي رحـيـمــي

Album :
Tale of Friendship قـصــة الـصـداقـــة
مــونـس دیـریــنـــه

Artists :
Sepideh Raissadat, Iman Vaziri and Ali Rahimi
ســپـیـده رئـیـس ســادات، ایـمــان وزیــری و عـلــي رحـيـمــي
•» Sepideh Raissadat: Vocalist •» Iman Variri: Tar, Composer •» Ali Rahimi: Tombak

Index :

Language : Persian - Vocal - Instrumental

Country : Iran

Melodies :
[.01.] Mâhour • [.02.] Segâh • [.03.] Bayât-e Tork • [.04.] Esfahân • [.05.] Homâyoun

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‹ N/L : 769 ›

Le chant des fauves أغـانـي ذوي الـبـشـرة الـسـمــراء ♪ Various Artists مـجـمــوعــة

Album :
Le chant des fauves أغـانـي ذوي الـبـشـرة الـسـمــراء

Index :
Booklet published كـتـيـبــات سـابـقـة

Language : Tamasheq - Instrumental - Arabic - French

Country : Morocco - Algeria - Mali - Niger

Melodies & Artists :
[.01.] Aïcha - Tamikrest • [.02.] Nezagh ajbal - Tinariwen • [.03.] Regreso - Aziza Brahim • [.04.] Maydjan Alkher ghas - Azawad • [.05.] Arghane manine (Live) - Terakaft • [.06.] Djanet - Nabil Othmani • [.07.] Yamidinine - BamBINO • [.08.] Alghafiat - Amanar • [.09.] Anchar - Ibrahim Djo Experience • [.10.] Derhan Alkher - Faris

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‹ N/L : 768 ›

Sunday 19 February 2012

Selection مـخـتــارات ♪ Rabih Abou-Khalil ربـيــع أبــو خــلـيـــل

Album :
Selection مـخـتــارات

Artist :
Rabih Abou-Khalil ربـيــع أبــو خــلـيـــل
•» Rabih Abou-Khalil oud •» Michel Godard tuba •» Antonio Hart alto sax •» Joachim Kühn piano •» Howard Levy harmonica •» Charlie Mariano alto sax •» Gabriele Mirabassi clarinet •» Glen Moore bass •» Gavino Murgia vocal •» Mark Nauseef drums •» Dominique Pifarély violin •» Ricardo Ribeiro vocal •» Steve Swallow bass •» Glen Velez frame drums •» Kenny Wheeler trumpet •» and others

Index :

Language : Instrumental

Country : Lebanon

Melodies :
[.01.] Arabian Waltz • [.02.] The Happy Sheik • [.03.] Shrewd Woman • [.04.] Serenade To A Mule • [.05.] The Lewinsky March • [.06.] Caravan • [.07.] Best If You Dressed Less • [.08.] Lobotomie Mi Baba LU • [.09.] Sunrise In Montreal • [.10.] Requiem • [.11.] Blue Camel • [.12.] Adolescência Perdida

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‹ N/L : 767 ›

White Dragon الـتـنــيـن الأبـيــض Λευκός Δράκος ♪ Ross Daly روز دالـــي

Album :
White Dragon الـتـنــيـن الأبـيــض
Λευκός Δράκος

Artists :
Ross Daly روز دالـــي
•» Ηuun-Ηuur-Τu: • Kaigal-ool Khovalyg (vocals, igil) • Sayan Bapa (vocals,igil, guitar,toschpulur ) • Alexei Saryglar (vocals, igil, tungur, tuyug) • Andrei Mongoush (vocals, igil )
•» Djamchid Chemirani (zarb) •» Bijan Chemirani (zarb,daff) •» Keyvan Chemirani (zarb, bendir, udu) •» Ross Daly (Cretan lyra, rabab, saz, tarhu) •» Haris Lambrakis (ney) •» Kelly Thoma (Cretan lyra) •» Periklis Papapetropoulos (saz, laouto) •» Stelios Petrakis (Cretan lyra, saz, laouto) •» Angelina Tkatcheva (santour) •» Αlexandros Arkadopoulos (clarinet) •» Spyridoula Baka (vocals) •» Giorgos Xylouris (Cretan laouto,vocals)

Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيـــب Livret

Language : Instrumental - Vocals - Mongolian - Greek

Country : Mongolia - Greece - Iran ...

Melodies :
[.01.] Morgul • [.02.] Jeyran • [.03.] The orphan's lament & Ime orphanos apo pedi • [.04.] Kargyraa - Sygyt • [.05.] Mavra mou helidonia & The exile's song • [.06.] Chyraa Xor • [.07.] Exorise me i mira mou • [.08.] Ekki Attar • [.09.] White Dragon

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‹ N/L : 766 ›

Saturday 18 February 2012

La Perle Orientale لــؤلــؤة الــشــرق ♪ Raymonde ريــمــونــد

Album :
La Perle Orientale لــؤلــؤة الــشــرق
(11 grands succès)

Artist :
Raymonde ريــمــونــد
Raymonde Abecassis

Index :

Language : Arabic - Instrumental

Country : Moroccan Jewish chooses stability in Israel/Palestine 48

Melodies :
[.01.] Aloulid • [.02.] Choufi Gherou • [.03.] El aar ya el aar • [.04.] Dak el hbib • [.05.] Atouni lkass • [.06.] Ana baada • [.07.] Aloulou aloulou • [.08.] Ouaili ouaili • [.09.] Aar ya el aar • [.10.] Ayoulaila • [.11.] Wa laach alaach

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‹ N/L : 765 ›

Friday 17 February 2012

Rilke ريــلــكــه ♪ Yuval Ron & Mark Waldman يــوفـال رون و والــدمـان مــارك

Album :
Rilke ريــلــكــه
Searching For The Inner Soul الـبـحـث عـن بـاطــن الــروح

Artists :
Yuval Ron & Mark Waldman يــوفـال رون و والــدمـان مــارك

Index :

Note :
Rilke's spiritual poems - conversations with God - read by Mark Robert Waldman with mystical music from the Middle East composed and performed by Yuval Ron on the Oud ( Mid. East Lute). Profound, romantic and moving meditation on the nature of God and Life. Poems were translated and read by Mark Robert Waldman. In addition, this recording includes two original writings by Waldman are and 8 solo Oud meditations (Taqasim) by Yuval Ron

Language : Instrumental - English

Country : USA - Israel "Palestine48"

Melodies :
[.01.] Introduction • [.02.] The ancient tower • [.03.] The wildest storm • [.04.] My urgent knocking • [.05.] The wings of god • [.06.] The silence between two notes • [.07.] In the stillness of your depth • [.08.] Musician stop! (Original poem by Mark Waldman) • [.09.] Taqsim in D Nahawand • [.10.] Taqsim in C Rust • [.11.] Taqsim in D Hijaz • [.12.] Taqsim in A Hijaz • [.13.] Taqsim in G Ajam • [.14.] Taqsim in D Ajam • [.15.] Taqsim in D Nahawand • [.16.] Taqsim in D Nahawand

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‹ N/L : 764 ›
I Am Much Too Alone in This World, Yet Not Alone
I am much too alone in this world, yet not alone enough
to truly consecrate the hour.
I am much too small in this world, yet not small enough
to be to you just object and thing,
dark and smart.
I want my free will and want it accompanying
the path which leads to action;
and want during times that beg questions,
where something is up,
to be among those in the know,
or else be alone.
I want to mirror your image to its fullest perfection,
never be blind or too old
to uphold your weighty wavering reflection.
I want to unfold.
Nowhere I wish to stay crooked, bent;
for there I would be dishonest, untrue.
I want my conscience to be
true before you;
want to describe myself like a picture I observed
for a long time, one close up,
like a new word I learned and embraced,
like the everday jug,
like my mother's face,
like a ship that carried me along
through the deadliest storm.

Mongolian Meets Oriental الـشـرق يـلـتـقـي الـمـنـغـولـيـة ♪ Sedaa صــدى

Album :
Mongolian Meets Oriental الـشـرق يـلـتـقـي الـمـنـغـولـيـة

Artists :
Sedaa صــدى

Index :

Language : Instrumental - Vocals - Mongolian

Country : Iran - Mongolia

Melodies :
[.01.] Mongol Nutag • [.02.] Tal • [.03.] Lullaby • [.04.] Duulal • [.05.] Arezoo • [.06.] Unspoken Words • [.07.] Tovschuur Hogjim • [.08.] Tenger • [.09.] Raz • [.10.] Bulgo • [.11.] Sanaarschil

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‹ N/L : 763 ›

Tuesday 14 February 2012

The Tale Of Tâher And Zohre..A Great Love Story حكايـة طـاهـر و زهـرى..شـدة الـوجـد مـن الـعـشــق ♪ Rowshan Golafruz روشـن كـلـفـروز

Album :
L'histoire De Tâher Et Zohre..Une Grande Histoire D’amour
حــكايــة طــاهـــر و زهــرى..شــدة الــوجـــد مــن الــعــشـــق
The Tale Of Tâher And Zohre..A Great Love Story

Artist :
Rowshan Golafruz روشــن كــلــفــروز
(chant/singing & dotâr)

Index :
Booklet الـــكــتــيــّــب Livret

Language : Instrumental - Persian

Country : Iran

Melodies :
Disc I :
[.01.] Navâ’i • [.02.] Narration • [.03.] Shâkhey-e qiyâmat • [.04.] Narration • [.05.] Tajnis • [.06.] Narration • [.07.] Arzerumi maqâmi • [.08.] Narration • [.09.] Bichâre maqâm • [.10.] Narration • [.11.] Ahang-e kilisâ • [.12.] Narration • [.13.] Harây • [.14.] Narration • [.15.] Le yare jân • [.16.] Bichâre maqâm • [.17.] Narration • [.18.] Band-e barbar • [.19.] Narration
Disc II :
[.01.] Narration • [.02.] Daq man yar • [.03.] Tajnis • [.04.] Narration • [.05.] Sar maqâmi • [.06.] Narration • [.07.] Âhang-e sârebân • [.08.] Narration • [.09.] Öldürma • [.10.] Narration • [.11.] Zohre • [.12.] Narration • [.13.] Eltemas • [.14.] Narration • [.15.] Nargess • [.16.] Narration • [.17.] Harây-âhang-e bolbol • [.18.] Narration

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‹ N/L : 763 ›

A Meeting By The Nile لـقـاء عـلـى ضـفـاف الـنـيــل ♪ Rahul Sharma And Georges Kazazian راهــول شـــارمــا و جـــورج كـــازازيـــان

Album :
A Meeting By The Nile لـقـاء عـلـى ضـفـاف الـنـيــل
Confluence III - A Contemporary Fusion Album

Artists :
Rahul Sharma And Georges Kazazian
راهــول شـــارمــا و جـــورج كـــازازيـــان

Index :

Language : Instrumental - Hindi

Country : Egypt - India

Melodies :
[.01.] Marhaba Jaanam • [.02.] Meeting By the Nile • [.03.] Taj Mahal • [.04.] Marhaba Jaanam (Instrumental) • [.05.] Nights In Cairo • [.06.] Sunrise On the Sphinx • [.07.] The Pyramids • [.08.] Sheesha and Jazz • [.09.] Marhaba Jaanam (Remix)

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Friday 10 February 2012

Circassia شـيــركـاســيــا ♪ Ensemble circassien de Jordanie الفــرقـة الشركسية الاردنـيـة

Album :
Circassia شـيــركـاســيــا

Artists :
Ensemble circassien de Jordanie الفــرقـة الشركسية الاردنـيـة
•» Muhannad Nasip, accordéon (Pshina) •» Mohammad Apesh, accordéon (Pshina) •» Mohammad Anfouqa, percussions (Baraban) •» Mahmoud Bishmaph, instrument à cordes (Apa-Pshina) •» Ehab Jankhot, percussions (Pkhachach) •» Blan Jalouqa, accordéon (Pshina) et flûte •» Maen Nakhwa, percussions (Baraban) •» Bater Abaza, accordéon (Pshina) •» Sanad T'haquakhua, instrument à cordes (Apa-Pshina)

Note :
Instruments ;
Pshina. Accordéon circassien. Joué avec la même technique que l’accordéon clavier, il est fait à la main, au Caucase exclusivement Baraban. Tambour et principal instrument de percussion Pkhachich. Instrument de percussion en bois, joué avec les deux mains. Le son ressemble à celui des mains qui applaudissent Apa-Pshina. Instrument à trois cordes, au son ressemblant à celui de la mandoline.


Language : Instrumental

Country : Jordan

Melodies :
[.01.] Eslameh • [.02.] Kabarley Eslameh • [.03.] Qafa • [.04.] Sinana • [.05.] Zafâku • [.06.] Haqulash • [.07.] Tlaparisa • [.08.] Widg • [.09.] Solo Qafa • [.10.] Jagu Qafa • [.11.] Zafâqu III • [.12.] Apa Pchina Pchinatla • [.13.] Pasareh Qafa • [.14.] Adiga Jagu • [.15.] Abiba Qafa • [.16.] Haqulash II • [.17.] Baraban • [.18.] Istanbula qa

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