Friday 30 September 2011

Faqirs of Sindh فـقــراء الــســنـد ♪ Shah Jo Raag Fakirs فــقــراء شــاه جــو راغ

Album :
Pakistan بـاكـسـتـان
Faqirs of Sindh فـقــراء الــســنـد
Faqirs du Sindh

Artists :
Shah Jo Raag Fakirs فــقــراء شــاه جــو راغ

Index :

Language : Sindhi - Instrumental

Melodies :
[.01.] Sur sasui abri • [.02.] Sur sasui maazuri • [.03.] Sur sasui desi • [.04.] Sur sasui husaini

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‹ N/L : 547 ›

Art Vocal and Instrumental of the Nineteenth Century الغـنـاء و الـموسـيـقـى الـعربـية في الـقرن الـتـاسـع عـشر ♪ Aïcha Redouane عـائــشـة رضـوان

Album :
Morocco الــمـغـرب Maroc
Art Vocal and Instrumental of the Nineteenth Century
الـغـنـاء و الــموسـيــقـى الــعـربـيـة في الـقـرن الـتــاســع عــشــر
Art Vocal et Instrumental du XIXe Siècle

Artist :
Aïcha Redouane عــائــشـــة رضــوان
•» Aïcha Redouane (voice) •» Salâh El Dine Mohamed (qânûn) •» Brahim Meziane El-Otmani ('ud) •» Osama Hantira (kamân) •» Habib Yammine (riqq)

Index :

Language : Arabic - Vocals - Instrumental

Melodies :
Wasla en Maqâm sigah / 'irâq
[.01.] Samâ'i'irâq • [.02.] Dûlâb huzâm • [.03.] Mûwashshah "Anâ min wajdî anâ 'abkî wa 'aghannî" • [.04.] Taqsîm qânûn-layâlî-mawwâl • [.05.] Dawr "Matta' hayâtak"
Wasla en Maqâm râst
[.06.] Tahmîla râst • [.07.] Dûlâb râst • [.08.] Mûwashshah "Hayyara-l-'afkâra badrî" • [.09.] Qasîda mursala "Waqfatan ayyûha-l-qamar natashâkâ" • [.10.] Dûlâb râst - introduisant la qasîda • [.11.] Qasîda mûwaqq'a "Kam ba'athnâ m'a'-n-nasîmi salâmâ"
Wasla en Maqâm nahawand
[.12.] Dûlâb • [.13.] Taqâsîm-layâlî bamb • [.14.] Dawr "Kâdnî-l-hawâ

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‹ N/L : 546 ›

Concert From Théâtre de la Ville,Paris حفلة في مسرح المدينة، باريس + Praise Songs أغاني المديح ♪ Ooleya Mint Amartichitt علية منت عمرتشيت

Album :
Praise Songs أغــانــي الــمــديــح

Artist :
Ooleya Mint Amartichitt عـــليّــة مــــنــت عـــمـــر تـشـيـت
•» Ooleya Mint Amar Tichitt: Lead Singer And Ardin •» Dey Amar Tichitt: Tidinit, Electric Guitar •» Sadika Amar Tichitt, Varha Amar Tichitt: Vocals •» Isselmoun: T'Bol

Note :
لا أمان في ارض لم نحررها من مخلفات عبودية قوانين الانتهازية .. ففي موريطانيا حيوية تقافية لها تأملات دينية دونما حاجة للاستنساخ المدينة الفاضلة الاعجمية الكائنة بشبه الجزيرة العربية و التي لم و لن تحقق صفحات مشرقة.. انها تقافة الايمان بموريطانيا لا الايمان بالتقافة .. الــمــديـح قصائد روحية في ذكرالنبي محمد صلى الله عيله وسلم ، ثثني عليه وتعدد صفاته و تبرز اخلاقه ، وتشير إلى أهم وقائع حياته : ولادته و الطفولة وزيجاته ، وكيف اختار الله له أن يكون نبي ومسيرة الدعوة .. عــلــّـيـة التي تتوقف عن الانشاذ كلما انزلق غطاء الرأس احتراما للرسول الامين تخاطب الحاضرين في شربط الفيديو: لولا الرسول الكريم لم تمكنتم من الاستمتاع بانشادي .. يالها من نوازع جمالية في خطاب هده السيدة

Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيـــب Livret

Language : Instrumental - Vocals - Arabic "Hassaniyya"

Country : Mauritania

Melodies :
[.01.] Guelty Beyte Il Hagueny • [.02.] Mema • [.03.] Mellasse • [.04.] Wezene • [.05.] Zahratou El Ekewany • [.06.] Guatte Ely Nehwelty • [.07.] Mahy Rob • [.08.] Yel Moustapha • [.09.] Dey - Tidinit Solo • [.10.] Oueld • [.11.] Wezene • [.12.] Biyé • [.13.] Leguereybe • [.14.] Dey

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Album DVD :
Concert From/Au Théâtre de la Ville, Paris
حـفــلــة من مــســرح الــمـديـنـة، بـاريـس

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‹ N/L : 543 - 544 ›

Russian Songs أغـانــي روسـيــة ♪ Loutchek Svetlana سـفـيـتــلانا لـوتـشــك

Album :
Russie روسـيـا Russia
Russian Songs أغـانــي روسـيــة
Chansons Russes

Artist :
Loutchek Svetlana سـفـيـتــلانا لـوتـشــك

Language : Instrumental - Russian

Melodies :
[.01.] Les saules pleureurs rêvent • [.02.] Chanson de la jeune fille tendre • [.03.] Et qui sait ? • [.04.] Chanson de l'aviateur • [.05.] Sur un thème bulgare • [.06.] Oh mon coeur ! • [.07.] Sous la fenêtre le merisier se balance • [.08.] Tel tu étais • [.09.] Souliko • [.10.] Le vieil érable • [.11.] En descendant la rivière • [.12.] Ne pas errer... • [.13.] Rossignols, ne dérangez pas les soldats • [.14.] Sur les mers et sur les flots • [.15.] Nuit silencieuse • [.16.] Petite poésie • [.17.] Chanson caressante • [.18.] L'aubier fleurit • [.19.] Mais où trouver cette chanson ? • [.20.] J'ai séduit un gars • [.21.] Le petit saule • [.22.] Chrysanthèmes • [.23.] Je vais seul sur la route • [.24.] Russie, la neige t'a recouverte

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‹ N/L : 545 ›

Azawan, The Art of the Griots أزوان، فـــن الارديــــن ♪ Aïcha Mint Chighaly عيـشــة مــنــت شــيـــغـــالـــي

Album :
Azawan, l'Art des Griots
أزوان، فـــن الارديــــن
Azawan, The Art of the Griots

Artist :
Aïcha Mint Chighaly عيـشــة مــنــت شــيـــغـــالـــي
•» Aïcha Mint Chighaly: Chant Et harpe ardin / Singing and ardin harp •» Yaya Mint Sidi: Chant Et harpe ardin / Singing and ardin harp •» Jeïch Ould Chighaly: Luth Tidinit / Tidinit Lute •» Mohamed Ould Chighaly: Chant et Tbal / Singing and Tbal

Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيـــب Livret

Language : Instrumental - Vocals - Arabic "Hasaniya"

Country : Mauritania

Melodies :
Mode Khal Karr (Sous-mode de Karr)
Khal Karr Mode (black Karr sub-mode)
[.01.] Prélude instrumental.Louange au prophéte..Instrumental prelude.praise for the Prophet • [.02.] Louange au prophéte - Praise to the Prophet
Mode Byad Karr (Sous-mode blanc de karr)
Byad Karr Mode (white Karr sub-mode)
[.03.] Solo de Lute Tidinit - Tidinit lute solo • [.04.] Prélude instrumental.Louanges d'Aftout..Instrumental prelude. Praise on the site of Aftout • [.05.] Éloge de sa grand-mére - in praise of his grandmother
Mode Khal Faghu (Sous-mode noir de Faghu)
Khal Faghu mode (dark Faghu sub-mode)
[.06.] Louange au prophéte sur un poème thaydin {épique} de Yuba al-Mokhtar Ould Chighly..Praise to the Prophet, poem in the thaydin {epic} style of Yuba al-Mokhtar ould Chighaly
Mode Byad Faghu (Sous-mode blanc de Faghu)
Byad Faghu mode (white Faghu sub-mode)
[.07.] Satire d'une femme - Satire of a woman • [.08.] Éloge du désert de Néma - Praise of the Nema Desert • [.09.] Chant accompagnant la danse le-blayda..Song accompanying the le-blayda dance • [.10.] Éloge du guerrier Ahmed Deya..Praise of the warrior Ahmed Deya
Mode Le-Khal (mode de la noirceur)
Le-khal mode (mode of blackness)
[.11.] Satire de Mint Akaylas - Satire on mint Akaylas..Éloge de Lamar Ould Chighaly - Praise of Lamar ould Chighaly • [.12.] Chant d'éloge - Song of praise
Mode Le-byad (Mode de la blancheur)
Le-byad mode (mode of whiteness)
[.13.] Prélude instrumental et Solo de Luth tidinit..Instrumental prelude and tidinit lute solo • [.14.] Éloge du pays et d'une femme dans le style lubayr..Praises of the country and of a woman in the lubayr style • [.15.] Éloge au guerrier Ahmed Ould Bousayf dans le style lubayr..Praise of the warrior Ahmed ould Bousayf in the lubayr style • [.16.] Satire - Satire • [.17.] Chant dédié à lalle Ummi - Song dedicated to Lalle Ummi
Mode Byad Le-btayt (Sous-mode blanc de le-btayt)
Byad Le-btayt mode (white Le-btayt sub-mode)
[.18.] Solo de luth tidinit - Tidinit lute solo • [.19.] Chant de nostalgie sur la vie..Nostalgic song about life • [.20.] Chant d'amour - Song of love

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‹ N/L : 542 ›

Oulad El A'alam أولاد الــعـالــم ♪ Nass El Ghiwane نــاس الــغـيــوان

Album :
Oulad El A'alam أولاد الــعـالــم
People of the world

Artists :
Nass El Ghiwane نــاس الــغـيــوان

Index :

Language : Arabic - Instrumental

Country : Morocco

Melodies :
[.01.] Oulad Elaalam • [.02.] El ghrib • [.03.] Aha fine • [.04.] El oumma • [.05.] Ya sayil

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Wednesday 28 September 2011

Songs of Central Brittany - أغــاني بـريــطــانـيــا الــوســطــى ♪ Erik Marchand And Thierry Robin اريــك مـارشــان و تــيـيـري روبــن

Album :
France فــرنـسـأ
Songs of Central Brittany - أغــاني بـريــطــانـيــا الــوســطــى
An Henchou Treuz - Chants du Centre-Bretagne

Artists :
Erik Marchand and Thierry Robin
اريــك مـارشــان و تــيـيـري روبــن

Index :

Language : Breton - Instrumental

Melodies :
[.01.] Ar zoudard maleureus • [.02.] Ar c'hont gwilhou • [.03.] Eur sulvehz a viz mae • [.04.] Jean-Louis ha Marivon • [.05.] Heuliad Fisel : Berjelenn / Ar plac'h e ribotad / Disput ' • [.06.] Bolom kozh • [.07.] Iwan Gamus • [.08.] Son ar vot • [.09.] Heuliad plinn : Mélanie 1 / Deuit ganin minourez / Mélanie 2 • [.10.] Ar graouenn muskades

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Charango And Songs from Cuzco شــرنـغــو و الـغــنـاء من كـوزكــو ♪ Julio Benavente Diaz خوليو دياز بينافينتي

Album :
Peru بـيـرو Pérou
Charango And Songs from Cuzco شــرنـغــو و الـغــنـاء من كـوزكــو
Charango Et Chants du Cuzco

Artist :
Julio Benavente Diaz خـولـيـو ديـاز بـيـنـافـيـنـتي

Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيـــب Livret

Language : Quechua - Instrumental

Melodies :
[.01.] Color Color Punchituchay • [.02.] Phallchay • [.03.] Wamanripaschallay • [.04.] Ollantay • [.05.] Sara Tarpuy • [.06.] Cusquena Paloma • [.07.] Sonqito Corazoncito • [.08.] Al Partir • [.09.] Akakau, Atatau • [.10.] Ripukunay q'Asapatapi • [.11.] Charango fiél Companero • [.12.] Jardinero de Amores • [.13.] Huarocondollay campanillay • [.14.] En la Laguna de Antapampa • [.15.] Charanguito de las Punas • [.16.] Si Dos Con el Alma • [.17.] Puna Vizcachita • [.18.] Mana Mamayoq • [.19.] Rata Rata Nirwana • [.20.] Suray Surita • [.21.] Chumbivilcano Kani

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The Musicians of the Nile مـوسـيــقـى الـنـيـــل ♪ The Musicians of the Nile and Mizmar Baladi Ensemble

Album :
Egypt مــصـــر Egypte
The Musicians of the Nile مـوسـيــقـى الـنـيـــل
Les Musiciens de Nil

Artists :
The Musicians of the Nile and Mizmar Baladi Ensemble
عــازفــيـن فــرقــة الــنـيــل للـمـوسـيـقـى و فــرقـة مـزمـار بــلــدي
Les Musiciens DE Nil et Ensemble Mizmar Baladi
•» Musicians Of The Nile: Metqal Qenawi Metqal, Shamandi Twefiq Metqal (vocals, rababah); Yussef 'Ali Bakash (vocals); Mohamed Murad Mejali (rababah, suffara, background vocals); Yunis Al-Hilali (rababah); Mustafa 'Abd Al'-Aziz (arghul); Qenawi Bakhit Qenawi, Ramadan Atta Muhammad (mizmar); Hanafi Mohamed 'Ali (tabla); Jadd Al-Rabb Mahmud (tabl baladi) •» Additional personnel: Bunduq Khan Langa (vocals); Habib Khan Langa (safara); Salama Abdel Rahman (reqq); John Boswell (duf); Arach Khalatbari (daff)

Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيـــب Livret

Language : Instrumental - Arabic

Melodies :
[.01.] Aamedat el Karnak [Les Colonnes De Karnak] • [.02.] Ya Faraoule [O Fraise] • [.03.] Zarhat el Luxor [Rose De Louxor] • [.04.] Abou Zeïd el Hilali • [.05.] Taksim Arghoul [Petit] • [.06.] Taksim Arghoul [Tayaram] • [.07.] Taksim [Mizmar] • [.08.] Sibs

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Dib el-Ghaba ذئـْـب الــغــَـابـَـة ♪ Jil Jilala جــيــل جـيــلالــة

Album :
Dib el-Ghaba ذئـْـب الــغــَـابـَـة

Artists :
Jil Jilala جــيــل جـيــلالــة

Index :

Language : Arabic - Instrumental

Country : Morocco

Melodies :
[.01.] Dib el ghaba • [.02.] Lache ayeche • [.03.] La taiess • [.04.] Ila dak el hale • [.05.] Ya daieme haim

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The singing of Sanaa شـعـر الـغـنــاء الـيـمـنـي ♪ Hasan al-Ajamî حـســن الـعـجــمـي

Album :
Yemen الـيــمــن
The singing of Sanaa شـعـر الـغـنــاء الـيـمـنـي
Le Chant de Sanaa

Artist :
Hasan al-'Ajamî حـســن الـعـجــمـي
•» Hasan al-'Ajamî - Chant et Luth Qanbus •» Mohammed Al-khamisi - Plateau en Cuivre Sahn Nuhasi

Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيـــب Livret

Language : Arabic - Instrumental

Melodies :
[.01.] Qawma - Li-llah ma yahwi - hadha-i-maqam • [.02.] Qawma - Fertash - Wasta • [.03.] Qawma - Fertash

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Tuesday 27 September 2011

Song and Precussion الـغــنـاء و الـطــرق ♪ Mohammed Ismâ'îl Al-Khamîsî مـحـمد إسـمـاعـيـل الــخــمـيــسـي

Album :
Yemen الـيــمــن
Song and Precussion الـغــنـاء و الـطــرق
Chant et Percussion

Artist :
Mohammed Ismâ'îl Al-Khamîsî مـحـمد إسـمـاعـيـل الــخــمـيــسـي

Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيـــب Livret

Language : Arabic - Instrumental

Melodies :
[.01.] Huwa al-hobb fa-slam bi-l-hashâ • [.02.] Idhâ kunta ta'lam bimâ fî al-sudûr • [.03.] Matâ yashtafî • [.04.] Jarrat 'âdat-al-hobb

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...And You Love...وأنــت الــحـب ♪ Yair Dalal يــايــر دلال

Album :
...And You Love...وأنــت الــحـب

Artist :
Yair Dalal يــايــر دلال

Index :

Language : Hebrew - Instrumental

Country : Palestine48/Iraq

Melodies :
[.01.] Perfume Road • [.02.] Shafl Ruah • [.03.] Yaarat Dvash • [.04.] Madet Baal El Asha • [.05.] Sigala • [.06.] Drink Heart • [.07.] Three Dimension • [.08.] Mi Ha Esh Yrat Hashem • [.09.] From The Desert • [.10.] Oh my Love

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Sunday 25 September 2011

The Art of the 'Ûd فــن الــعــود - Munir Bashir مــنــيــر بـشــيــر

Album :
Iraq الــعــراق Irak
The Art of the 'Ûd فــن الــعــود
L'Art du 'Ûd

Artist :
Munir Bashir مــنــيــر بـشــيــر

Index :

Language : Instrumental

Melodies :
[.01.] Taqsîm en maqâm : Nahawand-kabîr • [.02.] Taqsîm en maqâm : Râst • [.03.] Taqsîm en maqâm : Hijâz kâr kurd • [.04.] Taqsîm en maqâm : Awj • [.05.] Taqsîm en maqâm : Awshâr • [.06.] Taqsîm en maqâm : Kurdî • [.07.] Taqsîm en maqâm : Lâmî • [.08.] Taqsîm en maqâm : Dasht

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Maqam Central Asia مـَـقــام آسـيـا الــوسـطـى ♪ Monâjât Yultchieva مــنــاجــاة يـلـتــشــوفـَـا

Album :
Uzbekistan أوزبــكـســتــان Ouzbekistan
Maqam Central Asia مـَـقــام آسـيـا الــوسـطـى
Maqam d'Asie Centrale

Artist :
Monâjât Yultchieva مــنــاجــاة يـلـتــشــوفـَـا
•» Monâjât Yultchieva (voice) •» Shawqat Mirzâev (rabâb) •» Ahmad Jân Dâdâev (ghijak) •» Timur Mahmudov (chang) •» Malika Ziâeva (dotâr) •» Soltân Ali Khodaverdiev (dotâr) •» Ahmad Jân Sobirov (nay) •» Farhâd Dâdâev (dâyera) •» Mamour Jân Mirdâdâev (dâyera)

Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيـــب Livret

Language : Instrumental - Uzbek

Melodies :
[.01.] Monâjât • [.02.] Tanâvar • [.03.] Girya • [.04.] Shâm u saharlarda • [.05.] Kim avval kim ilgari • [.06.] Tanâvar (instrumental) • [.07.] Chârgâh • [.08.] Ushshâq • [.09.] Saqinâme-i Bayât • [.10.] Dasht-i navâ • [.11.]Aylading • [.12.] Dogâh-Hosayni

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Confrérie des Jilala حـضــرة جـيــلالــة ♪ Moqqadem Abdelkader Ben Mouiha الــمـــقــدم عـــبــدالــقــادر بــن مـــيــها

Album :
Morocco الــمــغـرب Maroc
Confrérie des Jilala حـضــرة جـيــلالــة
Jilala Confraternity

Artists :
Jilala Of Fez Led By Moqqadem Abdelkader Ben Mouiha
جـــيـــلالــة فــاس تـحـت قـيـادة الـــمـــقـــدم عـــبــدالـــقـــادر بـــن مـــيــها
Jilala de Fès Dirigé par Moqqadem Abdelkader Ben Mouiha

Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيـــب Livret

Language : Arabic - Instrumental

Melodies :
[.01.] Dhikr • [.02.] Tahlîla • [.03.] Chourafa Gharbaoui • [.04.] Chourafa Sahraoui • [.06.] Qasîda • [.07.] Mlouk Gnaoui

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Tanbur and Dutâr طــنــبــور و دوثــار ♪ Turgun Alimatov ثــرغــم عـلـيــماثــوف

Album :
Uzbekistan أوزبــكـســتــان Ouzbekistan
Tanbur and Dutâr طــنــبــور و دوثــار

Artist :
Turgun Alimatov ثــرغــم عـلـيــماثــوف
•» Turgun Alimatov (sato, tanbur, dutâr) •» Alisher Alimatov (tanbur, dutâr)

Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيـــب Livret

Language : Instrumental

Melodies :
[.01.] Nawa (sato) • [.02.] Surmaisi (sato, dutâr) • [.03.] Farganacha Tanovar (sato, dutâr) • [.04.] Chul-i Iraq (sato) • [.05.] Oinasam (sato, dutâr) • [.06.] Gul-i Zarim (tanbur, dutâr) • [.07.] Segah (sato, tanbur) • [.08.] Nasr-i Segah (tanbur) • [.09.] Samarkand-i Ushshaq (tanbur) • [.10.] Aman-Yar (tanbur, dutâr) • [.11.] Sama-i Dugah (tanbur, dutâr) • [.12.] Chargah (tanbur) • [.13.] Tanovar (dutâr) • [.14.] Girya (dutâr) • [.15.] Dutâr Nawaisi (dutâr)

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The Fulani Hoddu هــدّ الــفــولانــي ♪ Various Artists مــجـمـوعــة

Album :
Mali مــالـــي
The Fulani Hoddu هــدّ الــفــولانــي
Le Hoddu Peul

Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيـــب Livret

Language : Fula - Instrumental

Melodies & Artists :
[.01.] N'doondo / Garbaare •» Toka Abagouro Sarré • [.02.] Durgama •» Dinda Hamma Sarré • [.03.] N'dyarou •» Dinda Hamma Sarré • [.04.] Segalare •» Nassourou Sarré • [.05.] N'doondo •» Dinda Hamma Sarré • [.06.] Biidi koolé •» Nassourou Sarré • [.07.] N'dyarou •» Bara Sambarou Sarré • [.08.] Ewli •» Bara Sambarou Sarré • [.09.] Gambari •» Bara Sambarou Sarré • [.10.] Bawdi •» Toka Abagouro Sarré

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Rubâb And Dutâr الــربـَــاب و الــدوثـَـار ♪ Ustad Rahim Khushnawaz And Gada Mohammad رحــيـــم خـــوش نـــواز و غــادا مــحـــمـــد

Album :
Afghanistan أفـغـانـسـتـان l'Afghanistan
Rubâb And Dutâr الــربـَــاب و الــدوثـَـار

Artists :
Ustad Rahim Khushnawaz & Gada Mohammad
رحــيـــم خـــوش نـــواز و غــادا مــحـــمـــد
•» Ustad Rahim Khushnawaz (rubâb) •» Gada Mohammad (dutâr) •» Azim Hassanpur (tabla)

Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيـــب Livret

Language : Instrumental

Melodies :
Musique de Hérat
[.01.] Leili kodâm ast be nok-e bâm ast (rubâb, dutâr, tabla) • [.02.] Chahârbeiti Siâhmu wa Jalali (dutâr, tabla) • [.03.] Asadullah Jân (dutâr, tabla) • [.04.] Jâm-e Nârenji (rubâb, dutâr, tabla)
Musique Savante de Kaboul
[.05.] Naghmeh-e Kashâl - Raga Beiru (rubâb, tabla) • [.06.] Naghmeh-e Kashâl - Raga Yaman (dutâr, tabla) • [.07.] Naghmeh-e Kashâl - Raga Bhimpalasi (rubâb, tabla) • [.08.] Naghmeh-e Kashâl - Raga Pilu (rubâb, dutâr, tabla) • [.09.] Tarz - Raga Âsâ (rubâb, dutâr, tabla)

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Confrérie des Aïssawa ♪ الـــطــريــقـــة الــعــيــســـاويــــة

Album :
Morocco الــمــغــرب Maroc
Confrérie des Aïssawa الـــطــريــقـــة الــعــيــســـاويــــة
The Aïssawa Confraternity

Artists :
Tayfa of Cheikh Sidi Mohamed طــائـفـة سـيـدي الشيخ مــحـمـد

Index :

Language : Instrumental - Arabic

Melodies :

[.01.] Hizb • [.02.] Dhikr • [.03.] Mlouk

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Saturday 24 September 2011

Marrakech Festival of Folk Arts مــهـرجــان مــراكــش للـفـنـون الـشــعـبـيـة ♪ Various Ensembles فــرق مـوسـيـقـيـة

Album :
Marrakech Festival of Folk Arts
مــهـرجــان مــراكــش للـفـنـون الـشــعـبـيـة

Artists :
Various Ensembles فــرق مـوسـيـقـيـة

Index :

Language : Arabic - Amazigh - Instrumental

Country : Morocco

Melodies :
[.01.] Imin tanout • [.02.] Haha • [.03.] Gnaouas • [.04.] Ahidouss • [.05.] Tissint • [.06.] Aouha sidi labes • [.07.] Kelaa des m'gouna • [.08.] Akilal sif • [.09.] Chant du Haouz

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L'Eprise de Dieu.Un Oratorio Soufi عـــاشـقــة الله.ســمــاع نــغــمــي صــوفــي ♪ Nidaa Abou Mrad and Carole Samaha

Album :
L'Eprise de Dieu عـــاشـقــة الله
Enamored of God
Un Oratorio Soufi ســمــاع نــغــمــي صــوفــي
A Soufi Oratorio

Artists :
Nidaa Abou Mrad and Carole Samaha
نــداء أبــو مــراد و كــارول ســـمـاحـــه
•» Nidaa Abou Mrad : Violin/Violon •» Carole Samaha: Chant/Singing

Index :

Language : Instrumental - Arabic

Country : Lebanon

Melodies :
[.01.] Musique en Calice • [.02.] Illusion en Nectar • [.03.] Attachement puis systole et résignation • [.04.] Ascèse et Espérance • [.05.] Dévotion, Initiation et séparation • [.06.] Doute, Initiation et certitude • [.07.] Imprégnation et contemplation • [.08.] Gnose • [.09.] Réconfort • [.10.] Vision • [.11.] Anéantissement

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Friday 23 September 2011

A Hundred Years of Taarab مــائــة سـنــة من الــطــرب ♪ Ikhwani Safaa Musical Club نــادي الـصــفـاء للـمـوسـيــقـى ♪ Vol. 1

Album :
Zanzibara, Vol. 1 زنـجـبــار، الجــزء الاول
A Hundred Years of Taarab مــائــة سـنــة من الــطــرب
Cent Ans De Tarab à Zanzibar

Artists :
Ikhwani Safaa Musical Club نــادي الـصــفـاء للـمـوسـيــقـى

Note :
Ikhwani Safaa Musical Club (‘the True Brotherhood Club’) is Zanzibar’s (and probably Africa's) oldest music club, celebrating its centenary in 2005. Ikhwani Safaa’s taarab orchestra and its songs are hailed up and down the Swahili Coast as the true essence of taarab. The CD revisits some of the orchestra’s famous songs of years gone by, like Maulidi Machaprala’s “Vingaravyo” or Mohamed Ahmed’s “Mpenzi Wangu Hawezi”, along with more contemporary songs featuring their current lead singers Rukia Ramadhani and Mohamed Ilyas

Language : Instrumental - Kiswahili

Country : Tanzania

Melodies :
[.01.] vingaravyo vyote si dhahabu.Maulidi Mohamed • [.02.] cheochako.Rukia Ramadhani • [.03.] hofu yako iondoe.Mohamed Liyas • [.04.] waache waseme.Maulidi Mohamed • [.05.] zinduna.Ikhwani Safaa Musical Club • [.06.] mpenzi wangu hawezi.Mohamed Ahmed • [.07.] pendo kitu cha hiyari.Rukia Ramadhani • [.08.] naomba kwako bibiye.Maulidi Mohamed

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Golden Years of Mombasa Taarab الـعـصـر الـذهـبـي لـطـرب مـومـبـاسـا ♪ Maulidi And Mombasa Musical Party مــولـدي و فـرقـة مـومـبـاسـا الـموسـيـقيـة

Album :
Zanzibara, Vol. 2 زنـجـبــار، الجــزء الـتـانــي
Golden Years of Mombasa Taarab الـعـصـر الـذهـبـي لـطـرب مـومـبـاسـا
L'âge D'or Du Taarab De Mombasa
1965 - 1975

Artists :
Maulidi & Mombasa Musical Party مــولـدي و فـرقـة مـومـبـاسـا الـموسـيـقيـة

Note :
Thanks to the legacy of Mzuri, a small Mombasa-based record label, the 1960s and 1970s now rank as the golden years of Mombasa taarab. Apart from the old stars Ali Mkali and Yasseen, the CD presents the initial recordings of Zuhura Swaleh and Maulidi Juma, both to become the most popular wedding singers well into the 1990s. Also featured are ‘ud virtuoso Zein l’Abdin and the ever innovative Matano Juma

Language : Instrumental - Kiswahili

Country : Tanzania

Melodies :
[.01.] dada • [.02.] ndege kaa ufikiri • [.03.] ya zamani • [.04.] masikini macho yangu • [.05.] musiwe na mshangao • [.06.] risala • [.07.] yaatika • [.08.] Mpenzi azizi • [.09.] nalikuwa na mpenzi • [.10.] mpelekee muhibu • [.11.] kuratu ayini • [.12.] niwewe • [.13.] moyo lia lia • [.14.] hasidi • [.15.] nimechoka kulima • [.16.] sheria yatukataza

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The 1960s Sound of Tanzania أصــوات تـنـزانـيـا في الـسـتـيـنـات ♪ Various Artists ♪ Vol. 3

Album :
Zanzibara, Vol. 3 زنـجـبــار، الجــزء الـتـالـث
Ujamaa (1968-1973)
The 1960s Sound of Tanzania أصــوات تـنـزانـيـا في الـسـتـيـنـات
Le son des années 60 en Tanzanie

Artists :
•» Bar Jazz (Dar es-Salaam Jazz Band) •» Morogoro Jazz Band (Wana Likembe) •» Atomic Jazz Band, Jamhuri Jazz Band (Wanyama Wakali) •» Nuta Jazz band (Msondo Ngoma)

Note :
The craze for dance music – muziki wa dansi – began in Tanzania in the early 1930s. Cuban rumba records were all the rage and the urban youth organized themselves into 'dance clubs' like the Dar Es-Salaam Jazz Band founded in 1932. A legacy of the earlier brass band fashion, the earliest instrumentation added brass instruments to a layer of local drums. Strings followed —violins, banjos, mandolins and guitars. – Compared to dance music from neighboring Kenya or Congo, muziki wa dansi sounds sweeter and more laid-back, possibly an extension of the smoother Tanzanian life back in the 1960s/70s. It is generally built on a bed of two to three guitars and bass guitar, with drums, congas and other percussion having just basing time keeping and coloring functions. The lyrics are usually sung by a chorus rather than a single lead voice, horn sections of trumpets and saxophones punctuate the vocals

Language : Instrumental - Kiswahili

Country : Tanzania

Melodies :
[.01.] Shangazi Naomba Taiti • [.02.] Mpenzi Nakukanya • [.03.] Maneno Niliyokwambia • [.04.] Usijipendekeze • [.05.] Asili Ya Mahaba • [.06.] Nimechoka • [.07.] Likembe Ya Moro • [.08.] Mpenzi Usemayo • [.09.] Nipekele Kwa Baba • [.10.] Dada Nihurumie • [.11.] Instrumental 1 • [.12.] Salamu Zako Nimezipata • [.13.] Mpenzi Ya Kijinga • [.14.] Utaniangamiza • [.15.] Livu Morogoro • [.16.] Kaka Umenishinda • [.17.] Isuwaamini Shemeji

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The Diva of Zanzibari Music مُـطـربة زنـجـبـار الأولـــى ♪ Bi Kidudé فـطــومــة بـنــت بــركــة ♪ Vol. 4

Album :
Zanzibara, Vol. 4 زنـجـبــار، الجــزء الـرابـع
The Diva of Zanzibari Music مُـطـربة زنـجـبـار الأولـــى
La Mémoire De La Musique Zanzibaraise

Artist :
Bi Kidudé فـطــومــة بـنــت بــركــة

Note :
Zanzibara 4 is a musical tribute to Bi Kidude, the legendary diva of Zanzibari music. Bi Kidude («the Little Thing») was born Fatma Bint Baraka in 1920s Zanzibar. In her youth Bi Kidude witnessed the growth of taarab as the region’s most popular style. However she devoted herself to msondo (female initiation songs) first, joining one of the fashionable women’s taarab clubs only later in her life. An emblematic singer throughout the whole region as a guardian of the old-style taarab songs of legendary Siti bint Saad. The recordings presented here span the last twenty years of Bi Kidude’s career. She is accompanied by various ensembles, among them the famous Culture Musical Club, Zanzibar Taarab All Stars and Afro Arab Groove

Index :

Language : Instrumental - Kiswahili - Arabic

Country : Tanzania

Melodies :
[.01.] Alaminadura • [.02.] Beru • [.03.] Khaifu (khaifakolil) • [.04.] Kijiti • [.05.] Msondo • [.06.] Jua toka • [.07.] Ya laiti • [.08.] Muhogo wan jang ombe • [.09.] Pakistani • [.10.] Suhuba ya dai

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Hot in Dar Hot in Dar حـيــويـة الدار ♪ Various Artists ♪ Vol. 5

Album :
Zanzibara, Vol. 5 زنـجـبــار، الجــزء الـخـامـس
Hot in Dar حـيــويـة الدار
The Sound of Tanzania صــوت تــانـزانــيــا
Le Son De Tanzanie

Note :
In the late 70s and early 80s, the city of Dar es-Salaam was one of the richest and most vibrating musical scenes in Africa, with some 25 to 30 professional bands performing in nightclubs and theatres. Tight dialogues between three or four guitars, horn section riffs and unfailing swing characterize muziki wa dansi (‘dance music’). It was not only the music of urban night clubbers in Dar es Salaaam, but also the sound backdrop of everyday life in the whole country, thanks to the radio broadcast of Radio Tanzania (which also functioned as the country’s sole recording institution). This anthology presents the most famous bands of that period: “Mlimani Park Orchestra”, “Dar International Orchestra” and “Vijana Jazz Band.”

Index :

Language : Instrumental - Kiswahili

Country : Tanzania

Melodies & Artists :
[.01.] Visa Vimenichosha - Mlimani Park Orchestra • [.02.] Baba Anna - Dar International Orchestre • [.03.] Kassim Amefilisika - Mlimani Park Orchestra • [.04.] Rufani Ya Kifo - Dar International Orchestre • [.05.] Taxi Driver - Mlimani Park Orchestra • [.06.] Talaka Ya Hasira - Mlimani Park Orchestra • [.07.] Uzuri Wa Asili - Dar International Orchestre • [.08.] Nawashukuru Wazazi Wangu - Mlimani Park Orchestra • [.09.] Nilitaka Iwe Siri - Vijana Jazz Band • [.10.] Mwana Acha Ujinga - Dar International Orchestre

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