Tuesday 31 May 2011

A Time To Cry - A Lament Over Jerusalem صــرخــة من الــقــدس - رثـــاء على الــقــدس ♪ Rim Banna, Jawaher Shoufani, Nay Bargouthi and Wissam Murad ..

Album :
A Time To Cry - A Lament Over Jerusalem
صــرخــة من الــقــدس - رثـــاء على الــقــدس
Artists :
Rim Banna, Jawaher Shoufani, Nay Bargouthi and Wissam Murad
Featuring: Hallgrim Bratberg, Gjermund Silset, Kenneth Ekornes and the American Musician Steve Gorn
ريـــم بـنــا ، وســـام مـــراد ، جـــواهـــر شـــوفــانــي و نـــاي بـــرغـــوثــي
بـــرفــقــة: هــلـغــريــم بــراتـبـيــرغ ، كــيــنـيــث ايــكــورنــس ، غــجــيــرمــونــد و ســتــيــفــن غــورن
Note :
هو ألبوم سيلامس القلوب و المشاعر بكل تأكيد لكن لابد من إضافة العقل وعليه فأهم شئ فيه أنه بدعم من مجلس الكنائس بالنرويج و هدية من يهودي الى المدونة
Index :
Booklet الكــتــيــّــب Livret
Language : Instrumental - Arabic
Country : Palestine - USA - Norvay
Melodies :
[.01.] A Time To Cry • [.02.] Flower Of Cities • [.03.] Oh Land • [.04.] Flood Of Tears • [.05.] Al Quds Everlasing • [.06.] Mum, Sing To The Wind • [.07.] Oh Flying Bird • [.08.] Fly, And Slow Down, Goose • [.09.] The Stranger Cared About Me • [.10.] About A Human • [.11.] Lament Of Jesus • [.12.] To A poem

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Sunday 29 May 2011

La 5e Route Bleue الــمـســار الازرق رقــم خــمــســة ♪ OktoEcho أوكــتــوإشـّـو

Album :
La 5e Route Bleue الــمـســار الازرق رقــم خــمــســة
The 5th Blue Road

Artists :
OktoEcho أوكــتــوإشـّـو
•» Marianne Trudel (piano) •» Ismail Hakki Fencioglu (oud & voix) •» Patrick Graham (percussions) •» Peter Herbert (contrebasse)
•»Étienne Lépine-Lafrance (contrebasse sur Hatchepsout)
•» Compositions: Katia Makdissi-Warren

Index :

Language : Instrumental

Country : Lebanon - Canada - France - Turkey

Melodies :
[.01.] Hatchepsout • [.02.] Improvisation oud / piano • [.03.] Fuite vers l’horizon • [.04.] Improvisation piano / percussion • [.05.] Souhait de printemps • [.06.] Improvisation contrebasse / percussion • [.07.] Lointain • [.08.] Improvisation contrebasse / piano • [.09.] Le clown des cavernes • [.10.] Improvisation oud / piano

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Flamenco..Antología del Cante Minero الفــلامــنــكو..مــخــتــارات مـن الــكــانــتـي مــنــرو ♪ Curro Piñana كــورّو بــنــيــانــا

Album :
Flamenco .. Anthologie du Cante Minero
Flamenco .. Anthology of the Cante Minero
Flamenco .. Antología del Cante Minero
الفــلامــنــكو .. مــخــتــارات مـن الــكــانــتـي مــنــرو

Artist :
Curro Piñana كــورّو بــنــيــانــا
••» Chant/cantaor/vocals : Curro Piñana
••» Guitare et arrangements / guitarra y arreglos /guitar and arrangements : •» Antonio Piñana (CD I : 2, 4, 8, 13 / CD II : 2, 3, 5, 14) •» Carlos Piñana (CD I : 1, 5, 10, 12, 14 / CD II : 6, 9, 10, 12) •» Francisco Tornero (CD II : 7) •» Juan Manuel Cañizares (CD I : 3 / CD II : 1) •» Juan Ramón Caro (CD I : 9 / CD II : 8) •» Pedro Sierra (CD I : 7, 11 / CD II : 13) •» Tano Moreno (CD II : 4) •» Victor Monge Serranito (CD I : 6 / CD II : 11)

Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيـــب Livret

Language : Spanish - Instrumental

Country : Spain

Melodies :
Disc 01
[.01.] De las minas no me quejo. Minera del Rojo (Opalo/Trad.) • [.02.] Aquellos enemigos mortales. Taranta de Guerrita (Trad.) • [.03.] Soy de Cartagena. Cartagenera clásica (Trad.) • [.04.] Que tengo miedo. Minera piñanera (Trad.) • [.05.] Qué sentimiento. Malagueña cartagenera (Trad.) • [.06.] Compañerico minero. Minera del Rojo (Trad.) • [.07.] Ay camina. Taranto (Trad.) • [.08.] San Antón me prendieron. Cartagenera de La Trini (Trad.) • [.09.] Bien ganao. Levantica del Rojo (Trad.) • [.10.] La molinera. Murciana personal (Trad.) • [.11.] Fueron los firmes puntales. Cartagenera del Rojo (Andrés Barceló/Trad.) • [.12.] Que siempre te encuentro llorando. Minera del Rojo (Trad.) • [.13.] En Cartagena nací. Taranta Cante Matriz (Trad.) • [.14.] Se fue a trabajar a un puente. Minera de Antonio Grau (Trad.)
Disc 02
[.01.] Échese usté al vaciaero & No lo niego. Murcianas del Cojo de Málaga y Manuel Vallejo • [.02.] Fueron a Quitapellejos. Cante del trovo (Trad.) • [.03.] Cuando yo galanteaba. Malagueña Bolero del Campo de Cartagena (Trad.) • [.04.] Dale compañero. Taranta de Cartagena (Trad.) • [.05.] Qué madrugá. Minera de la Madrugá (Trad.) • [.06.] Del barrio de San Antón. Sanantonera (Trad.) • [.07.] A la derecha te inclinas. Cartagenera de Chacón (Trad.) • [.08.] Pajarito y el Morato. Cantes del Pajarito (Opalo/Trad.) • [.09.] Mala noche me espera. Taranta personal (Trad.) • [.10.] Con mi taleguico. Minera del Rojo (Trad.) • [.11.] Latidos del corazón. Fandangos mineros (Trad.) • [.12.] Por la mañana la llamo. Levantica del Cojo de Málaga (Trad.) • [.13.] Platiqué con ella un rato. Cantes de Pedro el Morato (Trad.) • [.14.] Lo llevo en la sangre. Taranta de Linares (Trad.)

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Saturday 28 May 2011

OktoEcho ♪ أوكــتــوإشـّـو

Album & Artists :
OktoEcho أوكــتــوإشـّـو
•» Chef d’orchestre/Conductor : Katia Makdissi-Warren
•» Solistes : Ismail Hakki Fencioglu (oud et chant) • Ralda Salem (nay et chant) • Marianne Trudel (piano) • Patrick Graham (percussions) • Alexandre Duguay (violon)
•» Musiciens: Michelle Seto , Valérie Belzile , Annie Guénette (violons), Frédérique Lambert (alto), Carla Antoun (violoncelle), Etienne Lafrance, Nicolas Lessard (contrebasse), Bertil Schulrabe (percussions)
•» Compositeurs : Katia Makdissi-Warren • Gabriel Evangelista • Anthony Rosankovic • Elia Saba • Alexandre Grogg
•» Collaborateurs : Mario Villeneuve et JEIK Dion
Index :

Note :
At the crossroads of the Middle East and the West, OktoEcho offers a modern reading of free trade through music... Under the artistic direction of the composer Katia Makdissi-Warren, OktoEcho consists of 13 improviser-musicians of international calibre... Each member contributes - through his or her experience and cultural background (world music, classical, jazz, etc.) - to a multicultural melding creating a new musical language .. À la croisée du Moyen-Orient et de l’Occident, OktoEcho propose une lecture actualisée du libre-échange par le langage de la musique... Sous la direction artistique de la compositrice Katia Makdissi-Warren, OktoEcho réunit 13 musiciens-improvisateurs de calibre international... L’expérience et les influences culturelles de chacun d’entre eux (musique du monde, classique, jazz…) participent à l’alliance multiculturelle de ce nouveau langage musical

Language : Arabic - Instrumenatl - Turkish

Country : Lebanon - Canada - Turkey - France ...

Melodies :
[.01.] Razzia • [.02.] Mediterrania 70 • [.03.] Maria • [.04.] Solo Nay • [.05.] Emta Ha Taaraf Inta • [.06.] Andalous Shoes • [.07.] Sen Olasin Ürgüp • [.08.] Solo Oud • [.09.] El-Ekhir • [.10.] Bras de mer • [.11.] Solo Oud

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MOLAMS AND MOKHENES.. Singing and Mouth Organ ♪ Vongvilay Opimsakda, Souligna Fasavang & Ensemble Mahori

Album :
MOLAMS ET MOKHÈNES.. Chant et Orgue à Bouche
مــولــمــس و مــوكــن ..الــغــناء و الارغـــن
MOLAMS AND MOKHENES.. Singing and Mouth Organ

Artists :
Vongvilay Opimsakda, Souligna Fasavang & Ensemble Mahori
فـنــفــلـي أوبـتـمــسـكـدا، سـولـيــثــنــا فــســفــنــغ و فــرقــة مــهــوري

•» Denesavanh Chanthakhad, molam •» Vongvilay Opimsakda, molam •» Pouvieng Vathalisack, molam •» Souligna Fasavang, molam •» Bounthong Keoboula, molam •» Kianthiay, molam •» Khamsuane Vongthongkham, mokhène •» Vilaphanh Phommachak, mokhène •» Atsavinh Souvannasing, percussions
•»• Ensemble Mahori / Mahori Ensemble :
•» Bounmanh:vièle/fiddle si so •» Somphone Manivong:xylophone lanat ék •» YangKang:xylophone lanat thoum •» Khoune Duongdala : carillon de gongs/set of gongs khong vong •» Sakpasith •» Thammavong : tambour khong •» Sisounéth : petites cymbales/small cymbals sing •» Atsavinh Souvannasing:cymbalesmoyennes/mediumsizecymbals sab

Photos :

Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيـــب Livret

Language : Lao - Insyrumental

Country : Laos

Melodies :
Provinces du Nord
[.01.] Lom Phat Paï • [.02.] Khap Thoum Luang Prabang • [.03.] Khap Samneua • [.04.] Khap Xieng Khouang • [.05.] Khap Xieng Khouang .. Plaine de Vientiane et de la vallee du Mékong .. • [.06.] Lam Pheune • [.07.] Khap Ngeum • [.08.] Lam Kone, Lam Long, Lam Teuil • [.09.] Lam Deune • [.10.] Lam Teuil
Provinces du Sud
[.11.] Lam Mahaxay • [.12.] Pheune Soy • [.13.] Lam Pouthay • [.14.] Lam Tangvay • [.15.] Lam Khonesavane • [.16.] Lam Som • [.17.] Lam Siphandone • [.19.] Lam Saravane

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Friday 27 May 2011

Zeugma ♪ زيــوغـــمـــا

Album :
Zeugma زيــوغـــمـــا

Artists & Note :
If you don't keep your eyes and ears open you'll risk losing a magical instant!During this instant, Zeugma makes its mark on stage and on the world. Eight musicians with backgrounds in both Western Classical and Middle Eastern music create, perform, improvise-the angelic voice of Ralda Salem, the entrancing rhythms of percussionist Ziya Tabassian, Katia Makdissi-Warren's Arab 'oud, and a string quintet (Zoe Dumais and Alexandre Duguay on violin, Maryse Lord on viola, Anne Marie Cassidy on cello, Daniel Myssyk on double bass) all come together to play the compositions of Gilbert Deshaies and of Zeugma's founder Katia Makdissi-Warren

Index :

Language : Arabic - Instrumental

Country : Lebanon - Canada - Iran ...

Melodies :
[.01.] Taqasim • [.02.] Khassa Tunisien • [.03.] Oummana Mariam • [.04.] Darétus • [.05.] Solo • [.06.] Saba • [.07.] Wahida • [.08.] Ya Aazraou Anti Oumman Lana • [.09.] Treize • [.10.] Solo • [.11.] Sâmâ 'i • [.12.] Amali • [.13.] Danse Festive

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Traditional Arts of the Sultanate of Oman ♪ الـفـنــون الــتـقــليـديــة فــي ســلــطــنــة عــمــان

Album :
Traditional Arts of the Sultanate of Oman
الـفـنــون الــتـقــليـديــة فــي ســلــطــنــة عــمــان
Arts Traditionnels Du Sultanat D'oman

Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيـــب Livret

Language : Arabic - Instrumental

Country : Oman

Melodies :
[.01.] Taghrud (camel song - chant de chamelier) • [.02.] Azi (praise song - chant de louange) • [.03.] Razhah qasafiya (dance with weapons - danse avec armes) • [.04.] Wahhabiya (dance with weapons - danse avec armes) • [.05.] Lewah (dance with oboe - danse avec hautbois) • [.06.] Malid (praising the prophet - a la gloire du prophete) • [.07.] Tamburah (voice of the lyre - voix de la lyre) • [.08.] Shubani (song of the lyre - chants de marins) • [.09.] Haryabuh (pleading for safe return - imploration pour un retour sain et sauf) • [.10.] Sharh (songs of happiness - chants de bonheur) • [.11.] Bar'ah (dance of youth - dance de la jeunesse)

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Andalusian Music. Anthology From Nubate al-Mawal ♪ Hadj Ahmed Piro and Bahaa Ronda

Album :
Andalusian Music. Anthology From Nubate al-Mawal
الـمـوسـيـقـى الأنــدلـســيــة . مـنــتــخــبــات مـن نــوبــات الــمــوال

Artists :
Hadj Ahmed Piro and Bahaa Ronda
الـحــاج أحــمــد بــيــرو و بــهــاء

Index :

Language : Arabic - Instrumental

Country : Morocco

Melodies :
[.01.] Fi Lkalbi Mawki'u lil Habib • [.02.] Yaraka Kalbi • [.03.] Maskan Ghramak • [.04.] Wahed al-Guzayyel • [.05.] Al-Mahabba • [.06.] Ya Lu'alu'a • [.07.] Dhbyan N'achaku • [.08.] Al-Kkad

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Turkey - Music Of The Poet-Musicians تــركــيا . مــوسـيـقــى الــشـــعــراء الــمـــتــجــولــون ♪ Ozan Firat أوزان فــــرات

Album :
Turquie - Musique Des Troubadours
تــركــيا - مــوسيــقــى الــشـــعــراء الــمـــتــجــولــون
Turkey - Music Of The Poet-Musicians

Artist :
Ozan Firat أوزان فــــرات
•» Ozan Firat: Chant, Saz •» Mahmut Demir: Saz, Cura Sazi, Kamantché •» Kudsi Erguner: Ney

Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيـــب Livret

Language : Instrumental - Turkish

Country : Turkey

Melodies :
[.01.] Bu Sene: This Year • [.02.] Kirmizi Gullerinde: Red Roses • [.03.] Chant Traditionnel Kurde/Traditional Kurdish Song • [.04.] Otme Bulbul: Do Not Sing Nightingale • [.05.] Ben Oldum: It's Me Once More • [.06.] Nesi Tatli: Nothing But Misery • [.07.] Bu Daglar Bizim: Here Are Our Mountains • [.08.] Gurbet Eller Ne Yaptiniz: You Have Left Me Alone • [.09.] Uslamadim Benim Benim: My Heart Is Mad • [.10.] Karsidan Karsiya: Our Eyes Meet • [.11.] Gelele Gelele: Return To The Village • [.13.] Kar Yagiyor Yagiyor: The Snow Is Falling • [.14.] Seher Yeli: The Wind Of Dawn

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Chemsi شــمــســـي ♪ Hijaz حــجـــاز

Album :
Chemsi شــمــســـي

Artists :
Hijaz حــجـــاز
••» Members :
•» Moufadhel Adhoum: Oud •» Niko Deman: Piano •» Vincent Noiret: Double Bass •» Azzedine Jazouli: Percussion •» Chryster Aerts: Drums •» Vardan Hovanissian: doudouk
••» Guest :
•» Tcha Limberger: Violin (3,5,8) •» Houssem Ben Kadhi: Nay (1,2,5,8) •» Edouard Prahbu: Tabla (4,7)

Index :

Language : Instrumental

Country : Tunis - Morocco - Belgium

Melodies :
[.01.] Hems • [.02.] Sidi Bou Said • [.03.] Leaving Adana • [.04.] Mr. J.P.S. • [.05.] Ila Sadiqui • [.06.] Meltemia • [.07.] Hafla • [.08.] Chemsi

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Marrakech sur La DéJamaâ El-Fna ♪ ســاحــة جـــامــع الــفــنــا فــي مــراكــش

Album :
Marrakech sur La DéJamaâ El-Fna
ســاحــة جـــامــع الــفــنــا فــي مــراكــش
On the Market Square of Marrakesh

Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيـــب Livret

Language : Arabic - Instrumental - Amazigh

Country : Morocco

Melodies & Artists :
Les charmeurs de serpents - Snake Charmers
[.01.] Invocation de Sidi Rahal • [.02.] Invocation de plusieurs marabouts • [.04.] Rrbani, danse extatique no.1 • [.05.] M’Jerred, danse extatique no.2 • [.06.] Invocation des Aissaoua
Les Gnaoua - The Gnaoua
[.07.] Le ’fu du marché • [.08.] Prière et souvenir des fils de Bambara (Kouyou)
Les Soussi - The Soussi
[.09.] Samita-Sdar (danse avec rebab soussi, lothars et nakus) • [.10.] Chant Ournia

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Traditional Music and Songs of Mauritania ♪ Ensemble El Moukhadrami مــجـمـوعـة الــمـخــضــرمــي

Album :
Traditional Music and Songs of Mauritania
الـمـوسـيـقــى والأغــانــي الـتـقـليــديــة مــن مــوريــتــانــيــا
Musique et Chants Traditionnels de Mauritanie

Artists :
Ensemble El Moukhadrami مــجـمـوعـة الــمـخــضــرمــي
•» Bouh Ould Boba Jiddou : Song and Tidinit •» Dah Ould Abba : Tidinit •» Ahmed Ould N’ghdeil : Song and Percussions •» Fauna Mint Seyid : Song and Ardine •» Tekeiber Mint EI Meidah : Song and Ardine

Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيـــب Livret

Language : Insirumental - Arabic (Hassanya)

Country : Mauritania

Melodies :
Mode Karr[.01.] Instrumental Prelude • [.02.] Madha (Praise) Sous-Mode Blanc de Karr[.03.] Beyt Biedh (White Chant) • [.04.] Ayni Yana (Me, My Eyes) Mode Faghu[.05.] Beyt Harb (Warrior Chants) • [.06.] Beyt Harb (Warrior Chants) • [.07.] Dezzeyt'm Berr (I Have Beaten The Bravest) Sous-Mode Blanc de Faghu[.08.] Nostalgic Off-Cadence Chant • [.09.] Song Without A Title Evoking A Painful Separation • [.10.] Ra'i Imey (Look How It Leans) Mode Khal[.11.] Umsiku Dam'a 'Ayni/Ahdeib Zwayn Mode Biedh[.12.] Lalla Mmwi (My Honourable Mother) • [.13.] El-Hawl (Passion Of Music) • [.14.] Ana Wana (Me, Me) Mode Bteyet[.15.] Madha (Praise) • [.16.] Madha (Praise)

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City of Leaves مــديــنــة الاوراق ♪ Sussan Deyhim ســوســان ديـْــهــَــم

Album :
City of Leaves مــديــنــة الاوراق

Artist :
Sussan Deyhim ســوســان ديـْــهــَــم

Index :

Language : Instrumental - English - Persian

Country : Iran

Melodies :
[.01.] City Of Leaves • [.02.] Tender Gaze • [.03.] Glyphs On The Horizon • [.04.] Dukebox • [.05.] Searching For You • [.06.] Fire Within • [.07.] Autumn • [.08.] Beshno Az Ney/Windfall • [.09.] Secret Garden

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Barfoot Child الــطــفــل الــحـافــي ♪ Saif Karomi ســيــف كــرومــي

Album :
Barfoot Child الــطــفــل الــحـافــي

Artist :
Saif Karomi ســيــف كــرومــي

Index :

Language : Instrumental

Country : Iraq

Melodies :
[.01.] In Thoughts • [.02.] The River • [.03.] Travelling • [.04.] Barfoot Child • [.05.] Um Haider • [.06.] Candle • [.07.] Woman's Mood • [.08.] Sugarcane

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Halat حـــالات ♪ Jameel Sayeh جــمــيــل الــســايــح

Album :
Halat حـــالات

Artist :
Jameel Sayeh جــمــيــل الــســايــح
•» Vocals,Oud : Jameel Sayeh •» Guitar : Zaher Rashmawy •» Percussions : Samer Jaradat

Index :

Language : Arabic - Instrumental

Country : Palestine

Melodies :
[.01.] Days Have Passed • [.02.] We Renew the World • [.03.] I'm From Ghaza • [.04.] Air Flow • [.05.] Gypsy Horse • [.06.] Abul Ghalaba • [.07.] Kherak La Gherak • [.08.] The Peace Has Come • [.09.] Patience • [.10.] Raseef Al-Madina • [.11.] To a Young Poet

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Asfâr أســــفــار ♪ Le Trio Jubran الــثــلاثــي جــبــران

Album :
Asfâr أســــفــار

Artists :
Le Trio Jubran الــثــلاثــي جــبــران
•» Trio Joubran, oud; •» Hbeisch Youssef, percussion •»Dhafer Youssef, voice

Index :

Language : Instrumental - Vocals

Country : Palestine - Tunis

Melodies :
[.01.] Nawwâr • [.02.] Zawâj El Yamâm • [.03.] Dawwâr El Shams • [.04.] Douja • [.05.] Sama Cordoba • [.06.] Asfâr • [.07.] Masâna

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Mélodies Judéo-Arabes d'autrefois .. Maghreb Et Moyen Orient ♪ ألــحــان الــيــهــود الــعــرب أيــام زمـــان .. الـمـغـرب و الـشـرق الاوســط

Album :
Mélodies Judéo-Arabes d'autrefois .. Maghreb Et Moyen Orient
ألــحــان الــيــهــود الــعــرب أيــام زمـــان .. الـمـغـرب و الـشـرق الاوســط

Index :

Language : Arabic - Instrumental - French

Melodies, Artists & Country :
[.01.] Tunisia : Hbiba Msika “Ala Srir E-N-Nom”(1928) • [.02.] Kuwait : Salih Ezra Al-Kuwayti “Yuahiduni La Khanani” (1930) • [.03.] Syria : Fayruz Al Halabiyya “Tawwil Balak” (1936) • [.04.] Syria : Fauruz Al Halabiyya “Ruh Bii Sabilak”(1938) • [.05.] Tunisia : Bishi Slama “Khoz E-Ddibliz”(1934) • [.06.] Tunisia : Louisa Al-Tunsiyya “Ta Ala Indi”(1935) • [.07.] Morocco : Zohra Alfasiyya“Ayta Bidawiyya”(1934) • [.08.] Morocco : Zohra Al Fasiyaa “Aytat Mulay Ibrahim”(1934) • [.09.] Iraq “ Hugi Pataw “Taqsim”(1933) • [.10.] Egypt : Dawud Husni “Taqsim”(1922) • [.11.] Egypt : Thurrayya Qaddura “Chant De Mariage”• [.12.] Algeria : Eliahu Bensaoid “Layali Essurur”(1925) • [.13.] Algeria : Marie Soussan “Faraquni Ya Tarahum” • [.14.] Algeria : Edmondyafil “Zindani Shtih”(1910)

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Where is my Lover أيــن هــو حـبــيــي ♪ Hadda Ouâkki حــادة أوعــكــّـي

Album :
Where is my Lover أيــن هــو حـبــيــي

Artist :
Hadda Ouâkki حــادة أوعــكــّـي

Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيـــب Livret

Language : Arabic - Instrumental - Amazigh

Country : Morocco

Melodies :
[.01.] Fin Huw'a Fin Huw'a • [.02.] Mach Khsara Fike • [.03.] Kalbi Ma Kade Ysber • [.04.] Ya Ghrib Awa Ya Brrani

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Radio Babel راديـــو بـــابــل ♪ Watcha Clan عــشـــيــرة الــواتـــشــــا

Album :
Radio Babel راديـــو بـــابــل

Artists :
Watcha Clan عــشـــيــرة الــواتـــشــــا
•» Sista Ka : chant •» Matt la Bess : basse, contrebasse, guitare •» Supreme Clem : claviers, mélodica, accordéon, samples, boites à rythmes •» Nassim Kouti : guitare , chant , percussions

Index :


Language : Arabic - Hebrew - Spanish - English - French

Country : France ''The Jewish Christian Muslim Clan"

Melodies :
[.01.] With Or Without The Wall • [.02.] We Are One • [.03.] Hasnaduro • [.04.] Im Nin`Alu Intro • [.05.] Im Nin`Alu • [.06.] Il Était Une Fois Dans L'est • [.07.] Fever Is Rising • [.08.] Tangos Del Cachito • [.09.] Osfour • [.10.] La Camel • [.11.] Viens, Viens • [.12.] Gypsy Dust • [.13.] Ashanti • [.14.] With Or Without The Wall (Extended Mix) • [.15.] El Quinto Regimiento

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De lo humano y lo divino مــن الانــســـان و الــخــالـــق ♪ Curro Piñana كــورّو بـّـنــيـــانـــا

Album :
De lo humano y lo divino
Poemas de Ibn Al'Arabi adaptados a cante flamenco
مــن الانــســـان و الــخــالـــق
قـصــائــد ابــن عــربــي مــغــنـّــاة بالــفلامــنــكــو

Artist :
Curro Piñana كــورّو بـّـنــيـــانـــا

Index :

Language : Instrumental - Spanish

Country : Syria - Spain (Christians, Jews and Muslims)

Melodies :
[.01.] Mi amor es siempre nuevo. Petenera. • [.02.] La religion del amor (Alboreá) • [.03.] Los principes del amor (Granaína y media) • [.04.] El Rayo oriental (Tientos) • [.05.] El amor sitiado por el deseo (Soleá) • [.06.] Ve lento camellero. (malagueña y Verdial) • [.07.] ¡Oh Camellero! (Siguiriya) • [.08.] ¿Donde están? (Taranta) • [.09.] Belleza Oculta (Farruca

║♪♪║♥ ♪ Download From Here. [142 Mo]


Thursday 26 May 2011

Trouble In Jerusalem إضــطــراب فــي الــقــــدس ♪ Rabih Abou-Khalil ربــيـع أبــو خــلــيــل

Album :
Trouble In Jerusalem إضــطــراب فــي الــقــــدس

Artist :
Rabih Abou-Khalil ربــيـع أبــو خــلــيــل
••» Rabih Abou-Khalil, oud •» Michel Godard: tuba, serpen •» Jarrod Cagwin, frame drums •» Walter Quintus, sound engineer
••» The German Youth Orchestra (BJO),conducted by Frank Strobel
••» Soloists: •» Tobias Feldmann, violin •» Sarina Zickgraf, viola •» Sophie Notte, cello

Index :

Language : Instrumental

Country : Lebanon - Turkey - France - Germany

Melodies :
[.01.] Jerusalem • [.02.] Lament • [.03.] Gerusalemme Liberata • [.04.] Once Upon A Dervish • [.05.] Saladin And Nathan The Wise • [.06.] A Prayer For Tolerance

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Ya Heyf يــا حــيــف ♪ Samih Choukeir ســمــيــح شــقــيـٍر

Album :
Ya Heyf يــا حــيــف

Artist :
Samih Choukeir ســمــيــح شــقــيـٍر

Index :

Language : Arabic - Instrumental

Country : Syria

Melodies :
يا حيف .. اخ ويا حيف زخ رصاص على الناس العزّل يا حيف
وأطفال بعمر الورد تعتقلن كيف
وانت ابن بلادي تقتل بولادي
وظهرك للعادي وعليي هاجم بالسيف
يا حيف يا حيف
وهذا اللي صاير يا حيف
بدرعا ويا يما ويا حيف
سمعت هالشباب يما الحرية عالباب يما
طلعو يهتفولا
شافو البواريد يما قالو اخوتنا هن
ومش رح يضربونا
ضربونا يما بالرصاص الحي
متنا . بايد إخوتنا. باسم امن الوطن . واحنا مين إحنا . واسألوا التاريخ . يقرا صفحتنا
مش تاري السجان يما كلمة حرية وحدا
هزتلو اركانو
ومن هتفت لجموع يما اصبح كالملسوع يما
يصلينا بنيرانو
واحنا اللي قلنا اللي بيقتل شعبو
خاين . يكون من كاين . والشعب مثل القدر . من ينتخي ماين . والشعب مثل القدر . والامل باين

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