Wednesday 29 December 2010

El cantar de la Conquista de Almería الــغــنـــاء إبــان غــزو الــمــيــريـــة ♪ Eduardo Paniagua إدواردو بــانــيــاغـــوا

Album :
El cantar de la Conquista de Almería
الــغــنـــاء إبــان غــزو الــمــيــريـــة
Singing in the conquest of Almeria
A Romance Epic poem and Troubadours Of Alfonso VII, The Emperor
مــلـحــمــة شــعــريـــة رومـــانــســيــة والــشــعــراء الـــمــتــجـــولــون للامــبــراطـور ألــفــونــســو الــســابــع
Poema épico románico y trovadores de Alfonso VII el Imperador
Artist :
Eduardo Paniagua إدواردو بــانــيــاغـــوا
César Carazo (chant, recitative), Luis Antonio Muñoz (chant, recitative), Felipe Sanchez (lute, citole), Wafir Sheik (arabic lute, saz), Javier Coble (portative organ, viola de teclas), Enrique Almendros (gaitas, flautas de tres agujeras, tambor, chicotén, chorus), Manuel Pascual (cornet), David Mayoral (añafil, darbuga, dombek, atabal, tamburelo, daff, pandero, chorus), Eduardo Paniagua (tromba marina, salterio, flautas dulces, nácara, tar, campanil)
Index :
Booklet الكــتــيــّــب Livret
Language : Spanish - Instrumental
Country : Spain - Sudan
Melodies :
I. Trovadores de Alfonso VII, el Imperador
Alfonso el Sabio (attr.): Cantigas de Santa Maria • [.01.] Cantiga 353: Danza I de la conquista de Almería - Marcabru • [.02.] Canto de Cruzada: Pax in Domine - Alegret • [.03.] Cançión: Ara pareisson lláubre tiga sec - Marcabru • [.04.] Canto de Cruzada: Emperaire, per mi mezeis
II. El poema de Almeiría
Arnoldo, obispo de Astorga (attr.) • [.05.] Prefacio: Rex pie, Rex fortis (versos, I-XIII)
» Españoles y Francos bajo Alfonso VII
Arnoldo, obispo de Astorga (attr. text for: Alfonso VII, el Emperador "Poema de Almería") / Alfonso el Sabio: Cantigas de Santa Maria (m) • [.06.] Concentración de las tropas (v, 1-24): Convenere duces Hispani • [.07.] Predicació de la Cruzada (v, 25-32): Pontifices omnes Legionis sive Toleti (Contrefacta de Cantigas de Santa Maria 69) • [.08.] Entusiasmos de las tropas (v, 33-50): Pontificum clangor (Contrefacta de Cantigas de Santa Maria 341)
» Avance de los ejércitos
[.09.] Las Tropas de Galicia (v, 51-65): Maius est mensis (Contrefacta de Cantigas de Santa Maria 136) • [.10.] Las Tropas de Léon: (v, 66-100) Florida milities (Contrefacta de Cantigas de Santa Maria 385) • [.11.] Las Tropas de Asturias: (v, 101-124) Irruit interea non ultimus impiger Astur.(Contrefacta de Cantigas de Santa Maria 221) • [.12.] El ejercito de Castilla: (v, 125-148) Post hos CastellaeFlorida milities (Cantar de Almeria 2) • [.13.] Las Tropas de Estremadura: (v, 149-185) Innumerabilis, insuperabilis (Contrefacta de Cantigas de Santa Maria 344) • [.14.] Los Portugueses y Fernando Juanes: (v, 186-203) Iugitur his cunctisS. (Contrefacta de Cantigas de Santa Maria 335) • [.15.] Los Toledanos y Alvar Rodriguez: (v, 204-232) Alvarus ecce venit (Contrefacta de Cantigas de Santa Maria 418) • [.16.] Navia, Montenegro, y lugo: (v, 233-242) Navia dat vires (Contrefacta de Cantigas de Santa Maria 382) • [.17.] Hita y Martin Fernandez: (v, 243-272) Natus Fernandi (Contrefacta de Cantigas de Santa Maria 358) - Alfonso el Sabio (attr.): Cantigas de Santa Maria • [.18.] Cantiga 353: Danza 2 de la conquista de Almería - Arnoldo, obispo de Astorga (attr. text for: Alfonso VII, el Emperador "Poema de Almería") / Alfonso el Sabio: Cantigas de Santa Maria (m) • [.19.] El Rey Garcia Ramirez de Navarra: (v, 273-281) Ad bellum properat (Cantar de Almeria 3
» Las Batallas
[.20.] Conquista de Andújar: (v, 282-319) Talibus auxiliis (Contrefacta de Cantigas de Santa Maria 374) • [.21.] Descanso del ejercito: (v, 320-327) Omnibus expletis (Cantar de Almería 4) • [.22.] Francos, Catalanes, Genoveses y Pisanos: (v, 328-345) O decus agregium (Contrefacta de Cantigas de Santa Maria 195) • [.23.] Los males de la guerra: (v, 349-360) Talibus auditis (Contrefacta de Cantigas de Santa Maria 359) • [.24.] Exortación del Obispo de Astorgas: (v, 361-373) Inter pontifices (Cantar de Almería 5) - Anon. Códice de las Huelgas • [.25.] Benedicamus Domino cum cantico

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Tuesday 28 December 2010

A Cambodian Bard. Singing and Lute Chapey شــاعــر كــمــبــودي. الــغــنــاء و عــود شـــابــيْ ♪ Kong Nay هـــونـــغ نــــي

Album :
Un barde Cambodgien. Chant et Luth Chapey
شــاعــر كــمــبــودي. الــغــنــاء و عــود شـــابــيْ
A Cambodian Bard. Singing and Lute Chapey
Artist :
Kong Nay هـــونـــغ نــــي
Index & Video :
Booklet الكــتــيــّــب Livret
Language : Khmer - Instrumental
Country : Cambodia
Melodies :
[.01.] Prawat poaun Kong Lene • [.02.] Thkol loan nauv khet Svay Rieng • [.03.] Kroeun satreil • [.04.] Bom Pet • [.05.] Khmeng chamnoan doeum khmeng ay leuv • [.06.] Lam Liv • [.07.] Bankoung kaek • [.08.] Roap phum srok & Roap somphirea

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Sunday 26 December 2010

Continu إســتــمــراريـــة ♪ Negâr Boubân نــكــار بــوبــان

Album :
Continu إســتــمــراريـــة
Continuous بـيــابــي
(Oud solo عــزف مــنــفــرد)
Artist :
Negâr Boubân نــكــار بــوبــان
Index :
Language : Instrumental
Country : Iran
Melodies :
[.01.] Irréversible • [.02.] Fée • [.03.] Aurore • [.04.] Renversé • [.05.] Gouffre • [.06.] Fuite • [.07.] Indicible • [.08.] Retour

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Rimal رمــَـــال ♪ Shezar شـــيـــزار

Album :
Rimal رمــَـــال
Artists :
Shezar شـــيـــزار
•» Hassan Abdalrahman : ùd •» Selvik Kjetil : clarinettes •» Beck Nicolas : contrebasse, tarhu •» Guyot Fabien : percussions
Index :
Language : Instrumental
Country : Norway - France - Syria
Melodies :
[.01.] Beida • [.02.] Beladi • [.03.] Ryah • [.04.] Marmara • [.05.] Rasha • [.06.] Jourie • [.07.] Hijra • [.08.] Khitam • [.09.] Rimal • [.10.] Shal

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Empezar quiero contar.. Canciones de Sefarad وأود أن تــبــدأ الــقــصـــة.. أغـــانــــي الــســفــارديــم ♪ Judith R. Cohen and Eduardo Paniagua

Album :
Empezar quiero contar.. Canciones de Sefarad
وأود أن تــبــدأ الــقــصـــة.. أغـــانــــي الــســفــارديــم
I would like to Begin the Story.. Songs of Sefarad
Artists :
Judith R. Cohen and Eduardo Paniagua
جـــوديـــث كــوهــيـــن وإدواردو بـــانــيــاغـــوا
Judith R. Cohen (voice, medieval fiddle, drums), Tamar Ilana Cohen Adams (voice, drum, shells), Eduardo Paniagua (kanun, arab flutes, tambourine, triangle, sistro), Wafir Sheik (arab lute, viola), David Mayoral (drums, tympani, tambourine, bells)
Note :
Dr. Judith R. Cohen is a performer and ethnomusicologist specializing in Judeo-Spanish ("Ladino") Sephardic songs, as well as in medieval and traditional music, including Balkan, Portuguese, Yiddish, and French Canadian, pan-European balladry,and songs from Crypto-Jewish regions of the Portuguese-Spanish border. Her daughter, Tamar Ilana Cohen Adams (b.1986) often performs with her.Judith's performance repertoire and lectures draw on her village field work in several Mediterranean countries and in urban immigrant communities; and on her academic research, presented in a dynamic, accessible style adaptable to audiences from sophisticated cognoscenti to school children. Her commentaries can be given in English, French, Spanish or Portuguese. She accompanies her traditional-style singing on bowed vielle, 'ud, dulcimer and traditional percussion instruments, and is an accomplished player of recorders and pipe-and-tabor. Tamar Ilana is an accomplished traditional singer, and adds percussion, drawing on her years of flamenco dance training and her travels and fieldwork with Judith.
Index :
Booklet الكــتــيــّــب Livret
Language : Ladino - Instrumental
Country : Spain - Sudan
Melodies :
Ovadiah ha-Ger ("the Proselyte"), early 12th century - • [.01.] Mi al har Khorev - Dunash ibn Labrat (t) / Trad., Yemeni - • [.02.] Dror Yiqra - Wife of Dunash ibn Labrat (t, attr.) / Beatriz de Día (m) / [Contrafact by Judith R. Cohen, 1997] - • [.03.] Hayizkor hakhen yedida / A chantar m'er - Anon., Bulgaria - • [.04.] Judeo-Spanish wedding song: De hoy en este día (instr.) - Anon., Morocco / Eastern Mediterranean - • [.05.] Judeo-Spanish love song: Ay, madre - Anon., Morocco - • [.06.] Judeo-Spanish romance: La envenenadora - Anon., Morocco - • [.07.] Judeo-Spanish romance: De Burgos partió el rey (instr.) - Mathieu le Juif - • [.08.] Pour autrui movrai mon chant - Vidal de Elvas (t) / Guiraut de Riquer (m) / [Contrafact by Judith R. Cohen, 1997] - • [.09.] a) Moir'e faço dereito / Pus astres no m'es donatzVidal de Elvas (t) / Alfonso X "El Sábio" (m) / [Contrafact by Judith R. Cohen, 1997] b) E mal día non ensando ei / Cantiga 49: Ben com' aos que van per mar - Trad., Tras-os-Montes, Portugal - • [.10.] O pandeiro - Trad., Beira Baixa, Portugal - • [.11.] A padeirinha - Anon., Morocco, (arr. Judith R. Cohen, 1994) - • [.12.] Judeo-Spanish hiloula song: Adonde váis, Señor Yitzkhak? - Anon., Morocco - • [.13.] Judeo-Spanish coplas: Ester mi bien (Los Tres padres de Israel) - Anon., Eastern Mediterranean - • [.14.] Judeo-Spanish coplas: Allá en el midbar (instrumental) - Anon., Morocco - • [.15.] Judeo-Spanish Purim song: Coplas de Purím - Anon., Greece (Salonica) - • [.16.] Judeo-Spanish Purim song: Coplas de Purím - Anon., Morocco - • [.17.] Song for Passover (Hebrew): Ashira keshirat Moshe - Anon., Morocco - • [.18.] Judeo-Spanish wedding song: Ansí se me arrimó - Anon., Morocco - • [.19.] Judeo-Spanish song (seguidillas): A la puerta del río

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Hungarian Music From Transylvania .Traditions of Gyimes and the Great Plain ♪ مــوسـيـقـى مـجـريـة مـن ترانسيلــفـانـيا . تقالـيد جايـمز والسهل العظيم

Album :
Musiques Hongroises de Transylvanie
Traditions du Gyimes et de la Grande Plaine
مـــوســـيــقــى مــجــريـــة مـــن تـــرانـــســيلــفـــانــيـــا
تــقــــالــــيـــد جــايــمـز والـــســهـــل الــعــظـــيــــم
Hungarian Music From Transylvania
Traditions of Gyimes and the Great Plain
Index :
Booklet الكــتــيــّــب Livret
Language : Hungarian - Armenian - Instrumental
Country : Hungaria - Romania
Melodies & Artists :
Tradition du Gyimes - Tradition of Gyimes
[.01.] Danses de Couple Rapide et Lente • [.02.] Complainte Danses Hongroises • [.03.] Csardas
•» Janos Zerkula (1927), violon •» Regina Fiko Zerkula (1920), ütogardon
Tradition de la grande plaine - Tradition of the Great Plain
[.04.] Par Une Nuit Sombre et Sans Etoiles • [.05.] Accompagnement Funebre Chant de Nuit de Veille et Danse Tsigane • [.06.] Je croyais que tant que serait le monde... • [.07.] Lente Tsigane Danse Tsigane Csarda
•» Maria Maneszes "Lali" 1924, chant (4, 6, 7) •» Taraf de Magyarszovat : » Andrei Csengeri «Árpi» (1948) & János Radák «Náci» (1943) : violons/violins (5, 7) » Péter Kovács (1942) & János Botezán (1928) : altos à trois cordes / three-string violas (5, 7) » Ioan Vintila «Endre» (1949), contrebasse/double bass (5, 7)

║♪♪║♥ ♪ Download From Here. [140 Mo]


Saturday 25 December 2010

Traditional Maronite Chants تـــرانـيــم مـــارونــيــة تـــقـــلــيــديــــة ♪ Sœur Marie Keyrouz الاخـــت مـــاري كـــيــــروز

Album :
Chant Traditionnel Maronite
تـــرانـيــم مـــارونــيــة تـــقـــلــيــديــــة
Traditional Maronite Chants
Artist :
Sœur Marie Keyrouz الاخـــت مـــاري كـــيــــروز
Index :
Language : Arabic - Instrumental - Syriaque
Country : Lebanon
Melodies :
[.01.] Schubho-Ihaw Qolo • [.02.] Taw Nimar • [.03.] Yawno Tlito • [.04.] Baytun Maghara/Ya Bikra-L-'Abi • [.05.] Ho Qtilo Bmesrén/Ja'al Ilagou/Nashduka-SK-Shoukran • [.06.] Qanoun • [.07.] Hallel/Qadish Qadish/Mshiho Dabyaldeh • [.08.] Ya Umma-L-Lah
[.09.] Anal'ummu-L-Havina • [.10.] Nay • [.11.] Fil-Lay-Li • [.12.] Bakkara Abram • [.13.] Tisbonhto-L-Moryo • [.14.] Yawmou-SH-Sharr/Rabbi-Imadhbouh • [.15.] Ud • [.16.] Ayyouha-R-Rabbou Ilahuna/Fawqa-S-Salib/Moubarakun Man Fadana • [.17.] Tara'at
[.18.] Halleluia/Qama-L-Lahou Min Mathwahou/Qadishat Aloho • [.19.] Qama Wa-D-Dhulmu Hawa • [.20.] Inna-I-Masih Qad Qam

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Berber Music مــوســيــقــى بــربــريـــة ♪ Raissa Fatima Tihiht Mazine, Ahwach Tafraout and Ensemble Atlas Tamazight

Album :
Berber Music مــوســيــقــى بــربــريـــة
Artists :
Raissa Fatima Tihiht Mazine - Ahwach Tafraout - Ensemble Atlas Tamazight
الــرايــســة فــاطــمــة تـيــحـيــحــت مـزيــن - أحــواش ثــفــراوت - مــجــمـــوعــة أطــلـــس الأمـــازيــغـــيـــــة
Index :
Language : Tamazight - Instrumental
Country : Morocco
Melodies :
Disc 1 :
Raissa Fatima Tihiht Mazine
Unknown Melody • [.01.] to • [.09.]
Disc 2 :
Ahuach Village Music
Boutulat al-Atlas. Monawa'at Amazighate
Unknown Melody • [.01.] to • [.04.]
Ahwach Tafraout
Unknown Melody • [.05.]

║♪♪║♥ ♪ Download From Here. [300 Mo]

Thanksgiving & © to Vicens

Friday 24 December 2010

Songs of Huê and Court Music أغــانــي هـــوى و مــوســيــقى الــمــحــكــمــة ♪ Traditional Music Ensemble of Huê

Album :
La Musique de Huê
Chant de Hue et Musique de Cour
الـــموســيــقـــى مـــن هــــوى
أغــانــي هـــوى و مــوســيــقى الــمــحــكــمــة
Music From Huê
Songs of Huê and Court Music
Artists :
Ensemble De Musique Traditionnelle De Huê
فـــرقــة الـــمـــوســيــقــى الــتــقـــلــيــديــة مــن هــــوى
Traditional Music Ensemble of Huê
Note :
Musique de Cour du Vietnam موسيقى المحكمة الفيتنامية Vietnamese Court Music :
Chef d'oeuvre du patrimoine oral et immatériel de l'humanité - 2003
صنفت ضمن روائـــع التــراث الــشــفــهـي وغــيــر الــمــادي للــبشــريــة - 2003
Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity - 2003
Index :
Booklet الكــتــيــّــب Livret
Language : Vietnamien - Vocals - Instrumental
Country : Việt Nam
Melodies :
[.01.] Tam Luan Cuu Chuyen • [.02.] Suite: Luu Thuy • [.03.] Co Ban • [.04.] Tu Dai Canh • [.05.] Tuong Tu • [.06.] Ly Giao Duyen • [.07.] Phung Vu • [.08.] Chau Van • [.09.] Suite: Bong • [.10.] Ken Trong • [.11.] Thap Thu Lien Hoan • [.12.] Doc Tau Ken • [.13.] Ho Mai Nhi

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Hazanout حــزنـــوت ♪ Jewish Liturgical chanting from Bukhara, Morocco, Jerusalem, Samaria, Iraq and the Ashkenaze Tradition

Album :
Hazanout حــزنـــوت
Chants Liturgiques Juifs Boukhariens, Marocains, de Jérusalem, Samaritains, Irakiens et Ashkenazes
طـــقــوس الانـــاشــيــد الــيــهــوديــة مــن بـــخــارى، والــمــغـــرب ، والــقــدس ، والــســامــرة ، والــعـــراق و تــقــالــيــد الاشــكــيــنــاز
Jewish Liturgical Chanting from Bukhara, Morocco, Jerusalem, Samaria, Iraq and the Ashkenaze Tradition
Index, Note & Language :
Booklet الكــتــيــّــب Livret
Melodies, Artists & Country :
Hazanout de Boukhara
Chant : Mordachaï Rachaminov, Elie Balchiyof, Avner Babaiof
[.01.] Lecture d'un extrait du Zohar en araméen • [.02.] Dror Yikra, chant du Shabbat en hébreu
Hazanout Marocaine
Mordachai Bouzaldo, chant (Hazan), Yossef Shriki, kemanché
[.03.] Nichmat kol hai Tibarekh et Chimkha, prière de Nouvel An en hébreu. Maqam Ramal-al-Maia • [.04.] Et cha'ari ratson li-hipattiah, prière en hébreu. Maqam Tab'-al-Maia • [.05.] Chofet kol ha-aretz, rière du Kippour en hébreu. Maqam Tab'-al-Maia
Hazanout Sepharade de Jérusalem
Chant : Moshe Nissan, Elie Balkyov, Avner Bahayov, Shlomo Cohan Arazi
[.06.] El Melekh Yochev, prière du Kippour en hébreu. Maqam Bayati • [.07.] Or 'ilyon me'ir, cantique du Shabbat pour la maison. Maqam Rast
Hazanout Samaritaine en langue samaritaine
Chant : Avraham Tsedaka, Yefet Tsedaka, Avraham Chorodov
[.08.] Extraits de la Paracha, lecture hebdomadaire de la Bible • [.09.] Az yachir Moche (Exode XV 1-3), cantique du XIVe siècle pour l'office du Kippour
Hazanout Ashkenaze
Chant : Shalom Rakovsk
[.10.] Ana Avda Dkudcha, prière chantée en araméen • [.11.] Prière du Kippour en hébreu
Hazanout Irakienne
David Habba, chant (Hazan) et Abraham David Cohen, cithare qanoun
[.12.] Al ted Ag leche avar. Yavo a-go'el. Prières chantées en hébreu. Maqam Bayati.

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Angel مــــلاك ♪ Joseph Tawadros جــوزيــف تـــودرس

Album :
Angel مــــلاك
Artist :
Joseph Tawadros جــوزيــف تـــودرس
Oud (Joseph Tawadros), Piano (Matt McMahon), Clarinet (Dimitri Vouras) and Percussion (James Tawadros)
Index :
Language : Instrumental
Country : Egypt
Melodies :
Angel Suite in D
[.01.] I - Light • [.02.] II - Spinning Around • [.03.] III - There • [.04.] IV - Stranger • [.05.] V - Angel • [.06.] Req' Taqasim • [.07.] Fallen
Hand In Hand Suite in C
[.08.] I - Eyes • [.09.] II - Mind • [.10.] III - Heart • [.11.] IV - Hand In Hand • [.12.] Oud Taqasim • [.13.] Soul • [.14.] Guardian

║♪♪║♥ ♪ Download From Here. [35.5 Mo]

Thanksgiving & © to Zvulun Shalev

Shades of Brown ظـــلال الأســمــر ♪ Karim Kadiri كــريـــم قـــادري

Album :
Shades of Brown ظـــلال الأســمــر
Artist :
Karim Kadiri كــريـــم قـــادري
Note :
Moroccan oudist/vocalist Karim Kadiri combines Melhoun/Andulsian music with Rock, Samba & Blues in his social commentary about love, life and politics
Index :
Language : Instrumental - Vocals - English
Country : Morocco - Lebanon - USA
Melodies :
[.01.] Don't Tell Me • [.02.] Crying • [.03.] Shades of Brown • [.04.] New Direction • [.05.] Foreigner • [.06.] Can We Talk About It? • [.07.] Bills, Bills, Bills • [.08.] Reap What You Sowed • [.09.] The Language of Love • [.10.] Lord

║♪♪║♥ ♪ Download From Here. [106 Mo]


Thursday 23 December 2010

Sona ســونا ♪ L'Orchestra Di Piazza Vittorio أوركــســتـــرا دي بــيــازا فـيـتــوريـــو

Album :
Sona ســونا
Artists :
L'Orchestra Di Piazza Vittorio
أوركــســتـــرا دي بــيــازا فـيـتــوريـــو
Index :
Language : Italian - Arabic - Instrumental - French - Wolof
Country : India - Italy - Senegal - Hungary - Brasil - Cuba - Ecuador - Argentina - USA ...
Melodies :
[.01.] Sona • [.02.] Ena Fintidaarh'k • [.03.] Fela • [.04.] Helo Rama Per • [.05.] Laila • [.06.] Balesh Tebsni • [.07.] Ena Andi • [.08.] Sandina • [.09.] Vagabundo Soy

║♪♪║♥ ♪ Download From Here. [101 Mo]


Jardin de Myrtes ريـــاض الــريــحــان ♪ Michèle Claude & L'Ensemble Aromate كــلــود مـيــشـــل و فــرقــة آرومـــــات

Album :
Jardin de Myrtes ريـــاض الــريــحــان
Garden of Myrtles
Andalusian melodies from the Middle East
أنــغــام أنــدلـســيــة مــن الــشــرق الاوســـط
Mélodies Andalouses du Moyen-Orient
Artists :
Michèle Claude & L'Ensemble Aromate
كــلــود مـيــشـــل و فــرقــة آرومـــــات
•» Isabelle Duval, flutes •» Jean-Baptiste Frugier, violon •» Jean-Lou Descamps, vièle à archet & violon alto •» Françoise Enock, vièle à archet, colascionne & viole de gamba •» Julien Blanchard, contrebasse •» Feddy Eichelberger, épinette & organetto •» Elisabeth Seitz, psaltry •» Michèle Claude, zarb, daff, reqq, darbouka, castagnettes, bendir, tambour de basque, tambourello, grelots •» Massimo Moscardo, Baroque guitar & archiluth •» Mazyar Izadpanah, Itranian ney •» Mael Guezel, daff & zarb
Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيــب Livret
Language : Instrumental
Country : France
Melodies :
[.01.] Ouverture Nawa Athar • [.02.] Jardin de Myrtes • [.03.] Démarche voluptueuse - Epris d'une gazelle • [.04.] Taille de rameau • [.05.] Une nuit si longue • [.06.] S'éloigner de moi • [.07.] Epée tranchante • [.08.] Ritournelles • [.09.] Chanteur de taverne • [.10.] Les bras d'une gazelle • [.11.] Ivresse • [.12.] Les yeux noirs • [.13.] Minimaroc

║♪♪║♥ ♪ Download From Here. [177 Mo]


The Voice of the Atlas صـــوت الأطـــلــس ♪ Najat Aatabou نــجــاة اعــتــابـــو

Album :
The Voice of the Atlas صـــوت الأطـــلــس
Morocco's Top Singer From the Atlas Mountains
Artist :
Najat Aatabou نــجــاة اعــتــابـــو
Index :
Language : Arabic - Instrumental
Country : Morocco
Melodies :
[.01.] Baghi Narjah (I Want To Rest) • [.02.] Finetriki (I Want To Find My Man) • [.03.] Shouffi Rhirou (Look For Another Lover) • [.04.] Lila Ya S'Haba (Amazing Cloud) • [.05.] Ouardatte Lajnane (Flowers In The Garden) • [.06.] Zourouni Lilah (Please Will You Visit Me) • [.07.] Ditih (You Took Him Away From Me)

║♪♪║♥ ♪ Download From Here. [140 Mo]


Al-Qasida الــقـصــيــدة ♪ Ghada Shbeir غــادة شــبــيـــر

Album :
Al-Qasida الــقـصــيــدة
Poems by Abdul Aziz Saud Al Babtain
شــعــر عـبـدالـعـزيــز سـعـود الـبــابــطــيـــن

Artist :
Ghada Shbeir غــادة شــبــيـــر
Index :
Language : Arabic - Instrumental
Country : Syria
Melodies :
[.01.] Qossat Hobb • [.02.] Ightirab • [.03.] Shaqiq Rrouh • [.04.] Rahilou Ssinin • [.05.] Shakwa • [.06.] Li Habiboun • [.07.] Rouhan • [.08.] Ramz El Hobb • [.09.] Rihla Ala Angham Nay

║♪♪║♥ ♪ Download From Here. [87.9 Mo]


Monday 20 December 2010

Gaza - Tradition Musicale Palestinienne ♪ Ensemble Musical de Palestine Dirigée par Mohammed Atef Okasha

Album :
Gaza - Tradition Musicale Palestinienne
غــزة - مــوســيــقى تـراثــيـــة مـن فــلــســـطــيـــن
Artists :
Ensemble Musical de Palestine Dirigée par Mohammed Atef Okasha
فــرقــة فـلـسـطـيــن الـمـوسـيـقـيـة بـقـيـادة عـاطــف مــحـمـد عــكــاشــة
Index :
Language : Instrumental - Arabic
Country : Palestine
Melodies :
[.01.] Longa Alla (instrumental) • [.02.] Ya Shadi Al alhan • [.03.] Awadet Eine • [.04.] Ibn El balad (instrumental) • [.05.] Zabyon Mena • [.06.] Al. naher Al. Khaled (instrumental) • [.07.] a Sallat Al. Zin • [.08.] Ya-Musahrni • [.09.] Qalbi Ma'ak Marhoun • [.10.] Mayel ya Ghuzayel • [.11.] VAl. Azara

║♪♪║♥ ♪ Download From Here. [142 Mo] ♪


Sunday 19 December 2010

Scent of Reunion رائــحــة تـــواصـــل ♪ Mahsa Vahdat and Mighty Sam McClain مــهــســا و حـــدت و مــایــتـی ســام مــکـ‌لـیــن

Album :
Scent of Reunion رائــحــة تـــواصـــل
بــوی خـــوش وصــــل
Love Duets Across Civilizations
هــمــخــوانــی عــشــق در مــیــان تــمـــدن
ثـــنــائــيــات الـــحــب عــبــر الــحـضــارات
Artists :
Mahsa Vahdat and Mighty Sam McClain
مــهــســا و حـــدت و مــایــتـی ســام مــکـ‌لـیــن
Index :
Booklet الكــتــيــّــب Livret
Language : Persian - English - Vocals - Instrumental
Country : Iran - USA
Melodies :
[.01.] Meditating Over a Photo • [.02.] Imprints • [.03.] Ambassador of Hearts • [.04.] So Blue • [.05.] Earth • [.06.] Flowers No One Has Ever Seen • [.07.] Migratory Bird • [.08.] Born • [.09.] My Kingdom Is You • [.10.] Silent Song

║♪♪║♥ ♪ Download From Here. [128 Mo]


I Vinens Spiel فـــي مــرآة الــنــبــيـــذ ♪ Skruk & Mahsa Vahdat أســكــرك و مــهــســا و حـــدت

Album :
I Vinens Spiel فـــي مــرآة الــنــبــيـــذ
In the Mirror of Wine در آيــنـــه شــراب
Poems by Hafez shirazi and Jalal ad-Din Muhammad Rumi
قــصـــائـد حـافــظ الــشـيـرازي و جـلال الــديــن الـــرومـــي
Artists :
Skruk & Mahsa Vahdat
أســكــرك و مــهــســا و حـــدت
Note :
This album is an extraordinarily beautiful and powerful encounter between traditional Persian songs and Norwegian church music and jazz. It is perfect for meditation and understanding that the human heart is the same, whatever the period, whatever the culture
هذا الألبوم هو لقاء جميل للغاية وقوي بين الأغاني الفارسية التقليدية والموسيقى الكنسية النرويجية، وموسيقى الجاز. فهو مثالي للتأمل وفهم أن قلب الإنسان هو نفسه، مهما كانت الفترة، ومهما كانت الثقافة
Index :
Booklet الكــتــيــّــب Livret
Language : Bokmål - Persian - Vocals - Instrumental
Country : Iran - Norway
Melodies :
[.01.] Dialog Med Den Elskede • [.02.] Brevet Til Vinbæreren • [.03.] Den Tapte Josef • [.04.] Gleden Ved Ditt Kyss • [.05.] Hyll Kjærligheten • [.06.] I Vinens Speil I Vinens Speil • [.07.] Jeg Er Den Som Er Berømt • [.08.] Lytt Til Fløytens Fortelling • [.09.] Med Blomster I Fang • [.10.] Som Et Brennende Lys

║♪♪║♥ ♪ Download From Here. [138 Mo]


Saturday 18 December 2010

Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan: le Dernier Prophète ♪ نـــصــرت فــاتـــح عـــلـــي خـــان : الــمــلــهــم الاخــيــــر

Album DVD :
Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan: le Dernier Prophète
نـــصــرت فــاتـــح عـــلـــي خـــان : الــمــلــهــم الاخــيــــر
Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan: The Last Prophet
Director/Réalisateur :
Jérôme de Missolz جــيـــروم ذمـيـســلــز
Language : Urdu - English
Subtitle : French
Index :

║♪♪║♥ ♪ Download From Here. [563 Mo]

Thanksgiving & © to Khalili Abdelaziz

Friday 17 December 2010

14 Cheerful Pieces ء 14 قــطــعــة مـن الــبــهــجـــة ♪ Ensemble Moshtaq فــرقــة مــشــتـــَــاق

Album :
14 Cheerful Pieces ء 14 قــطــعــة مـن الــبــهــجـــة
14 Morceaux pour un Redécollage
Artists :
Ensemble Moshtaq فــرقــة مــشــتـــَــاق
•» Reza Ghassemi, composition, luth setâr •» Sepideh Raissadat, chant, setâr •» Javaid Yahyazadeh, flûte ney •» Aydin Bahramlou, setâr •» Babak Moayedoddin, setâr
Index :
Language : Persian - Instrumental
Country : Iran
Melodies :
[.01.] Bazparidan • [.02.] Chant & ney • [.03.] Ayari • [.04.] Dastafshani • [.05.] Chant & setâr 1 • [.06.] Madadi ke chashme mastat • [.07.] Vajd, ta dami biassayam • [.08.] Pishdaramad • [.09.] Chant & setâr 2 • [.10.] Eishe modam • [.11.] Solo setâr 1 • [.12.] Daftare bimani • [.13.] Solo setâr 2, chant & setâr 3 • [.14.] Maste doholzan • [.15.] Solo setâr 3 • [.16.] Selselehye mooye doost • [.17.] Chant & setâr 4 • [.18.] Mahe tamam • [.19.] Az in marg matarsid, bouye sharab

║♪♪║♥ ♪ Download From Here. [157 Mo]


The Night of the Qawwals ♪ لــيــلــة قـــوٌالـــی ♪ The Night of the Qawwals

Album :
La Nuit des Qawwals
لــيــلــة قـــوٌالـــی
The Night of the Qawwals
Artists :
Ensemble Mehr Ali et Sher Ali
Ensemble Faiz Ali Faiz et Rehmat Ali
مــاهــر عــلــي و فـــرقــة عــلــي شــيـــر
فــــايــز عـــلــي فــايـــز عــلــي و فـــرقـــة رحـــمــــت
Mehr Ali and Sher Ali Ensemble
Faiz Ali Faiz and Rehmat Ali Ensemble
Index :
Booklet الـــكــتــيـــب Livret
Language : Urdu - Instrumental
Country : Pakistan
Melodies :
[.01.] Allah Hu • [.02.] Qaul • [.03.] Dhamal • [.04.] Rang

║♪♪║♥ ♪ Download From Here. [170 Mo]

Thanksgiving & © to אלי חסלה

Jazziza جــاز-زيــزة ♪ Aziza Mustafa Zadeh عــزيــزة مـصـطـفــى زاده

Album :
Jazziza جــاز-زيــزة
Artist :
Aziza Mustafa Zadeh عــزيــزة مـصـطـفــى زاده
•» Guitar - Philip Catherine •» Harmonica - Toots Thielemans •» Percussion - Eduardo Contrera •» Piano, Vocals, Producer - Aziza Mustafa Zadeh
Index :
Language : Instrumental - English
Country : Azerbaijan
Melodies :
[.01.] Lover Man • [.02.] Sunny Rain • [.03.] My Funny Valentine • [.04.] Scrapple From The Apple • [.05.] Character • [.06.] Nature Boy • [.07.] You've Changed • [.08.] Butterflies • [.09.] Black Orpheus • [.10.] How Insensitive • [.11.] Take Five • [.12.] I Can't Sleep

║♪♪║♥ ♪ Download From Here. [112 Mo]


Thursday 16 December 2010

Aït Bou Guemmez آيــت بـــوكـــمـــاز ♪ Music from the High Mountains الـــمــوســيـقــى مــن الــجــبــال الــعــالــيــة.الأطـــلــس الــكــبــيـــر

Album :
Aït Bou Guemmez آيــت بـــوكـــمـــاز
Musiques de la Haute Montagne
الــمـوســيـقـى مـن الجــبــال الـعـالــيــة
الأطـــلـس الـكــبـيـر
Music from the High Mountains
Index :
The land of dinosaurs and marginalization and foreign tourists and dignity
أرض الــديــنـــاصــورات و الــتــهـــمــيـــش و الـــســيـــاح الاجـــانــب و الــطــبــيــعـــة الــخـــلابــة و الـــكــــرامــــــــــة
Language : Instrumental - Amazigh
Country : Morocco
Melodies :
[.01.] A' hidous • [.02.] Awwada • [.03.] Taqacid • [.04.] A' hidous ta agoudal • [.05.] Chant improvisé • [.06.] Grande 'Awwada • [.07.] Chant de femmes • [.08.] Aghanim et Bendir's • [.09.] Chant de fillettes • [.10.] Danse • [.11.] Daour • [.12.] Awwada

║♪♪║♥ ♪ Download From Here. [152 Mo]

Thanksgiving & © to אלי חסלה