Wednesday 29 September 2010

Tamghart In ثــمــغــرثيــن ♪ Nabil Othmani نــبــيـــل بـــالــي عــثــمانــي

Album :
Tamghart In ثــمــغــرثيــن
Artist :
Nabil Othmani نــبــيـــل بـــالــي عــثــمانــي
•» Nabil Othmani chant, choeurs, guitares électriques & acoustiques, basse, ûd •» Barka Beltou choeurs, guitare acoustique Ismail Khabou derbouka (2, 3, 6) •» Keltoum Othmani tindé (8) •» Khadija Othmani tarlilit (8) •» Sanou Ag Ahmed guitare acoustique (5) •» Cath Legras piano & choeurs (9) •» Eric Delbouys batterie, tambourin & karkabou (11) •» Guillaume Chosson violoncelle (7) •» Sedryk jermani (6), sampling
Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيــــب Livret
Language : Tamasheq - Instrumental - French - Arabic
Country : Algeria
Melodies :
[.01.] Djanet • [.02.] Menna • [.03.] Tamghart In • [.04.] Ahloumaq At • [.05.] Imidiwan • [.06.] Anhedji • [.07.] Aran Adam • [.08.] La Hellé • [.09.] Toi Désert • [.10.] Nahla • [.11.] Tamarit In • [.12.] Tamidit In • [.13.] Nek Ahal Wagh
Download From Here. [ 130 Mo]

Saturday 25 September 2010

Adagh مــن تــلــك الــجــبـَال ♪ Tamikrest ثــمــيــكــرســـت

Album :
Adagh مــن تــلــك الــجــبـَال
"Those from Mountains"
Artists :
Tamikrest ثــمــيــكــرســـت
Index :
TAMIKREST in tamasheq language means junction, connection, knot ..
Language : Tamasheq - Instrumental
Country : Mali, Niger and Algeria
Melodies :
[.01.] Outamachek • [.02.] Aicha • [.03.] Amidini • [.04.] Tamiditin • [.05.] Aratane • [.06.] Tidite Tille • [.07.] Tahoult • [.08.] Alhoriya • [.09.] Ahar • [.10.] Adounia Mahegagh • [.11.] Toumastin
Download From Here. [98.0 Mo]

Taghit ثــاغــيـــت ♪ Alla عــلا

Album :
Taghit ثــاغــيـــت
Artist :
Alla عــلا
(Abdelaziz Abdellah عـبـدالعـزيـز عـبـدالله)
•» Alla: 'Ud, Percussions •» Youval Micenmacher: Percussions
Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيــّـب Livret
Taghit is a town in western Algeria
Language : Instrumental
Country : Algeria
Melodies :
[.01.] Improvisation III • [.02.] Improvisation IV • [.03.] Le Foundou II • [.04.] Improvisation V • [.05.] Rythme I • [.06.] Ksar
Download From Here. [109 Mo]

Sunday 19 September 2010

Sun of Iraq.New Iraqi Poetry شــمــش الـــعراق.الـشــعــر الــعراقــي الجــديـــد..قــصــائــد غــنـــائـــيـــة ♪ Farida فـــريــــدة

Album :
Sun of Iraq . New Iraqi Poetry
شــمــش الـــعراق . الـشــعــر الــعراقــي الجــديـــد
قــصــائــد غــنـــائـــيـــة
Artist :
Farida فـــريــــدة
Index :
Language : Intrumental - Arabic
Country : Iraq
Melodies :
[.01.] From Khawla's Memoirs (Words: Adonis) • [.02.] A Sumerian Priestess (Words: Amal AL Jubuuri) • [.03.] Once A Beloved (words: Asad Al-Ghreri) • [.04.] The Talisman Of Silence (Words: Amal AL Jubuuri) • [.05.] Sun Of Iraq (words: Mahmoud Darwish)
Download From Here. [131 Mo]

Sunday 12 September 2010

One واحــــد ♪ ShuSmo شــو إســمــه

Album :
One واحــــد
Artists :
ShuSmo شــو إســمــه
•» Tareq Abboushi : Buzuq, Composer •» Lefteris Bournias : Clarinet •» Frank Hauch : Bass •» Hector Morales : Congas, Cajon
Index :
"SHUSMO" in Arabic means "what's his name."
Langauge : Instrumental
Country : Palestine - USA - Greek
Melodies :
[.01.] Pieces • [.02.] One • [.03.] Apologies to Brahms • [.04.] Ajam • [.05.] Converse • [.06.] Wihda
Download From Here. [101 Mo]

Saturday 11 September 2010

Ziad Rahbani Live at Damascus Citadel 2008 ♪ 2008 حـفــلــة زيــاد الــرحــبــانــي فــي قــلـــعـــة دمــشـــق, ســوريــة

Album :
Ziad Rahbani Live at Damascus Citadel 2008
2008 حـفــلــة زيــاد الــرحــبــانــي فــي قــلـــعـــة دمــشـــق, ســوريــة
Artist :
Ziad Rahbani زيــاد الــرحــبــانــي
Index :
Langauge : Instrumental - Arabic
Country : Lebanon
Melodies :
[.01.] Ouverture 83 • [.02.] Bala Wala Chi • [.03.] Bema Enno • [.04.] Rajaa Bi Iznil Lah • [.05.] Bel Nesbi La Bokra Chou 2 • [.06.] Enshalla Ma Bou Chi • [.07.] Ahu Dalli Sar • [.08.] The Middle East (...W Ameh) • [.09.] Mech Ossa Hay • [.10.] Chou Hal Iyam • [.11.] Abu Ali • [.12.] Ayecheh Wahda Balak • [.13.] Oudak Rannan
Download From Here. [133 Mo]

Friday 10 September 2010

Prayers Beyond Words صـــلاة عــبـــر الــكــلــمــات ♪ Amir Perelman أمــيــر بــرلـمــن

Album :
Prayers Beyond Words صـــلاة عــبـــر الــكــلــمــات
Artist :
Amir Perelman أمــيــر بــرلـمــن
•» Amir Perelman - Bouzouki and Cello •» Oren Tzur - Violin •» Offir Tal - Keyboards •» Omer Horowitz - Clarinet and Bass Clarinet •» Dror bar Israel - Clarinet and Saxophone •» Avi Agababa - Percussion •» Dany - Percussion
Index :
Language : Instrumental
Country : Israel (Palestine48)
Melodies :
[.01.] Barchuni L'Shalom • [.02.] Ya'ala • [.03.] Shetaltem • [.04.] The 5th Tov U Maitiv • [.05.] Hitna'ari • [.06.] Hushi • [.07.] Arba Babot • [.08.] New Song Of Jerusalem • [.09.] Nigun L'Sabba
Download From Here. [114 Mo]
© to Vasilisa Savilova

Mauritania . Sounds of the West Sahara مــوريــتــانــيــا. أصـــوات مــن الــصــحـــراء ♪ Various Artists مـجــمــوعــــة

Album :
Mauritania . Sounds of the West Sahara
مــوريــتــانــيــا. أصـــوات مــن الــصــحـــراء
Artists :
Various Artists مـجــمــوعــــة
Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيــــب Livret
Language : Instrumental - Arabic (Hassaniyya الحسّانية )
Country : Mauritania
Melodies :
[.01.] BIADH VAGHO (Sub-mode of the maqam Vagho) • [.02.] LEYIN LEBYADH (Nostalgic love song) • [.03.] K'HALL KÂR (Derived from maqam Kâr) • [.04.] KHAL NIAME GHEISS ET LEILA (Classical love poem) • [.05.] SEYNI KÂR (Classical derivative mode) • [.06.] K'HALL VAGHO (Classical maqam) • [.07.] THE MODE KÂR (and its derivative modes) • [.08.] ZRAGUE EL BILLAWI (Instrumental)
Download From Here. [163 Mo]

Thursday 9 September 2010

Rajioun راجـــعــون ♪ Fairuz فــيـروز

Album :
Rajioun راجـــعــون
Artist :
Fairuz فــيـروز
Index :
Language : Arabic
Country : Lebanon
Melodies :
[.01.] Rajioun • [.02.] Ihtarif El-Huzn Wal Intizar • [.03.] Rij'it Fil Masa • [.04.] Ya Jisran Khashabiyan • [.05.] Jisr Al-Aoude • [.06.] Ya Saher Al-Ayn • [.07.] Ind Hamaha • [.08.] Ba'dna Man Yaqsid El-Kouroum • [.09.] Baldati Ghaba Jamela
Download From Here. [105 Mo]

Chants de la Djezireh الأغــنــيــة الجــزراويـــة Songs of Jezireh ♪ Ibrahim Keivo إبــراهــيــم كــيــفـــو

Album :
Chants de la Djezireh • Songs of Jezireh
الأغــنــيــة الجــزراويـــة
Artist :
Ibrahim Keivo إبــراهــيــم كــيــفـــو
Note :
Ibrahim Keivo's singing illustrate perfectly the wondering multi-ethnicity of the Jezireh. This region of the Syrian Mesopotamia where Arabs, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Kurds, Syriacs and Armenians live side by side and share their songs and music, is one of the great cradles of civilization. Ibrahim Keivo comes from an Armenian family who escaped the genocide. From a very early age he learned to play the lutes of the region: buzuq, saz, baghlama, ‘ûd and jumbush. With his astounding knowledge of languages – he is equally at ease in Botani and Kurmandji Kurdish, Armenian, Assyrian, Turkish and the various Arabic dialects of the region – Ibrahim Keivo travels through the villages of Jezireh to collect a vast repertoire of songs from the elders: lullabies, dance songs, love songs, epic songs, and religious songs that he performs with remarkable attention to the style specific to each of the cultures that produced them.
Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيــّـب Livret
Langauge :
Kurdish, Syriac, Assyrian, Arabic (the dialect of Mardin), Armenian, Arabic
الكردية والسريانية والآشورية ، والعربية (لهجة ماردين) والأرمنية والعربية
Country : Syria
Melodies :
[.01.] Lauk • [.02.] Ashkalafem • [.03.] Rawi • [.04.] Goudi • [.05.] Tartiyawni • [.06.] Yar Dli • [.07.] Sabiha • [.08.] Semsam • [.09.] Ayes Kechir • [.10.] Teelo Jan • [.11.] Misho Akhchik • [.12.] Sharfadina • [.13.] Edule & Derweshe Evdi • [.14.] Dehzarta Tauseda • [.15.] Siamand • [.16.] Mawwal, Kul Al Hala
Download From Here. [177 Mo]

Azerbaijan: Songs of the Creater Caucasus أذربـــيــجــان : أغـــانـــي الــقـــوقـــاز ♪ Malik Mansurov, Agha Karim, Marc Loopuyt, Natig Shirinov

Album :
Azerbaijan: Songs of the Creator Caucasus
أذربـــيــجــان : أغـــانـــي الــقـــوقـــاز
Azerbaïdjan: Chants du Grand Caucase
Artists :
Malik Mansurov, Agha Karim, Marc Loopuyt, Natig Shirinov
مـالــك مــنــصــروف, آغــا كــريــم, مـــارك لــوبــيــت, نـثـيــغ شــيــريــنــوف
Index and Note :
The meeting of the artists featured on the "Azerbaïdjan: Songs of Greater Caucasus" album took place in Autumn 2000. Marc Loopuyt was in Baku for the creation of his show "Fire Mountain", which refers to the former name of Azerbaijan. This is how Marc Loopuyt met Malik Mansurov again (they had shared the bill for a concert in Seville in 1989) and they started working together, along with Natig Shirinov, on an instrumental music programme. Marc Loopuyt then met Agha Karim Bey Nafis, the author of the poems, who agreed to join the project and consider a tour in France. The result of the collaboration is a traditional musical interpretation of poetry of the Greater Caucasus
Language : Instrumental - Azerbaijani ...
Country : Azerbaijan - Azerbaijan/Morocco
Melodies :
[.01.] Mahur • [.02.] Segah • [.03.] Dilkesh • [.04.] Shushtar • [.05.] Humayun • [.06.] Dugah
Download From Here. [155 Mo]

Soul, Mind and Body روح, فكر و جسد

Now, you can enjoy watching the finest pictures and most influential to the Soul, Mind and Body ... More than 150 albums and we will continue

الان يمكن ان تتمتع بمشاهدة اروع الصور و اكثرها تاثيرا على الروح, الفكر و الجسد ... اكثر من ١٥٠ البوم و سنستمر



Wednesday 8 September 2010

Moroccan Jazz Sextet ســداســي الــمــغــربــي جـــاز ♪ M'oud Swing مـــود ســويــنــغ

Album :
Moroccan Jazz Sextet ســداســي الــمــغــربــي جـــاز
Artists :
M'oud Swing مـــود ســويــنــغ
•» Karim Kadiri on Oud •» Barry Sames on keys •» Najeeb Saleem on drums •» Hafez Al Ali on percussion •» John Michel on bass •» Various cats on winds
Index :
Language : Instrumental
Country : Morocco - Lebanon - USA
Melodies :
[.01.] Tea Leaf • [.02.] Tap Tap • [.03.] Indian Underworld • [.04.] Morocco
Download From Here. [98.0 Mo]

Soosim خـــيـــل ♪ Rali Margalit رلـى مــارغــالــيـــت

Album :
Soosim خـــيـــل
Artist :
Rali Margalit رلـى مــارغــالــيـــت
Note :
In Horses, Rali Margalit presents a strong, original and refreshing voice, finding its place in the crossroads between Classical and Ethnic music... The album, which is mostly instrumental, includes two compositions to poems by women poets, Three Windows - a children's song by Lea Goldberg, and Little Woman, by Dalia Ravikovich. Three of the compositions in the album are danced to on stages in Israel and abroad: Batsheva's Lament - a flamenco piece for the Compas troupe, Neurotic Waltz, written for Ov by Renana Raz and Ofer Amram and The Sister-in-law's Waltz written for the Kibbutz Dance Company... The album includes new compositions as well, such as Rain in the Desert, The Wind Hunter and Horses, the main piece which also gives the album its title.
Index :
Language : Instrumental - Hebrew
Country : Israel (Palestine48)
Melodies :
[.01.] Desert Rain • [.02.] The Wind Hunter • [.03.] A Little Women • [.04.] Hora Canon • [.05.] Nigun • [.06.] Soosim • [.07.] Sister In Law's Waltz With Kanun • [.08.] Bat Sheba Lament • [.09.] Neurotic Waltz • [.10.] Three Windows • [.11.] Castles In The Sand
♪ Download From Here. [98.9 Mo] ♪
© to V.Savilova

Wannabi الــنـــبـــي ♪ Barak Ben Zour بــراك بن زور

Album :
Wannabi الــنـــبـــي
(The Prophet)
Artist :
Barak Ben Zour بــراك بن زور
Index :
Language : Instrumental - Arabic
Country : Israel/Yemen (Palestine48)
Melodies :
[.01.] Kiria • [.02.] Sar Hamemune • [.03.] Habib Zecharya • [.04.] Shaday • [.05.] Wanabi • [.06.] Yuma • [.07.] Lecha Eli • [.08.] Yo Shema • [.09.] Ya Jama'a • [.10.] Savta Shulamit
Download From Here. [117 Mo]
© to V.Savilova

Oud Prayers On The Road To St Jacques.Sacred music of the Abrahamic faiths ♪ Yuval Ron يــوفــال رون

Album :
Oud Prayers On The Road To St Jacques
Sacred music of the Abrahamic faiths
صــلاة الــعــــود عــلـــى الــطـــريـــق إلـــى ش.جــــاك
الــمــوســيــقــى الــمــقـــدســـة لـلــديــانــات الــســمــاويـــة
Artist :
Yuval Ron يــوفــال رون
Index :
Language : Instrumental
Country : Israel (Palestine48)
Melodies :
[.01.] Yonat Rekhokim • [.02.] Avinu Malkeinu / Allah Hou ( Our Father Our King / God Is ) • [.03.] Sim Shalom ( Set Peace ) • [.04.] Vartani ( Name Of 4th Century King Of Armenia ) • [.05.] Wa Habibi / Eliyahu Hanavi ( My Beloved / Elijah The Prophet • [.06.] Lama Bada ( Wen She Begins To Swan ) • [.07.] La llaha lllah lah / Nigun Le Mashiah ( There Is No God But)
Download From Here. [82.4 Mo]
Thanksgiving & © to V.Savilova

Band Orient مــجـمـــوعــة الــشــرق ♪ Yair Dalal, Eli Benacot, Erez Mounk, Tzur Ben Ze'ev

Album :
Band Orient مــجـمـــوعــة الــشــرق
Artists :
Yair Dalal, Eli Benacot, Erez Mounk, Tzur Ben Ze'ev
يـائــيــر دلال ، ايــلـي بـنـكـــوت ، ايــريــز مــونــك ، زئــيــف بــن تــســـور
•» Yair Dalal - Oud & Violin •» Eli Benacot - EWI •» Tzur Ben Ze'ev - Bass •» Erez Monk - Tabla & Percussion
Index :
Language : Instrumental
Country : Israel (Palestine48/Iraq)
Melodies :
[.01.] Eli Benacot - Before The Rain • [.02.] Yair Dalal - Ararat • [.03.] Eli Benacot - Negev Kadmoni • [.04.] Erez Mounk - Kritza • [.05.] Yair Dalal - Sunseteyes • [.06.] Yair Dalal - From The Orient To The Blues • [.07.] Yair Dalal - Acco Malca • [.08.] Eli Benacot - Feather Cloud
Download From Here. [125 Mo]
Thanksgiving & © to V.Savilova

MUSIC FROM ANJOUAN ISLAND.Secular and Sacred Traditions ♪ Traditional groups of men and women from Domoni

Album :
Traditions Profanes et Sacrées
مـوسـيــقــى مـــن جــزيـــرة أنــجــوان
الــمــوســيــقــى الــتـقــلــيــديـــة الــمــقــدســـة و الــوثـنــيـــة
Secular and Sacred Traditions
Artists :
Ensembles traditionnels d’hommes et de femmes de Domoni
مـــجــمـــوعــات مــن الــرجـــــال والــنــســــاء مــن دومــنــــــي
Traditional groups of men and women from Domoni
Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيــّــب Livret
Language : Arabic (Swahili) - Instrumental - Comorian (Shikomor)
Country : Comoros جـزر القمر
Melodies :
[.01.] Tari, chant de mariage / wedding song • [.02.] Gabusi, chant et luth / singing and lute • [.03.] Sambe, chant et danse d’hommes / men’s sung dance • [.04.] Cithare ndzedze / Zither ndzedze • [.05.] Deba, chant et danse de femmes / women’s sung dance • [.06.] Ilahiya, prière chantée / sung prayer • [.07.] Flûte firimbi / Flute firimbi • [.08.] Ndzedze, chant et cithare / singing and zither • [.09.] Biyaya, danse d’hommes / men’s dance • [.10.] Chigoma, chant et danse d’hommes / men’s sung dance • [.11.] Yimbiyo, berceuse / lullaby • [.12.] Kandza, chant religieux d’hommes / men’s religious song • [.13.] Kandza, chant religieux de femmes / women’s religious song
Download From Here. [112 Mo]

Insanyya إنــســـانــيــة ♪ Al-Yaman الــيـــمــن

Album :
Insanyya إنــســـانــيــة
Artist :
Al-Yaman الــيـــمــن
•» Ashwaq Abdulla Kulaib (Vocal) •» Aleš Hyvnar (samples, guitar, percussions, keyboard) •» Bashar Ashhab (Darbuka) •» Jonathan Omer (Drums) •» Jan Lstiburek (Bass) •» Tomáš Reindl (Tabla, didgeridoo, percussions)
Index :
Language : Arabic - Instrumental
Country : Yemen - Israel - Palestine - Czech Republic
Melodies :
[.01.] Si-Raa • [.02.] Makhatir • [.03.] Karmelulu • [.04.] Insanyya • [.05.] Omnia • [.06.] Risalah • [.07.] Samra • [.08.] Saraab • [.09.] Qudum Al Rasul • [.10.] Azan • [.11.] Ethinc Session
Download From Here. [151 Mo]

Tuesday 7 September 2010

Anthologie de Musique Citadine Algérien مــنــتــخــبات من الــمـوسـيـقـى الــشــعــبــيــة الـجــزائـــريـــة ♪ Cheikh Raymond الـشـيـخ رايــمــونــد

Albums :
Anthologie de Musique Citadine Algérien
مــنــتــخــبات من الــمـوسـيـقـى الــشــعــبــيــة الـجــزائـــريـــة
Concert public de malouf a l'Universite Populaire de Constantine (1954)
حـفــل للمــالــوف فــي جــامــعـــة قــســنــطــيــنــة الـشــعــبــيــة
El Bâghî "La Désirée" الــبــاغــي
Artist :
Cheikh Raymond Leyris الـشـيـخ رايــمــونــد لــيــريــس
•» Cheikh Raymond : Vocals, Oud •» Sylvain Ghrenassia : Alto •» Gaston Ghrenassia or Enrico Macias : Guitar •» Abdelhmid Benkartoussa : Flute •» Nathan Bentari : Darbouka •» Haim Benbala : Tar •» Larbi Belamri,Abdelhak Benabes : Nahrat
Note :
ولد يوم 27 يوليو 1912 بقسنطينة بالجزائر .. واحد من رواد الأغنية العربية الأندلسية المعروفة بالمالوف.عازف على العود.مغني محترم من طرف العرب واليهود .. هو من أب يهودي جزائري من باتنة وأم فرنسية.ترك من طرف عائلته في خضم الحرب العالمية الثانية وتبنته عائلة يهودية فقيرة .. سجل أكثر من ثلاثين ألبوم ما بين 1956 و1961 بمعية جوقه.وكان إنريكو ماسياس من بين تلامذته وهو أيضا زوج ابنته سوزي .... اغتيل الشيخ رايموند يوم 22 يونيو 1961 برصاصة في العنق بينما كان يتجول مع ابنته فيفيان في سوق قسنطينة المعروف بسوق العصر .. كان لاغتياله أثر بليغ على الطائفة اليهودية الجزائرية التي بدأت منذئذ بالهجرة نحو فرنسا
Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيــّــب Livret
Language : Arabic - Instrumental
Country : Algeria
Melodies :
[.01.] Bacheraf Zidane • [.02.] Istikhbar Zidane • [.03.] Inssraf Zidane - Ala Ya Nassim Essaba (Ô brise du petit matin) • [.04.] Nafer Men Hawit' (Celui que j'aimais m'a quitté(e)) • [.05.] Insrafat' - Mahboubati Et Farakouni (Ma Bien-aimée/Elles m'ont quitté) • [.06.] Inklab - Sabrî Kalîl (J'ai peu de patience) • [.07.] Hawzi - Nar H'wakoum Lahab (Votre feu me brûle)
[.01.] Djessa Errahaoui • [.02.] Dhalma - L'injuste • [.03.] Zajal - Hasbûka Allah 'Ani • [.04.] Moudaber Ham el Fourka
[.01.] Istikhbar Iraq • [.02.] Qadriat’ - Ghzali Hâfi (J’ai tant couru derrière ma gazelle) • [.03.] Hawzi - Mal Hbibi Malouh (Qu’a -t-elle donc à bouder ?) / La Nouba Maya - Ess’bouhi (La nouba du matin) .Les M’cedder : • [.04.] Layali Sûrour (Mes nuits joyeuses) • [.05.] Ya Nadim Entabih (ô compagnon, écoute la bonne nouvelle) .Darj : • [.06.] Nour Essabah (L’éclat du matin) .Insraf : • [.07.] Ya Saki Waski Habibi (ô échanson, sers ma bien-aimée) .Khlaçat’ (finals) : • [.08.] Kam Wa Kam (Ô combien tu m’emprisonnes dans l’amour) • [.09.] Allah Yehenik (Que Dieu te donne le bonheur) • [.10.] Qadriat - Bkaw Aala Khir (Les adieux
[.01.] El Bâghî - "La Désirée" (Mahbjouz-Zarouti) • [.02.] El Ward - "Les Roses" (Zadjel) • [.03.] Annonce • [.04.] Yâ 'Achiqîne - "O amoureux..." (Malouf) • [.05.] Annonce • [.06.] Tâl 'Adâb Bia - "Ma souffrance a trop duré" (Haouzi)
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Thanksgiving & © to A.B

No ID غــيــر مــعــرّف ♪ Gershon Waiserfirer, Noam Chen غــيــرشـــون ويــســرفـــريـــر ، تــشـــن نــعــوم

Album :
No ID غــيــر مــعــرّف
Artists :
Gershon Waiserfirer, Noam Chen
غــيــرشـــون ويــســرفـــريـــر ، تــشـــن نــعــوم
Index :
Language : Instrumental
Country : Israel[Palestine48]
Melodies :
[.01.] Neurotic Dance • [.02.] Late Siesta • [.03.] Another Day • [.04.] Yovano • [.05.] The Temple Mount • [.06.] Neni • [.07.] Montuno Waltz • [.08.] Ice • [.09.] Not Forever • [.10.] 2 A.M. Alley
Download From Here. [97.4 Mo]

Sunday 5 September 2010

Cantata.. Mahmoud Darwish's Mural مــغــنــّــاة.. جــداريــة مـحــمود درويــش ♪ Bachar Zarkan بـشــار زرقــان

Album :
Cantata.. Mahmoud Darwish's Mural
مــغــنــّــاة.. جــداريــة مـحــمود درويــش
Artist :
Bachar Zarkan بـشــار زرقــان
•» Qanun;Bachar Jarryr •» Ud;Hussein Allan •» Flute;Muslim Rahhal..Ibrahim Kadar •» Viloin;Ammar Yunis..RadiUdeh..Furat Hanana •» Cello;Muwafaq al-Zahabi..Imad Mursi •» Percussion;Jamal al-Saqa •» Backing Vocals;Linda Bitar..Mirna Qassis..Sana Barakat..Nibal Zarifeh ••» Conductor; Muwafaq al-Zahabi ••» Solo Vocal;Linda bitar ••» Composition and Songs;Bachar Zarkan
Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيــب Livret
Language : Instrumental - Arabic
Country : Syria
Melodies :
أتمّ تلحين جدارية درويش الشعرية على مرحلتين الأولى: قدمت في افتتاح مهرجان جرش 2001. والثانية: إبان صعود الشاعر إلى فلكه الأخير ليكمل بعدها زرقان تلحين بقية المقاطع
Download From Here. [98.8 Mo]

Wednesday 1 September 2010

Der Nachtreisende مــســـافـــر اللــيــــل ♪ Saif Karomi ســيـــف كـــرومي

Album :
Der Nachtreisende مــســـافـــر اللــيــــل
Artist :
Saif Karomi ســيـــف كـــرومي
Index :
Language : Instrumental
Country : Iraq
Melodies :
[.01.] Memories in Fragments • [.02.] Poet’s poetry • [.03.] Soul With Lines • [.04.] Sufi love • [.05.] Der Nachtreisende • [.06.] Attracting • [.07.] Hadieth al Rouh • [.08.] Stages of Life • [.09.] Assiel • [.10.] Folk dancing
Download From Here. [136 Mo]

El Tarab El Aseel الــطــرب الاصـــيـــل ♪ Riad Abdel Gawad ريـــاض عــبــدالــجـــواد

Album :
El Tarab El Aseel الــطــرب الاصـــيـــل
Artist :
Riad Abdel Gawad ريـــاض عــبــدالــجـــواد
•» Riad Abdel-Gawad - Kamangah (Violin) •» Mahmoud Abdel-Fetah - Oud (Arab lute) •» Yousri Abdel-Maqsood - Riqq (Arab tambourine) •» Saber Abdel-Sattar - Qanun (Arab zither) •» Mohamed Foda - Nay (Arab flute)
Note :
Riad’s first album, ‘El Tarab el Aseel’, is infused with his deep knowledge of serial and avant-garde techniques and styles, while remaining steeped in the world of Arabic traditional music. The album’s pieces are mostly based on improvisations (the oriental “taqâsîm”, played in succession by the members of the “Takht”) of the main melodies. Riad Abdel-Gawad followed his Ph.D. in composition from Harvard with an apprenticeship as the spiritual son of Abdo Dagher, the famous oriental violinist and accompanier to the “Pearl of the Orient”, Oum Kalsoum
Index :
Language : Instrumental
Country : Egypt
Melodies :
[.01.] Longa Nahawand • [.02.] Qiblah • [.03.] Delta • [.04.] Sama'i Sultanah Yakah
Download From Here. [114 Mo]

Diri kitabri ديــري كـي تـبــغــي ♪ Kadda Cherif Hadria قـدة شــريــف حــضــريــــة

Album :
Diri kitabri ديــري كـي تـبــغــي
Artist :
Kadda Cherif Hadria قـدة شــريــف حــضــريــــة
Kadda Cherif Hadria : Chant. Mohamed Mokhtari : Violon. Abdenour Djemai : Guitares (électrique et électro-acoustique) Chœurs. Rabah Khalfa : Derbouka, Bendir, Karkabou, Taar. Hervé Lebouché : Batterie/Percussions. Hachemi Bellali : Basses. Arthur Simon : Trompette/Claviers (Directions musicale). Nicolas Avril : Saxophone. Moustafa Mattaoui : Claviers (Diri kitabri, Britnakhtiha, Zina). Frédéric Lagnau : Piano (Manabrache, Madanitche). Didier Pel : Accordéon diatonique (Diri kitabri). Eric Genevoix : Congas (Diri kitabri), Djembé (Lahwawiya)
Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيــّــب Livret
Country : Algeria - France
Language : Arabic
Melodies :
[.01.] Zina • [.02.] Yabouya • [.03.] Mengalbi • [.04.] Diri kitabri • [.05.] Britnakhtiha • [.06.] Chab Rassi • [.07.] Manabrache • [.08.] Dahaoutatou • [.09.] Madanitche • [.10.] Lahwawiya
Download From Here. [128 Mo]
Thanksgiving & © to Miguel