Saturday 28 August 2010

Music Of Central Asia Vol. 1 .. Mountain Music Of Kyrgyzstan ♪ Ensemble Tengir-Too

Album :
Music Of Central Asia Vol. 1
Mountain Music Of Kyrgyzstan
مــوســيقى آســيــا الـوســطــى .. الجزء الاول
مـــوســيــقــى مــن جــبــال قــيــرغــيــزســتــان
Artists :
Ensemble Tengir-Too فــرقــة ثــانجــر-ثـــو
Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيـــّــب Livret
Language : Instrumental - Kyrgyz
Country : Kyrgyzstan
Melodies :
[.01.] Jangylyk (Novelty) • [.02.] Erke Kyz (The Spoiled Girl) • [.03.] Küidüm Chok (I Burn, I Smoulde like charcoal) • [.04.] Episode From The MANAS: Kökötö • [.05.] Belek (Gift) • [.06.] Kara Özgöi (Impudent One) • [.07.] Kyiylyp Turam (I'm Sad to Say Goodbey) • [.08.] Attila Khan • [.09.] Ak Satkyn Menen Kulmyrza (Ak Satakyn and Kulmyrza) • [.10.] Fantasy On The Chopo Choor (ocarina) • [.11.] Gül (Flower) • [.12.] Jol Jürüsh (On the Road) • [.13.] Kengesh (Soviet) • [.14.] Esimde (I Remember) • [.15.] Ker Özön (Wide Valley) • [.16.] Sagynam (I Miss You) • [.17.] Kambarkan • [.18.] Kyz Oigotoor (A Melody That Wakes up a girl)
Download From Here. [36.0 Mo]
Thanksgiving & © to Arvin.C

Music Of Central Asia vol. 2 .. Classical Music of the Tajiks and Uzbeks ♪ Musicians of The Academy of Maqam

Album :
Music Of Central Asia vol. 2
Invisible Face of the Beloved
Classical Music of the Tajiks and Uzbeks
مــوســيــقــى آســيــا الــوســطــى .. الجزء التاني
وجــه الــحـبــيـــب الــغــيــر مــرئــي
مــوســيــقــى كــلاســيــكيــة مـن الــطــاجــيــك والاوزبــــك
Artists :
Musicians of The Academy of Maqam
مـــوســيــقــيــي أكــاديــمــيــة الـــمــقـــام
Index, Language and Country :
Booklet الــكــتــيـــّــب Livret
Melodies :
[.01.] Maqâm-I Râst: Solo On The Sato • [.02.] Maqâm-I Râst: Sarakhbor-I Râst • [.03.] Maqâm-I Râst: Tarona 1 • [.04.] Maqâm-I Râst: Tarona 2 • [.05.] Maqâm-I Râst: Tarona 3 • [.06.] Maqâm-I Râst: Tarona 4 • [.07.] Maqâm-I Râst: Tarona 5 • [.08.] Maqâm-I Râst: Talqin-I Ushshâq • [.09.] Maqâm-I Râst: Suporish Talqin-I Ushshâq • [.10.] Maqâm-I Râst: Tarona • [.11.] Maqâm-I Râst: Nasr-I Ushshâq • [.12.] Maqâm-I Râst: Tarona 1 • [.13.] Maqâm-I Râst: Tarona 2 • [.14.] Maqâm-I Râst: Nawroz-I Sabo • [.15.] Maqâm-I Râst: Talqincha-I Sabo • [.16.] Maqâm-I Râst: First Suporish • [.17.] Maqâm-I Râst: Ufor-I Ushshâq • [.18.] Maqâm-I Râst: Final Suporish
Download From Here. [164 Mo]
Thanksgiving & © to Arvin.C

Music of Central Asia vol. 3 .. The Art of the Afghan Rubab ♪ Homayun Sakhi هـمــايــون ســـاخـــي

Album :
Music of Central Asia vol. 3
The Art of the Afghan Rubab
موسيقى آســيا الــوســـطــى .. الجزء الثالث
فـــن الـــربـــاب الافـــغـــانــــي
Artist :
Homayun Sakhi هـمــايــون ســـاخـــي
Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيـــّــب Livret
Language : Instrumental
Country : Afganistan
Melodies :
[.01.] Raga Madhuvanti • [.02.] Raga Yaman • [.03.] Kataghani
Download From Here. [162 Mo]
Thanksgiving & © to Arvin.C

Music Of Central Asia vol. 4 .. Bardic Divas ♪ Women's Voices in Central Asia

Album :
Music Of Central Asia vol. 4
مــوســيــقــى آســيــا الــوســطــى .. الجزء الرابع
Bardic Divas قــصــائــد مــغـــنــّــاة
Artists & Country :
Women's Voices in Central Asia
أصــوات الــنــسـاء فـي آســيا الــوســطـــى
•••» AZERBAIJAN: •» Latife Cheshmeli,vocal and saz •» Fargana Qasimova,vocal › Accompanied by:Rafael Asgarov, balaban; - Rauf Islamov, kamancha; - Ali Asgar Mammadov,tar; - Natiq Shirinov,percussion
•••» KAZAKHSTAN: •» Ulzhan Baibussynova,vocal and dombra •» Ardak Issataeva,vocal and dombra •» Aigul Ulkenbaeva,dombra
•••» KYRGYZSTAN: •» Kenjegul Kubatova,vocal and komuz
•••» QARAQALPAKSTAN: •» Injegul Saburova,ghirjek (ghijak) •» Ziyada Sheripova,vocal and dutar
•••» KALMYKIA: •» Ervena Orgaeva,vocal and dombra
•••» KHOREZM(UZBEKISTAN): •» Dilbar Bekturdieva,vocal, garmon,dayra,qayraq •» Komila Mattieva,vocal and tar •» Gozal Muminova,dayra and dutar
•••» TAJIKISTAN: •» Ozoda Ashurova,vocal › Accompanied by:K.Hamdamov,tanbur - Murad Jumaev,dayra - Sirojiddin,Juraev, dutar
Index & Language :
Booklet الــكــتــيـــّــب Livret
Melodies :
[.01.] Rangin Kaman • [.02.] en Yar Gedeli • [.03.] Galmadi, Galmadi • [.04.]Bastau • [.05.]Taalailuu Eldin Bir;Kyzy • [.06.] Aqsholpan • [.07.] Kotush • [.08.] Shunidam • [.09.] Harman-Dali • [.10.] Oren Zhyirik • [.11.] Aq Qum • [.12.] Bulgun • [.13.] Sarvinoz • [.14.] Zhonyp Aldy • [.15.] Chabandyn Yry • [.16.] Talim • [.17.] Dila Dushdü • [.18.] Noleydi • [.19.] Kyzyl Gül
Download From Here. [129 Mo]
Thanksgiving & © to Arvin.C

Music Of Central Asia vol. 5 .. Song and Dance from the Pamir Mountains ♪ Badakhshan Ensemble فــرقــة بــدخــشــان

Album :
Music Of Central Asia vol. 5
Song and Dance from the Pamir Mountains
مــوســيــقــى آســيــا الــوســطــى .. الجزء الخامس
الــغــنــاء والــرقــص مــن جــبــال بــامــيـــر
Artists :
Badakhshan Ensemble فــرقــة بــدخــشــان
•» Qnazar Alovatov, vocal •» Soheba Davlatshoeva, vocal and dance •» Jonboz Dushanbiev, ghijak •» Shodi Mabatqulov, daf •» Olucha Mualibshoev, vocal •» Mukhtor Muborakqadomov,setâr •» Ghulomsho Safarov, Pamiri rubab, Pamiri tanbur, vocal
Index, Language & Country :
Booklet الــكــتــيـــّــب Livret
Melodies :
[.01.] Falak-i Badakhshani • [.02.] Ay Pari • [.03.] Zohidi Pokizasirisht • [.04.] Lolazorume • [.05.] Falak • [.06.] Maddoh • [.07.] Rapo • [.08.] Khâlatro Banda • [.09.] Jonum, Ikhtiyor Dorî and Yor-i Man • [.10.] Sabzak Medley
Download From Here. [147 Mo]
Thanksgiving & © to Arvin.C

Music Of Central Asia vol. 6 .. Spiritual Music Of Azerbaijan ♪ Alim & Fargana Qasimov

Album :
Music Of Central Asia vol. 6
Spiritual Music Of Azerbaijan
مــوســيــقــى آســيــا الــوســطــى .. الجزء السادس
المـــوســيــقــى الروحـــيــــة فــــي أذربــيــجــان
Artists :
Alim & Fargana Qasimov عــلــيــم و فــرجــانــة قــاســيـــمــوف
•» Alim Qasimov, vocal and daf •» Fargana Qasimova, vocal and daf •» Rafael Asgarov, balaban •» Rauf Islamov, kamancha •» Ali Asgar Mammadov, tar •» Natiq Shirinov, percussion •» Yasef Eyvazov, oud
Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيـــّــب Livret
Language : Azerbaijani
Country : Azerbaijan
Melodies :
Mugham Chargah
[.01.] Bardasht • [.02.] Maye • [.03.] Beste-Nigar • [.04.] Hisar • [.05.] Mualif • [.06.] Mükhalif-Tarkib • [.07.] Mansuriyya
Composed Songs
[.08.] You Are the Light of My Eyes • [.09.] Eshqin Mehebbeti (Love of Loves) • [.10.] Jeyran (Deer) • [.12.] Köhlen Atim (My Splendid Horse)
Download From Here. [161 Mo]
Thanksgiving & © to Arvin.C

Music Of Central Asia Vol. 7 .. In the Shrine of the Heart: Popular Classics from Bukhara and Beyond ♪ Various Artists

Album :
Music Of Central Asia Vol. 7
In the Shrine of the Heart: Popular Classics from Bukhara and Beyond
مـوسـيـقــى آســيــا الــوســطــى .. الجزء السابع
في مــزار الــقــلـب : الـمــوســيــقــى الـكــلاســيكــيـة الــشعـبــيــة مــن بــخــارى ومـا جــاورهـــا
Artists :
Various Artists مــجــمــوعــة
•••» Farhod Davletov, vocal, tar
Accompanied by: •» Shuhrat Razzaqov, dutar •» Habibulla Kurambaev, doyra •» Murod Norkuziev, ghijak
•••» Nodira Pirmatova, vocal, dutar
Accompanied by: •» Mirghiyos Mukhitdinov, doyra •» Nabidjan Kadirov, violin •» Mansurbek Vaisov, Kashgar rubab
•••» Mahmudjon Tojibaev, vocal, tar
•••» Nasiba Omonboeva, vocal
•••» Sirojiddin Juraev, dutar
•••» Dilbarjan Bekturdyeva, vocal, accordion (saz)
Index, Language and Country :
Booklet الــكــتــيـــّــب Livret
Melodies :
[.01.] Galdir • [.02.] Ranoni Gördim • [.03.] Khosh Parda Suvora • [.04.] Qushtar • [.05.] Chargoh • [.06.] Birallaim • [.07.] Muqaddima • [.08.] Torghay • [.09.] Qoilman • [.10.] Dilhiroj • [.11.] Peshrev-i Dugoh • [.12.] Feruz • [.13.] Chopon• [.14.] Ufor-i Iroq • [.15.] Eh Dilbari Jononim
Download From Here. [168 Mo]
Thanksgiving & © to Arvin.C

Music Of Central Asia Vol. 8 .. Rainbow ♪ Kronos Quartet With Alim & Fargana Qasimov And Homayun Sakhi

Album :
Music Of Central Asia Vol. 8
مـوسـيــقــى الــمــجــلــد آسـيــا الــوســطــى .. الجزء التامن
Rainbow قـــوس قــزح
Artists :
Kronos Quartet With Alim & Fargana Qasimov And Homayun Sakhi
ربــاعــي كــرونــوس بــرفــقــة عــلـيـم و فــرجــانــة قــســيـــموف و هــمــايــون ســاخــي
•••» Homayun Sakhi Trio :
•» Homayun Sakhi, Afghan rubab •» Salar Nader, tabla •» Abbos Kosimov, doyra and qayraq
•••» Kronos Quartet :
•» David Harrington, violin •» John Sherba, violin •» Hank Dutt, viola •» Jeffrey Zeigler, cello
•••» Alim Qasimov Ensemble :
•» Alim Qasimov, vocal and daf •» Fargana Qasimov, vocal and daf •» Rafael Asgarov, balaban •» Rauf Islamov, kamancha •» Ali Asgar Mammadov, tar •» Vugar Sharifzadeh, naghara
Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيـــّــب Livret
Language : Instrumental - Azerbaijani
Country : Azerbaijan - Afghanistan - USA - Uzbekistan - ..
Melodies :
[.01.] Rangin Kaman • [.02.] Köhlen Atim • [.03.] Mehriban Olaq • [.04.] Getme, Getme • [.05.] Leyla • [.06.] Qashlarin Kamandir
Download From Here. [150 Mo]
Thanksgiving & © to Arvin.C

Music Of Central Asia Vol. 9 .. In The Footsteps Of Babur: Musical Encounters From The Lands Of The Mughals ♪ Various Artists

Album :
Music Of Central Asia Vol. 9
In The Footsteps Of Babur: Musical Encounters From The Lands Of The Mughals
مـوسـيـقــى آسـيــا الــوســطــى .. الجزء التاسع
عـلــى خـطــى بـابــر : لـقــاءات مــوسـيـقـيــة مـن أراضـي الـمـغـــول
Artists :
Various Artists
•» Homayun Sakhi, Afghan rubab •» Rahul Sharma, santur •» Salar Nader, tabla, zerbaghali •» Sirojiddin Juraev, dutar, tanbur •» Mukhtor Muborakqadomov, Badakhshani setar
Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيـــّــب Livret
Language : Instrumental
Country : Afghanistan - India - Tajikistan
Melodies :
[.01.] Solo on the SANTUR: Raga Vachaspati • [.02.] Raga Kirwani • [.03.] DHUN: Misra Kirwani • [.04.] Zuhal’s Song 3:19 • [.05.] ALAP on the Afghan RUBAB: Raga Bhupali • [.06.] Jammu and Kashmi • [.07.] Bilak Uzuk (Bracelet) • [.08.] Ruboyat-i Vanj (Rubayat of Vanj) • [.09.] Sayr-i Badakhshan (A Stroll in Badakhshan)
Download From Here. [145 Mo]
Thanksgiving & © to Arvin.C

Friday 27 August 2010

Songs of ecstasy in Syria الأنـــاشــيــد والابــتـــهالات فـــي ســــوريا ♪ Sulaymân Dâwûd and his Sons ســلــيـــمــان داود واولاده

Album :
Chants d’extase en Syrie
Suite sacrée (Nawba) de la Grande Mosquée des Omeyyades à Damas
الأنـــاشــيــد والابــتـــهالات فـــي ســــوريا
مـتـتـالـيـة مــقـــدســة (نــوبــة ) مـــن الـــمســجـد الأمـــوي الـــكــبــيــر فـي دمــشـــق
Songs of ecstasy in Syria
Sacred suite (Nawba) of the Great Mosque of Ommiades of Damascus
Artists :
Suleymân Dâwûd & ses fils
ســلــيـــمــان داود واولاده
Sulaymân Dâwûd and his sons
Index :
Booklet الــكــتـــيـــب Livret
Language : Arabic
Country : Syria
Melodies :
[.01.] Appel à la prière (al-adhân), maqâm Hijâz, style umawî. / Call to prayer • [.02.] Suite sacrée (Nawba) de la Grande Mosquée des Omeyyades à Damas / Sacred suite (Nawba) of the Great Mosque of Ommiades of Damascus • [.03.] Appel à la prière (al-adhân), maqâm Râst, style umawî. / Call to prayer.
Download From Here. [146 Mo]

Wednesday 25 August 2010

Live Concerts حــفــلات مــبــاشـــرة ♪ Bustan Abraham فــرقــة بــســتــان آبــراهـــآم

Album :
Live Concerts حــفــلات مــبــاشـــرة
Artists :
Bustan Abraham فــرقــة بــســتــان آبــراهـــآم
•» Taiseer Elias - Oud •» Nassim Dakwar - Violin •» Avshalom Farjun - Qanoun •» Miguel Herstein - Guitar and Banjo •» Amir Milstein - Flute •» Zohar Fresco - Percussion» Emmanuel Mann - Bass •» Naor Carmi - Double Bass •» Yehuda Siliki - Baglama
Index :
Bustan Abraham is comprised of seven distinguished Israeli musicians, both Jews and Arabs, who have combined their experience as composers, soloists and heads of musical ensembles to create original instrumental music which combines elements of both Eastern and Western traditions .:. The backgrounds of Bustan's members represent an astonishing variety of musical cultures, including classical Arabic and European music, Jazz, Indian, Turkish and flamenco music. Bustan Abraham's recordings and powerful stage performances are greeted with standing ovations all over the world.
Language : Instrumental
Country : Israel/Palestine 48
Melodies :
[.01.] Bustan • [.02.] Suite for Deyzi • [.03.] Fountainhead • [.04.] Jazz Kar-Kurd • [.05.] Caravan • [.06.] Toy Vivo • [.07.] Journey • [.08.] Solaris • [.09.] Hamsin • [.10.] Gypsy Soul
Download From Here. [164.6 Mo]

Tuesday 24 August 2010

Passions,Passons الـمــشــاعــر ، الـوقــت ♪ Sapho صــــافو

Album :
Passions,Passons الـمــشــاعــر ، الـوقــت
Artist :
Sapho صــــافو
[Danielle Ebguy]
Index :
Language : Instrumental - French - Arabic
Country : Morocco/France/Israel
Melodies :
[.01.] Carmel • [.02.] Methylene • [.03.] Salon De Musique • [.04.] Train De Paris • [.05.] We Daret El Ayam • [.06.] Marrakech • [.07.] Piscine • [.08.] Amour Fantome • [.09.] Globo Night • [.10.] L'Americaine Qui Danse
♪ Download From Here. [95.5 Mo]

Monday 23 August 2010

Anthologie De Duos Kabyles : "Di Sin" مــخـتــارات مــن ثــنــائـيــات الـقــبايــــل : دي سـيــن ♪ Aït Menguellet,Anissa,K. Hamad,Hanifa,Karima...

Album :
Anthologie De Duos Kabyles : "Di Sin"
مــخـتــارات مــن ثــنــائـيــات الـقــبايــــل : دي سـيــن
Artists :
Aït Menguellet - Anissa - K. Hamadi - Hanifa - Karima - Louagrani - Nouara - Noura - Slimani
Index :
Language : Amazigh
Country : Algeria
Melodies :
[.01.] Di sin • [.02.] Nek ttin hubbegh • [.03.] Acimi teggid axxam • [.04.] Awit id a tiyara • [.05.] D kem i hemlagh • [.06.] Iles leâbad • [.07.] Aygher ay aâziz • [.08.] Yid-em yid-em • [.09.] D gmas n lmut • [.10.] A win aâzizent
Download From Here. [135 Mo]

Friday 20 August 2010

MUSIC OF THE UIGHURS,Traditions of Ili and Kashgar الـمـوسـيـقــى مـن الايــغـــور, تــقــالــيـــد ايــلــي وكــاشــغـــر

Album :
Traditions d’Ili et de Kachgar
آسـيــا الــوسـطـى . الـمـوسـيـقــى مـن الايــغـــور
تــقــالــيـــد ايــلــي وكــاشــغـــر
Traditions of Ili and Kashgar
Artists :
Ayshamgul Mamat, Abdulaziz Hashimov, Abdurashid Nâdirev, Aripjân Muhamadov, Abdughani Tokhtiev, Akram Hashimov
Ayshamgul Mamat, chant/voice [n°1 2 9] Abdulaziz Hashimov, luth/lute tanbur [n°2 4 5 8 9] Abdurashid Nâdirev,chant/voice & luth/lute dutâr [n°2 346789] Aripjân Muhamadov, viole à pique/spike fiddle ghijak [n°1 2489] Abdughani Tokhtiev, luth/lute tanbur [n°2 34689] Akram Hashimov, luth/lute dutâr [n°24589]
Index and Language :
Booklet الــكــتــيــّــب Livret
Country : China, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Chinese Turkestan
Melodies :
[.01.] Muqâm Rokhsari : muqâm bashi • [.02.] Chants de Kachgar / Kashgar songs • [.03.] Muqâm Chargâh : muqâm bashi • [.04.] Muqâm Oshshâq : dâstân & marghul • [.05.] Onikki Muqâm : marghul 1, 2, 3 • [.06.] Kocha nakhshesi • [.07.] Dostlarim âmân • [.08.] Yâru • [.09.] Chants d’Ili / Ili songs
Download From Here. [156 Mo]
Thanksgiving & © to Z.S

Saltana ســلــطـــنــة ♪ Abraham Salman ابــراهــيــم ســلــمــان

Album :
Saltana ســلــطـــنــة
Artist :
Abraham Salman ابــراهــيــم ســلــمــان
Index :
Abraham Salman is the greatest living master of the Arabic Qanoun & Arabic instrumental improvisations - the Taqassim.. Born in Iraq in 1931. His youthful talent was discovered upon joining the Royal Iraqi Radio Orchestra where he was the principal qanoun player. Salman gained respect and recognition across the Arab world and accompanied renowned Arabic singers such as Muhammad Abd Al-Muttalib, Nazem Al-Gazali and Sou'ad Muhammad during thier performances in Iraq.. In 1950 Salman emigrated to Israel and worked with the Arabic orchestra of the Israeli radio until 1988. During these years he became so prominent a figure in the orchestra that it is equated with his name. In addition to being a virtuoso performer Salman has composed instrumental music, film music, and recorded Western classical music. This cd is a retrospective of the work of this great artist over the past 35 years and includes both old recordings made by the Israeli radio since the 60th (selected by Avshalom Farjun) together with new recordings from 1996. It chronicles a remarkable musical journey of a master of the Qanoun
Language : Instrumental
Country : Iraq//Israel/Palestine48
Melodies :
[.01.] Taksim bayat mawzoun • [.02.] Taksim suznak • [.03.] Taksim bayat • [.04.] Dulab dashti • [.05.] Taksim rast • [.06.] Sama'i kurd • [.07.] Spanish dance no. 5 • [.08.] Taksim saba • [.09.] Taksim zanjaran • [.10.] Taksim shuri mawzoun • [.11.] Taksim bayat • [.12.] Taksim awshar • [.13.] Taksim homayun
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Thanksgiving & © to Z.S

Mounqaliba مــنــقــلــبــة ♪ Natacha Atlas نـتــاشـا أطـلـس

Album :
Mounqaliba مــنــقــلــبــة

Artist :
Natacha Atlas نـتــاشـا أطـلـس

Index :

Language : Arabic - English - French - Instrumental

Country : Belgium/Egypt

Melodies :
[.01.] Intro • [.02.] Makaan • [.03.] Matrah Interlude • [.04.] Bada Al Fajr • [.05.] Muwashah Ozkourini • [.06.] Riverman • [.07.] Batkallim • [.08.] Mounqaliba • [.09.] Le Cor, Le Vent • [.10.] Direct Solutions Interlude • [.11.] Lahazat Nashwa • [.12.] La Nuit Est Sur La Ville • [.13.] Fresco's Interlude • [.14.] Ghoroub • [.15.] Evening Interlude • [.16.] Taalet • [.17.] Egypt Interlude • [.18.] Natacha Atlas - Nafourat El Anwar

Download From Here. [123 Mo]


Thursday 19 August 2010

Music Of North of Khorassan مــوســيــقـــى شـــمــــال خـــراســــان ♪ Sima Bina ســیــمــا بـیــنــا

Album :
Musique du Nord du Khorassan
مــوســيــقـــى شـــمــــال خـــراســــان
Music Of North Khorassan
Artist :
Sima Bina ســیــمــا بـیــنــا
Index :
Language : Persian - Instrumental
Country : Iran;She is currently living in Cologne, Germany
Melodies :
[.01.] Allah Mazâré ou Le Rêve du Printemps - the dream of spring • [.02.] Ma bien-aimée Basanée, quatrains populaires - popular quatrains • [.03.] Khan Djan • [.04.] L'éclat du sabre - the sabre's glare • [.05.] Quatrains populaires - popular quatrains • [.06.] Magom (Dotâr) • [.07.] Alélé, danse populaire - popular dance
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Hour of Separation ســأعة الـــفـــراق ♪ Joseph Tawadros جــوزيــف تـــودرس

Album :
Hour of Separation ســاعة الـــفـــراق
Artist :
Joseph Tawadros جــوزيــف تـــودرس
» Joseph Tawadros (oud) » John Abercrombie (Electric Guitar) » John Patitucci (Double Bass) » James Tawadros (Req', Bendir) » Special Guest Jack Dejohnette (Drums
Index :
Language : Instrumental
Country : Egypt/Australia
Melodies :
[.01.] Phoenix • [.02.] Fly Away • [.03.] Black Forest Sky • [.04.] Gare de l'Est • [.05.] Heal • [.06.] Give or Take • [.07.] Nostalgia in D • [.08.] Rose • [.09.] In the Stars • [.10.] Midnight Prayer • [.11.] The Hour • [.12.] Conversation in Time • [.13.] Goodbye SBK • [.14.] Promise • [.15.] Forbidden Fruit
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Thanksgiving & © to Z.S

Dances and Trances From Taroudannt رقــصــات والـتـجــلّ مــن تــارودانـــت ♪ Sufi Brotherhoods & Street Musicians

Album :
Dances and Trances From Taroudannt, Morocco
Sufi Rites and Berber Music
رقــصــات والـتـجــلّ مــن تــارودانـــت ، الــمــغـــرب
الــطـقــوس الــصــوفــيــة والــمــوســيــقــى الـبــربــريـــة
Artists :
Various, Sufi Brotherhoods & Street Musicians
Index :
Language : Arabic - Instrumental - Amazigh
Country : Morocco
Melodies :
[.01.] Adhan for Early-Morning Prayer • [.02.] First Guerrera • [.03.] Second Guerrera • [.04.] Guerrera Performed by Men • [.05.] Combined Adhans for Salat as-Soubh • [.06.] Egyptian Style Song With Oud • [.07.] 1st Berber Song • [.08.] 2nd Berber Song • [.09.] Hadra
Download From Here. [136 Mo]
Thanksgiving & © to øשlqaeda

Wednesday 18 August 2010

Echoes of Qiyan صـــدى الــقــيـــّــان ♪ Qiyans krets & Oscar Fredrik Chamber Choir فــرقــة حــلــقــات الــقــيــان بــرفــقــة جــوقــة فــريـدرك

Album :
Echoes of Qiyan صـــدى الــقــيـــّــان
A Nordic excursion into the world of Al-Andalusian, Medieval and Sephardic music
رحـلــة الــشـــمال الى الـــعــالــم الانــدلــســي و مــوســيــقــى الــعــصــور الــوســطــى و الــســفــارديــم
Artists :
Qiyans krets & Oscar Fredrik Chamber Choir
فــرقــة حــلــقــات الــقــيــان بــرفــقــة جــوقــة فــريــدريــك أوســكار
Note :
Qiyan were highly educated slave-women av varying ethnic backgrounds who entertained at the muslim courts in former times. These women were highly prized poets, singers, instrumentalists and dancers, and were responsible for performing and spreading the works of the composers of the period. As the Christian warlords conquered more and more of the muslim territories in Spain, i.e. al-Andalus/ Sepharad, qiyan were captured and taken back to the courts of Europe as booty. "The first troubadour", William of Aquitaine (969 - 1030), grew up among qiyan and was surely influenced by them. The troubadour movement which started in Provence contributed to spreading their influence to the rest of Europe, as these travelling musicians moved from court to court; Much more could be said about qiyan, but perhaps we should leave it at that! Suffice it to say that these our predecessors have forged and handed down a strong tradition of improvisation and renewal. We like to think that we sail in their wake, sending on new ripples to the future...
Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيــب Livret
Language : Arabic - Instrumental - Norwegian - ....
Country : Sweden - Norway - Scotland - Morocco - ...
Melodies :
CD1 » Sephardic Songs
[.01.] Kol dodi (trad.) • [.02.] Los caminos de Sirkedji (by Thomas Winner) • [.03.] Etz harimon (by Yedidya Admon) • [.04.] Kuando veyo ijo ermozo (trad.) • [.05.] Och när som jag var på mitt artonde år & Una mática de ruda (trad.) • [.06.] Mi yitneni of (trad.) • [.07.] Tubwayhun L'miskenene'h B'ruch (Hebrew motives, Al-Andalus trad.) • [.08.] Eshet chayil (trad. Hebrew song) • [.09.] Adió, querida (trad. Sephardic, derived from a Verdi-aria) • [.10.] Yedí Kulé (trad.) • [.11.] Alta es la luna (trad.) • [.12.] Ben n'har prat (trad. Sephardic-Hebrew) • [.13.] Avram Avinu (trad.)
CD2 » Medieval Music
[.01.] Dja da kall (14th Century, Al-Andalus) • [.02.] Quinte estampie royale (13th Century France) • [.03.] Hemingen og Gygri (Norwegian medieval ballad) • [.04.] Margjit Hjukse (Norwegian medieval ballad) & Margjitpolska • [.05.] Las tres hermanicas (trad. Sephardic romance) • [.06.] Non perch'i' speri, donna (early 14th Century) • [.07.] Adiril (Iraqi solo song) • [.08.] Lamma Bada Yatathanna (12th Century Arab-Andalusian) • [.09.] Chominciamento di gioia (14th Century Italian estampie)
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Thanksgiving & © to bakfark
Lamma Bada Yatathanna لـمـّــا بدى يتثنى :
(trad. Arab-Andalusian, from the 12th century)
This well beloved piece, a muwashah , is in a 10/8 rhythmic mode called sama'i thaqil which originated in Al-Andalus
» Lamma bada Yatathanna » Hubbi jamalu fatanna » Aman' Aman' Aman' Aman » Aw ma bi LaHzu asarna » Ghusnu thana Hinamal » Lamma bada yatathanna » Hubbi jamalu fatanna » Waadi wa ya Hirati » Man li shafeeashak wati » Illa maleekul jamal » Fil hubbi min lawaati » Lamma bada yatathanna » Hubbi jamalu fatanna » She walked with a swaying gait » her beauty amazed me » Her eyes have taken me prisoner » Her stem folded as she bent over » Oh, my promise, oh, my perplexity » Who can answer my lament of love and distress » but the graceful one, the queen of beauty?

Saturday 14 August 2010

SUFI MUSIC الـمــوســـيـقـى الــصـوفــيــة ♪ Nezih Uzel and Kudsi Erguner نــزيه أزول و كـدسـي اركــونــر

Album :
تــركـيـا • الـمــوســـيـقـى الــصـوفــيــة

Ilâhî & Nefes إلهي والنفس

Artists :
Nezih Uzel and Kudsi Erguner نــزيه أزول و كـدسـي اركــونــر
•► Nezih Uzel, chant et bendir / vocals and bendir
•► Kudsi Erguner, flûte ney / ney flute

Index :
Booklet الـــكــتــيــّــب Livret

Language : Instrumental - Turkish

Country : Turkey

Melodies :
[.01.] Taksim Makam Nihavend, ney • [.02.] Nihavend Ilâhî (Seyyid Seyfullah) .Nihavend Ilâhî (Pir Sultan Abdal) .Neveser Nefes (Kemter) • [.03.] Nihavend Nefes (Munir Baba) • [.04.] Taksim Makam Nihavend, ney.Nihavend S¸arkı (Munir Nureddin Selçuk) • [.05.] Taksim Makam Us¸s¸ak, ney.Us¸s¸ak Ilâhî (S¸eyh Himmet) • [.06.] Us¸s¸ak Ilâhî (Zekai Dede).Us¸s¸ak Ilâhî (Nafiz Efendi/Suleyman Erguner) .Us¸s¸ak Ilâhî (Dervis¸ Muammer) • Taksim Makam Çargâh, ney • [.07.] Çargâh Tevs¸ih (‘Aziz Mahmud Hüdaï) .Çargâh Ilâhî (Yunus Emre) • [.08.] Dügâh Nefes (Suleyman Erguner) .Çargâh Ilâhî (Yunus Emre) .Taksim Makam Sabâ, ney.Sabâ llâhî (Hilmî Dede)

Download From Here. [156 Mo]


Tuesday 10 August 2010

AndraLaMoussia ♪ AndraLaMoussia and Ittai Binnun

Album :
Original and Traditional Music that Reflects the Cultural Diversity of Today's Jerusalem

Artists :
AndraLaMoussia and Ittai Binnun
•► Ittai Binnun: wind instruments- clarinet, ney, saxophones, mey; baglama (10), vocal (3), jaw harp.
•► Dani Dromi: guitars- classical, acoustic and electric.
•► Lev Elman: percussion- darbukah, daf, djembe, cajon, cymbals, dahul; vocal overtones(1).
•► Victor Ezus: bass guitar.
•► Uriel Sverdin: drums.
•••► Guest musicians: Nizar Rohana: Oud (4,7,10) / Jacky Levi : lead vocal (3) / Dudi . Menahem: vocal (chorus and maawal, 3) / Eran Sachs: No-input-mixer(9) / Nitzan Peri: vocal and saz (9) . Chorus on El Nora (3): Dudi, Yishai and Yakir Menachem, Yehuda Lazarovitch, Ittai Binnun, Yair Even-Zahav, Lev Elman.

Index :
Booklet الـــكــتــيــّــب Livret
AndraLaMoussia Means Chaos in Ancient Hebrew

Language : Instrumental

Country : Israel [Palestine48]

Melodies :
[.01.] What's Next (by Ittai Binnun) • [.02.] Trad. Klezmer - Freilachs, a wedding out-of-control • [.03.] Trad. Sephardi - El Nora • [.04.] Oud - Circle (inspired by devotional Sufi) • [.05.] Trad. Macedonian - Laziko • [.06.] Search (jazzy, inspired by trad. Jewish Ashkenazi music • [.07.] Dialogue between oud and ney - Love Story • [.08.] A Jerusalem Moment - field rec. from the Old City • [.09.] Eli Eli, Psalm 22 (vocal and saz) • [.10.] Pegasus (Greek style, guitar and oud • [.11.] Getting Married at the Intercontinental (Klezmer & Kurdish medley) • [.12.] Trad. Balkan - Olive Mystery

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Amachal أمــشــال ♪ Toumast ثــومــاســت

Album :
Amachal أمــشــال

Artist :
Toumast ثــومــاســت
Moussa AG KEYNA And Aminatou GOUMAR

Index :

Language :
Local language (تـمـاشـق Tmasheq ) لـغـــة مـحـلـيـة

Country : Tuareg territory أراضـــي الــثــوارق

Melodies :
[.01.] Ibliss • [.02.] Aïr -Tombouctou • [.03.] Azaman • [.04.] Timahirithin Feat. BEAT ASSAILANT • [.05.] Awala Ounhoun (Tarbiyat) • [.06.] Nimanghran Maanin • [.07.] Baba Feat. JEHRO • [.08.] Akal Daalin • [.09.] Arawen • [.10.] Ami • [.12.] Aïtma • [.13.] You got me floatin' (Jimi Hendrix) • [.14.] Tezartekma

Download From Here. [86.7 Mo]


Scènes مــشــــاهــد ♪ Mahmoud Tabrizi-Zadeh مـحـمـد تـبـريـزي زاده

Album :
Scènes مــشــــاهــد
Variations et musique originale de «Qui est là»
Mis en scène par Peter Brook
Artist :
Mahmoud Tabrizi-Zadeh مـحـمـد تـبـريـزي زاده
Index :
Booklet الـــكــتــيــّــب Livret
Language : Instrumental - Japanese - A.Grec
Country : Iran
Melodies :
[.01.] Meurtre de Priam (texte japonais écrit et dit par Yoshi Oida) • [.02.] Tempo • [.03.] Le fantôme • [.04.] Lamentations d'Hécube (texte en grec ancien dit par Yoshi Oida) • [.05.] Ophélie • [.06.] Prière
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CHANTS D'AMOUR أغــانــي الـحــب LOVE SONGS ♪ Fantahun Shewankochew, Ejigayehu Gigi Shibabaw and Wores G. Egziabher

Album :
ÉTHIOPIE أثــيــوبــيــا ETHIOPIA
CHANTS D'AMOUR أغــانــي الـحــب LOVE SONGS
Artists :
Fantahun Shewankochew, Ejigayehu Gigi Shibabaw and Wores G. Egziabher
•► Fantahun Shewankochew, chant & lyre krar / vocals and krar lyra
•► Ejigayehu "Gigi" Shibabaw, chant / vocals
•► Wores G. Egziabher, vièle masinqo & chant / masinqo bowed lute & vocals
Index : Booklet الـكـتــيــّـب Livret
Language :
Tous les chants sont en langue amharique, sauf le n°5 en langue tigré.
All songs are in Amharic language, except n°5 in Tigrean language.
Country : Ethiopia
Melodies :
[.01.] Bati [chant solo / vocal solo] • [.02.] Yeberutma [chant/song & krar] • [.03.] Tirut Yebatin Lig [chant solo / vocal solo] • [.04.] Tew Maneh [chant/song & masinqo] • [.05.] Abo Yiba [masinqo solo & chant/song] • [.06.] Fikre Endeneh [chant/song & krar] • [.07.] Kiraren Bikagnew [chant/song & krar] • [.08.] Simih Man Yibabal [chant/song & masinqo] • [.09.] Ambassal [chant/song & masinqo] • [.10.] Sewnetua [chant/song & krar] • [.11.] Kibir Temesgen [chant/song & krar] • [.12.] Yene Neh Woy [chant/song & masinqo]
Download From Here. [138 Mo]