Tuesday 22 September 2009

New Song Of Jerusalem أغـنـيـة جـديــدة لـمـديـنــة الــقـــدس ♪ Amir Perelman أمـيـــر بـرلـمــان

Album :
New Song Of Jerusalem أغـنـيـة جـديــدة لـمـديـنــة الــقـــدس

Artist :
Amir Perelman أمـيـــر بـرلـمــان
» Amir Perelman - Bouzouki, oud, cello, Guitar, piano • Erez monk - Table, percussions • Oren Tzur - Violin
» With: • Amir Shahsar • Zohar Fresko • David Adar (Percussions)

Index :

Language : Instrumental

Country : Israel - USA

Melodies :
[.01.] Ney Vision
[.02.] Rumba
[.03.] New Song of Jerusalem
[.04.] Hushi
[.05.] Hansadwani
[.06.] F Drop
[.07.] Funky Shakti
[.08.] New Ark

Download From Here. [98.8 Mo]


The Wonder Child ילד הפלא الطفل المعجزة ♪ Yacov Meir Alkobi יעקב מאיר אלקובי ياكوف مئير الكوبي

Album :
The Wonder Child ילד הפלא
الـطـفــل الـمـعـجــزة

Artist :
Yacov Meir Alkobi יעקב מאיר אלקובי
يــاكـوف مـئـيــر الـكــوبــي

Index :

Language : Arabic - Hebrew

Country : Morocco/Israel

Melodies :
[.01.] יום אלחמיש
[.02.] הרפתקאות יעקב
[.03.] קולתי לי נסתנק
[.04.] יא לומימה
[.05.] אנא אלקאווי - בדואט עם אבא ציון אלקובי
[.06.] עת דודים כלה

Download From Here. [67.9 Mo]


Golden Hits להיטי זהב الـمـجـموعـة الـذهـبـيـة ♪ Jo Amar ג'ו עמר يــوســف جــو عــمــار

Album :
Golden Hits להיטי זהב
الـمـجـموعـة الـذهـبـيـة

Artist :
Jo Amar ג'ו עמר
يــوســف جــو عــمــار

Index :

Language : Arabic - Instrumental - Vocals - French - Hebrew

Country : Israel/Morocco

Melodies :
[.01.] Barcelona
[.02.] Shir Hashikor
[.03.] Tzur Mishelo
[.04.] Hayafa Banashim
[.05.] Havatselet Hasharon
[.06.] Hareni Shar
[.07.] Blady
[.08.] Ha'Asir
[.09.] Ze Haelem
[.10.] Kohav Zoreach
[.11.] Hahavat Hadasa
[.12.] Ha'Alma Uben Hahail
[.13.] Yismach Moishe
[.14.] Shalom Leben Dodi
[.15.] Kochavi Shaka
[.16.] Saper Li

Download From Here. [39.5 Mo]


Sunday 20 September 2009

Home Again الــوطـَـن مــرة ثــانـيـة ♪ Rahim Alhaj رحـــيــم الــحـَـاج

Album :
Home Again الــوطـَـن مــرة ثــانـيـة

Artist :
Rahim Alhaj رحـــيــم الــحـَـاج

Index :

Album Notes :
Home Again is about the longed-for journey that I undertook in February, 2004 after the fall of Saddam Hussein in Iraq. It was a journey back to my homeland of Iraq and my family home in Baghdad after 13 years of exile in Jordan, Syria, and the United States. During this first leg of the journey, "going home", I spent one wonderful and terrible month in an Iraq that I couldn't recognize; an Iraq destroyed by the two Gulf Wars and by the intervening years of harsh sanctions. People and places dear to me were either palpably damaged or completely destroyed. I learned of my father's death since I had left, as well as the destruction of my beloved Baghdad Institute of Music where I had studied under the great Munir Bashir. I also spent infinitely precious times with my dear mother and sisters and brothers, nephews and nieces and friends. These were times of healing and reconnecting--of sharing their pain and dreams and lives again. And then it was time to say good-bye, wonder who I would never see again (my mother died a few months after I left) and come "home again" to my dearly loved, newly-adopted home of Albuquerque, New Mexico"

Language : Instrumental - Vocal

Country : Iraq

Melodies :
[.01.] Closeness القرب
[.02.] Iraqi Lullaby تهويدة العراقية
[.03.] Oak اوك
[.04.] Gray Morning صباح رمادي
[.05.] Qassim قاسم
[.06.] Compassion (for Jackie & Michael) الشفقة (لجاكي ومايكل)ء
[.07.] Trip رحلة
[.08.] Fly Away تحلق بعيدا
[.09.] Baghdad, New Mexico بغداد ونيو مكسيكو

Download From Here. [80.3 Mo]


Saturday 19 September 2009

Voice of Silence صــوت الــصــمـت ♪ Djur Djura دجــور دجــورا

Album :
Voice of Silence صــوت الــصــمـت

Artists :
Djur Djura دجــور دجــورا

Index :

Language : Amazigh

Country : Algeria

Melodies :
[.01.] Ad Cethent Tulas [The Young Girls Are Going to Dance]
[.02.] Derya U Mazir [Heirs to the Future]
[.03.] Fihel Asirem [You Must Act]
[.04.] Nura [Nora]
[.05.] A Dezzi a Saa [The Wheel of DeStiny]
[.06.] A Seltan Nat Maslaht [King of the Broom]
[.07.] Felli D Ttlam [For Me, It's Night]
[.08.] Azemmur [Our Land of Olives]
[.09.] Achal Im Di Nan Sver [The Challenge]
[.10.] Arrac N Lzayer [The Youth of Algeria]
[.11.] Tarewla [The Escape]
[.12.] A Nanna [My Eldest Sister]
[.13.] Tahuzzut [Lullaby]

Download From Here. [56.8 Mo]


Les Maîtres de la Chanson Kabyle رواد الاغـنــيـة الـقـبايلـيـة ♪ Akli Yahyaten عـقـلـي يـحـيـاتـن

Album :
Les Maîtres de la Chanson Kabyle
رواد الاغـنــيـة الـقـبايلـيـة

Artist :
Akli Yahyaten عـقـلـي يـحـيـاتـن

Index :

Language : Arabic - Amazigh

Country : Algeria

Melodies :
[.01.] Ya Moujarrab
[.02.] Yal Menfi
[.03.] Jaha Bezaff
[.04.] Thamourthiou Idhourar
[.05.] Achfig Ouroufigh
[.06.] Yedja Yemas
[.07.] Inas Imalayoun taous

Download From Here. [66.0 Mo]

.Thanksgiving & © to Bolingo.

Friday 18 September 2009

Mistanyak • Men Hakak Te'atebny • Howh El Hob Lea'ba • Menak Waelik ♪ Aziza Jalal عــزيــزة جـــلال

Album :
Mistanyak • Men Hakak Te'atebny
مـســتــنــيــاك • مـن حــقـــك تــعـــاتـبــنــي

Artist :
Aziza Jalal عــزيــزة جـــلال

Index :

Language : Arabic

Country : Morocco

Melodies :
[.01.] Mistanyak مستنياك
[.02.] Men Hakak Te'atebny من حقك تعاتبني

Download From Here. [137 Mo]

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
Album :
Howh El Hob Lea'ba • Menak Waelik
هـو الـحــب لـعــبــة • مـنـــك و إلـيــــك

Melodies :
[.01.] Howh El Hob Lea'ba هو الحب لعبة
[.02.] Menak Waelik منك و إليك

Download From Here. [124 Mo]


Thursday 17 September 2009

Insàn إنــسـَـان ♪ Twais Quartet ربــَـاعــي طــَـويـــس

Album :
Insàn إنــسـَـان

Artists :
Twais Quartet ربــَـاعــي طــَـويـــس
Essam Rafea - oud -- Feras Shahrestan - qanoon -- Muslem Rahal - nay -- Ragheb Jbeil - req.
Guests: Mohamed Nameq - cello -- Badi Rafea - percussions.

Index :

Language : Instrumental

Country : Syria

Melodies :
[.01.] Semaai Bayat سماعي بياتي
[.02.] Insàn انسان
[.03.] Tharthara ثرثرة
[.04.] Semaai Ajam سماعي عجم
[.05.] Wamda ومضة
[.06.] Semaai Nahawand سماعي نهاوند
[.07.] Longa لونغا
[.08.] Dhekrayat ذكريات

Download From Here. [91.8 Mo]


Wednesday 9 September 2009

Muwashshah مــوشـــح ♪ Hamza El Din حـمـزة عـلاء الـديــن

Album :
Muwashshah مــوشـــح

Artist :
Hamza El Din حـمـزة عـلاء الـديــن

Index :

Language : Arabic - Nubian - Vocal - Instrumental

Country : Egypt

Melodies :
[.01.] Gala كلآ
[.02.] Muwashshah موشح
[.03.] Assaramessuga اسّمرسوغ
[.04.] Malish Inwan مليش عنوان
[.05.] Bint Baladna بنت بلدنا
[.06.] Ez'zaman الزمن
[.07.] Agore أكور
[.08.] Yatra يا ترى

Download From Here. [75.8 Mo]


Songs of Ecstasy in Irak - Al-Manqaba al-Nabawiyya Al-Sharîfa. The Great Deeds of the Prophet Muhammed ♪ Husayn al-A'zamî & His Group

Album :
Songs of Ecstasy in Irak
Al-Manqaba al-Nabawiyya Al-Sharîfa. The Great Deeds of the Prophet Muhammed
أغــانــي الـنشـوة الـروحــية فـي الـعــراق
الـمـنـْـقـبـة الـنـبـويـة الـشـريـفـة. قـصـائـد و مـووايـل و تـواشـيـح في حـب الـمـصـطـفـى الـمـخـتـار صلى الله عليه و سلم
Chants d'extase en Irak
Al-Manqaba al-Nabawiyya Al-Sharîfa. Les Hauts-faits du Prophète Muhammed

Artists :
Husayn al-A'zamî & His Group
بـطـانـة الـمــنـشــذ حـســيـن إسـمـاعيــل الاعـظــمي
Husayn al-A'zamî & Ensemble

Index :
Booklet الــكــتــيــّــب Livret

Language : Vocals - Arabic

Country : Irak

Melodies :
[.01.] Call to prayer (adhân) in Bayyât maqâm by Husayn al-A°zhamî
[.02.] Exerpts from a sacred musical suite in Bayyât maqâm
(2.1) Poems in median and dialectical Arabic in honor of the Prophet of Islâm (al-manqaba al-nabawiyya al-sharîfa) with the refrain «Salâtu rabbî °alä man jâ’anâ rahma wa-shâfi° bi-l- hashri lanâ» (May the divine prayer accompany he who has come in a sign of clemence, our intercessor for the Day of Retribution), solo by Muhammad al-Sayyid Khalîl al-A°zhamî and Muhammad Shâkir Mahmûd, chorus, large frame drums (mazâhir) and Jûrjîna rhythm
(2.2) Dialectical poem, solo by Muhammad al-Sayyid Khalîl al-A°zhamî, modulation in Mukhâlif maqâm, Wahda Kabîra Baghdâdiyya rhythm
(2.3) Dialectical poems in honor of the great mystic °Abd al-Qâdir al-Gîlânî deceased 1166), founder of the Qâdiriyya brotherhood, with the refrain «Keylânî, yâ Keylânî, yâ sâhib el-burhâni» (Gîlânî, oh Gîlânî, master of the Proof of faith), solos by Muhammad al-Sayyid Khalîl al-A°zhamî and Muhammad Shâkir Mahmûd, chorus, mazâhir, Sehgâh maqâm and Wahda Saghîra Baghdâdiyya rhythm
(2.4) Invocation of God (du°â’) in Sehgâh maqâm and prayer (salât) addressed to the Prophet
[.03.] Exerpts from a sacred suite in Bayyât maqâm
(3.1) Classical and dialectical poems in honor of the Prophet, solos on a free rhythm by Muhammad al-Sayyid Khalîl al-A°zhamî and Muhammad Shâkir Mahmûd, with measured refrains by the chorus, modulation in Sabâ, Hîjâz, Hijâz Humâyûn and Sehgâh maqâms
[.04.] Exerpt from a sacred music suite in Mukhâlif maqâm
(4.1) Dialectical poems in honor of the prophet and of Abû Hanîfa Nu°Mân ibn Thâbit al-Kûfî (699-767), nicknamed al-Imâm al-A°zham (the Greatest Guide), founder of the Hanafite legal school, with the refrain «Yâ hâdî l-ibil, bi-l-Lâh Khudnî» (Oh pastor, take me with you), solos by Muhammad al-Sayyid Khalîl al-A°zhamî, chorus, mazâhir, modulation in Sehgâh maqâm and Jûrjîna rhythm
(4.2) Du°â’ in Sehgâh maqâm and prayer addressed to the Prophet
[.05.] Adhân in Khanabât maqâm, followed by benedictions of the Prophet, his family and his friends by °Abd al-Jabbâr Mahmûd °Abd al-Qâdir Abû °A’isha

Download From Here. [156 Mo]

Thanksgiving & © to A.B

Tuesday 8 September 2009

Poems Of Malhun قـصـَـائـد الــمـَـلـحُُـون ♪ Majda Yahyaoui مـَـاجــدة الــيـَـحــيـَـاوي

Album :
Poems Of Malhun قـصـَـائـد الــمـَـلـحُُـون
[Melodies from a TV Programme الأغاني من برنامج تلفزيوني]

Artist :
Majda Yahyaoui مـَـاجــدة الــيـَـحــيـَـاوي

Index :

Langauge : Arabic - Instrumental

Country : Morocco

Melodies :
[.01.] Ain Loujoud Taha عِينْ لوجُودْ طَهَ
[.02.] Dabel Laâyane رُوفْ أدْبْلْ لعْيَانْ
[.03.] Rjal Meknès رْجَالْ مَكْنَاسْ
[.04.] Zawegna Fe Hmak زَاوْكنَ في حْمَاكْ

Download From Here. [114 Mo]


Sufi Music and Sama'a around the World ♪ الموسيقى والسماع الصوفي عبر العالم

برنامج الموسيقى والسماع الصوفي عبر العالم
عبر إذاعة ميدي 1
يأتيكم مباشرة من الجمعة إلى الأحد على الساعة العشرة ليلا و 15 دقيقة
تقديم للمبدع أحمد الخليع
كما بالامكان الاستماع للحلقات السابقة عبر موقع القناة

وبمناسبة رمضان يقدم أحمد الخليع برنامج يومي " حديث الروح " على الساعة الثامنة مساء
كما بالامكان الاستماع للحلقات السابقة عبر موقع القناة


Music Around The World ~ Maroc الـمـوسـيـقـى حــول الـعــالم ~ الــمــغــرب ♪ Slaoui الــســلاّوي

Album :
Music Around The World ~ Maroc
الـمـوسـيـقـى حــول الـعــالم ~ الــمــغــرب

Artist :
Slaoui الــســلاّوي

Index :

Language : Arabic - Instrumental

Country : Morocco

Melodies :
[.01.] Bismi Allah بآسم الله
[.02.] Aloua العلوة
[.03.] Samaoui السماوي
[.04.] Siri Maah سيري معاه
[.05.] Kaftanek Mahloul قفطانك محلول
[.06.] Bent Bladi بنت بلدي
[.07.] Noudi Daih نوضي دعيه
[.08.] Moulay Tahar مولاي الطاهر
[.09.] Amara De L'Aroussa عمارة لعروسة
[.10.] Dada Hayani ددا حيّاني

Download From Here. [46.4 Mo]


Sandtracks مـســـار الـرّمــال ♪ Tiris مـجـمـوعـة تـيـرس

Album :
Sandtracks مـســـار الـرّمــال

Artists :
Tiris مـجـمـوعـة تـيـرس
Mufid AHMED SIDI Vocals/voix, Suelma MOHAMED SAID Vocals/voix, Emhamed AHMED BABA AHMED Guitare électrique, Bauba BLEIEL EMBAREC Keyboards, Hamadi JATARI Tidinit [Luth], Embarca ZAHU AYIN Danseur(seuse), Background vocals, Salma ALI DID Danseur(seuse), Background vocals, Boubba HAN CHEIKH Danseur(seuse), Background vocals, add. , Teboul HAROUN Nay, Oud, Tamboura, Celine MONDESIR Violoncelle, Camara WILLIAMS Guitare acoustique, Manuel DELGADO Guitare acoustique, Mohamed HAFSI Basse, KAD Keyboards, Thierry MVIE Keyboards, Alex PLANTADE Keyboards, Robin HOPCRAFT Trompette, Idriss RAHMAN Saxophone ténor, Flûte, Clarinette, Tomas VAHLE Flûte, Patrick FERBACK Percussion, KEERSLE Percussion, Morgan DRESS Drums, Franck MANTEGARI Drums.

Index :

Language : Arabic (Hassaniyya الحسانية)

Country : Morocco/Tindouf Camps(Algeria)

Melodies :
[.01.] Desert Chant أغنية الصحراء
[.02.] Ma Zein Wadna ما زّين ودْنآ
[.03.] Tiris Nibreeha تـيـرس نبغيها
[.04.] Istenfar استنفار
[.05.] Ya Jayti يا خّيْتي
[.06.] El Nabi النبي
[.07.] El Leil, El Leil الليل, الليل
[.08.] Assalam السلام
[.09.] Aid Istiqlal عيد الاستقلال
[.10.] Ghadara الكدرة
[.11.] Ya Dayni يا ديني
[.12.] Eh Heh Esski

Download From Here. [101 Mo]

حتى لا اصبح ضحية للفكر الخرب و الذهنيات المعتلة واتجنب الملاحقة و المسائلة: أسجل انني قمت بحدف جزء من صورة المجموعة حتى لا يقال انني تجاوزت الدولة, كما ان ما جاء في الالبوم لا يعبر بالضرورة عن التوجهات الفكرية لصاحب المدونة
© & Thanksgiving to Rachelle

Dishdasha دشــداشـــة ♪ Ilham Al Madfai إلــهــام الــمـدفــعــي

Album :
Dishdasha دشــداشـــة

Artist :
Ilham Al Madfai إلــهــام الــمـدفــعــي

Index :

Language : Arabic - English - Italian

Country : Iraq

Melodies :
[.01.] Ya Bunaya يا بنيه
[.02.] Hroof El Hob حروف الحب
[.03.] Sayeb سايب
[.04.] Babouri بابوري
[.05.] Dishdasha دشداشة
[.06.] Habibi Rah حبيبي راح
[.07.] Bein El Asser W El Maghreb بين العصر و المغرب
[.08.] Ma Muqtinea Beek ما مقتنع بيك
[.09.] Marina مارينا
[.10.] Wein Rayeh Wein وين رايح وين
[.11.] Fly Me To The Moon حلق معي الى القمر

Download From Here. [71.0 Mo]


La Nouba Zidane نــوبــة زيــدان ♪ Beihdja Rahal بـهــجـة رحــّال

Album :
La Nouba Zidane نــوبــة زيــدان

Artist :
Beihdja Rahal بـهــجـة رحــّال

Index :
This site may harm your computer (Virus)

Language : Arabic - Instrumental

Country : Algeria

Melodies :
[.01.] Touchia
[.02.] Inkilab - Ana qad kana li khallil
[.03.] Istikhbar ( au violon )
[.04.] Meceder - Bi dhimeme el haoua
[.05.] Brilló Istikhbar - Ya men yahouahou qalbi
[.06.] Btayhi - Maâchouq min ghaïdi el hissen
[.07.] Istikhbar ( au luth )
[.08.] Dardj - EL haoua dell el oussoud
[.09.] Insiraf - Ya kamil el maâni
[.10.] Insiraf - Touaïri mesrar
[.11.] Khlass - Ama tettaki allah
[.12.] Khlass - Amchi ya rassoul

Download From Here. [122 Mo]

© & Thanksgiving to A.B

Mawjet Tarab مــوجــة طــرب ♪ Ziad Rajab زيـــاد رجـــب

Album :
Mawjet Tarab مــوجــة طــرب

Artist :
Ziad Rajab زيـــاد رجـــب
Ziad Rajab: Oud, voice Luay Tenari: Violin, vocals Mohammad Shihan: Ney, kanonaki, vocals Mohammad Arafa: Darabuka, req, bendir, zil, bongos Ruth Hill: Darabuka, bendir Christos Tsaprazis: Double-bass Vangelis Karipis: Tabor, zil, caxixi, bendir, nacares Stavros Pazarentsi:s Clarinet Costas Matsigkos: Classical guitar

Index :

Language : Instrumental - Arabic - Greek

Country : Syria - Greece

Melodies :
[.01.] Five Iraqis in Thrace خمس عراقين في اليونان
[.02.] Camel dance رقصة الجمل
[.03.] Dice throw زهر
[.04.] Andalusian memories ذكريات اندلسية
[.05.] Seven verse amane موال نسباوي
[.06.] Cries for victory تهاليل النصر
[.07.] Aphrodite افروديت
[.08.] Quest in the desert لقاء في الصحراء
[.09.] Nights ( Layali ) ليالي
[.10.] Mother's prayer دعاء والدة
[.11.] Heart trickster سارق الفؤاد
[.12.] King of time ملك الزمان

Download From Here. [86.4 Mo]

© & Thanksgiving to Alime