Friday, 30 November 2007

♫ The Water of The Alhambra ♫ El Agua De La Alhambra ♫ El Arabi Trío & Eduardo Paniagua ♫

Album :The Water of The Alhambra -:- EL AGUA DE LA ALHAMBRA
Poems by Ibn al-Jatib set to Andalusi Music against the background of the sound of the water of the fountains at the Alhambra and the Generalife.

Artists :
EDUARDO PANIAGUA : Qanun y flautas(quanun,recorders)
El Arabi Trío:
EL ARABI SERGHINI-:- Canto, viola, pandero y darbuga(chant,viola,drum,darbuga)LARBI AKRIM -:- Laúd y coro(lute,voice)JAMAL EDDINE -:- Violín y coro(violin,voice).

Melodies :
1 LEVÁNTATE Y CONTEMPLA, (melodía de "Mezcla los vasos") 5:04
2 APARECIÓ EL ALBA, (melodía de "Escanciadme, Ushshaq") 2:19
3 ESCANCIADME, USHSHAQ. Ibn al-Jatib 1313-1375 ( ISQI YÁNI) 2:53
4 LA BRISA PERFUMA, (melodía de "Mezcla los vasos") 4:42
5 BRILLÓ LA ESTRELLA, (melodía de "Escanciadme, Bawakir al Maya") 2:19
6 LA ALEGRIA DE MI VIDA, (melodía de "La unión contigo es mi vida") 4:43
8 PERLA ENGARZADA, (versos 1 y 5 de "Mezcla los vasos"). Ibn al-Jatib 4:56
9 ESE ES MI RITO, (melodía de "Escanciadme, Bawakir al Maya") 1:40
11 MEZCLA LOS VASOS. Ibn al-Jatib 13 13-1375 ( UMZUDJ AL-AKWÁS)11:11
.Download From Here.

Monday, 26 November 2007

Ensemble Essiham : Al-Quds Arabia + Atay Bladi

Album : Al-Quds Arabia

Artist : Ensemble Essiham

Melodies :
01 - Ki Rih Lille
02 - Rmitini Lilhaouia
03 - Al Kodsse Arabia
04 - Bikolli Al Assa Wa Alssaf
05 - Errahil
06 - Jawal
07 - Al Haik
Bikolli Al Assa Wa Alssaf
بكل الأسى و الأسف .. أكتب اليك
يا كل عربي .. يا كل أبي
عن قضية عربية منسية
عن سلام مفقود اكتب اليك
عن شعب منبود أكتب اليك
لقاءات..بيانات..استنكارات..ادانات..جرافات..مستوطنات.. وثما القدس بقات
انتظرنا طويــــــلا
لعل هدا السلام يأتي
لعل هدا الغراب يرحل
وكل أملي في أمتي .. ياتي ياتي
يستيقظ فيها الأمل
يا حجارة
خدي الاشارة وافدي القدس و الخليل
ايا غارة
نحن الشرارة لن يبقى فينا دليل
يا شعب يا عربي يا حر يا أصيل
دارت الأيام وأصبحت محاصر
بغداد طربلس يافا و الخليل
من فوهة بركان نصد المخاطر
بكل الأسى و الأسف
أكتب اليك
يا كل عربي

Album : Atay Bladi

Artists : Ensemble Essiham

Melodies :
01 - Atay Bladi
02 - Assouk
03 - Kol 3am
04 - H'zina
05 - Yak Appana
06 - Z'man Alparaboul

Sunday, 25 November 2007

Nour El Anouar -:- Le meilleur de Jil Jilala

Album : Nour el Anouar -:- Le meilleur de Jil Jilala

Artists : Jil Jilala


Melodies :

1 Nour el Anouar (6:44)

2 Ya Dounia Ya Kitab (8:40)

3 Rah Rah el Ghouat Rah (5:35)

4 Mizane (7:30)

5 Ana Arabi (8:08)

6 Assalamo Âlaïkom (4:10)

7 Baba Aadi (6:59)

8 Yama Aana (9:31)

9 Mali Ya Mali (12:22)


Download Part 1


Download Part 2


Saturday, 24 November 2007

Ensemble Nass El Ghiwane -:- Best of -:- La légende

Album : Best of -:- La légende
Les 28 plus grands titres réenregistrés et remastérisés
Edition limitée

Artists : Nass El Ghiwane

Melodies :
♫ . Saifna Oulla Chatwa
♫ . Kittati
♫ . Essinia
♫ . El Hassada
♫ . Echems Ettalaa
♫ . Arraghaya
♫ . Dayine
♫ . Youme Malqak
♫ . Oua Ennadi Ana
♫ . Sif Albattar
♫ . Nerjak Ana
♫ . Ya Bani Insane
♫ . Kesset Laagouz
♫ . Oulad El Alam
♫ . Taghounja
♫ . Zad El Ham
♫ . Essalama
♫ . Ahafine
♫ . Dellal
♫ . Essamta
♫ . Leskam
♫ . Edem Essail
♫ . Khadra
♫ . Ghadi Fhali
♫ . Lahmoun Hrafti
♫ . Alli Ou Khalli
♫ . Firihab Maalik
♫ . Ya Men Jana
Download Part 1
Download Part 2

Friday, 23 November 2007

Sharq شــــرق ♪ Marcel Khalifa & Italian Philharmonic Orchestra, Choir of Piacenza.

Album :
Sharq شــــرق
Live at Piacenea Theatre مـبـاشـر على مـسـرح بـيـاسـنـزا
1st November 2006 الاول من نونبر/تشرين الثاني

Artists :
Composer : ألــحــان
Marcel Khalifa & Italian Philharmonic Orchestra, Choir of Piacenza.
مــارســيــل خــلـيــفــة و الأوركـسـتـرا الـفـيـلـهـارمـونـيـة الإيـطـالـيـة, جـوقـة بـياتـشـيـنـزا
Conductor : Karl Martin
قــيــادة : كــارل مــارتــان
Chorus Master : Corado Casati
قــائــد الــجــوقــة : كــورادو كزاتّــي
Producer : Aljazeera Network,
On the Occasion of the 10th Anniversary of Aljazeera Network
إنــتــاج : شـبـكـة الــجــزيــرة
بــمــناســبــة الــذكـرى الــســنــويــة الــعــاشــرة لـشـبــكة الـجــزيــرة

Index :

About the Album :
بمناسبة الذكرى العاشرة لانطلاقها بالتعاون مع الفنان اللبناني مارسيل خليفة قدمت شبكة الجزيرة عملا موسيقيا ضخما بعنوان "شرق", بمشاركة مائة عازف ومائة منشد على مسرح بياسانزا التاريخي في ميلانو بإيطاليا. وعزفت الأوركسترا الفيلهارمونية الإيطالية بقيادة كارل مارتان هذه الملحمة الموسيقية التي تعتبر آخر إبداعات مارسيل خليفة الذي قدم في الأول من نوفمبر/تشرين الثاني ذكرى عيد تأسيس شبكة الجزيرة. وقد عمل مارسيل فترة طويلة لتحقيق هذه "السيرة الموسيقية" التي قدمت عبر شاشات الجزيرة وعلى الهواء مباشرة خلال الاحتفالية الضخمة التي اقامتها الشبكة بهذه المناسبة. وعن العمل قال خليفة للجزيرة نت إنها أداة تعبيرية كاملة تتخطى الألحان الشرقية بقدرتها على التعبير عن أعمق المشاعر الإنسانية. وأضاف أن العمل يحاول بعث روح جديدة في الموسيقى الشرقية تنقلها إلى الفن العالمي المستوحى من الروح المحلية, موضحا أنه يصور موسيقى الشرق بأسلوب حداثي يفهم لغته العالم وهو يشبه هذه السيرة بحكايات ألف ليلة وليلة تتلاحق فيها الأحداث وتنمو بتماسك لتكون النهايات ملتقى خطوطها جميعا, وتنقل السامع من جو إلى جو نحو ذروة العناصر المختلفة. وقال "لم اقتصر في (شرق) على محاكاة الموسيقى الشعبية الشائعة عندنا, وإنما درست بكل دقة هيكل هذه الموسيقى الشرقية وطريقة أدائها بكل ما فيها من تطريب وصيحات ومواويل وآهات, ومن هنا ربما تكون هذه الموسيقى أقرب إلى الواقع الحي الذي خبرته عن كثب". وعن طبيعة العمل البالغ طوله ساعة كاملة, قال إنه عبارة عن "رندحات وترنيمات وآهات", وليس فيه كلمات, إنه عبارة عن ألحان تنقل السامع من مشرق العالم العربي إلى مغربه, ومن الأندلس إلى الشرق الأقصى والهند. وأكد مارسيل أن ما يهمه من هذا العمل هو "إبراز ألحان الحياة لا الألحان الكلاسيكية". وأضاف أن كتابة هذا العمل نابع من شعور بأنه "البديل المتاح لكي أدخل في الحب ولكي أقول همسة ما في هذا الظلام الدامس الذي يغرقنا". فكرة إطلاق هذه الصرخة الموسيقية الغنائية جاءت من الجزيرة ومارسيل, فقد كانت الشبكة تبحث عن عمل جديد ورائد يعتبر بمثابة جسر يمده العرب نحو الغرب بلغة كونية يفهمها كل العالم. وكان مارسيل يبحث عن تطوير ما في عمله الفني. وعندما تلاقحت الأفكار قرر الطرفان الشروع بالتنفيذ. وعن ظروف إنتاج "شرق" قال عارف حجاوي مدير البرامج في قناة الجزيرة إن اتفاق الجزيرة مع مارسيل كان على أساس أن يكون العمل "موجها من الجنوب إلى الشمال, ويمد جسرا بأسلوب الموسيقى الكلاسيكية الحديثة, نحو الشمال المتحضر والمتقدم علميا ليخبره بأسلوب مبهر, أننا في الجنوب نشترك معكم في الإنسانية

Language : Instrumental - Vocal

Country : Lebanon(Behalf of the Arab States) - Italy

Melodies :
Sharq شــــرق

Download From Here. [43.6 Mo]


Thursday, 22 November 2007

El Lebrijano, Con la Orquesta Arábigo-Andalucí & Juan Peña : Casablanca

Album : “El Lebrijano” Casablanca

Artist : Juan Peña
Album : Con la Orquesta Arábigo Andaluza

Melodies :
1. Coge La Onda
2. Calle De San Francisco
3. Del Placer Que Irrita
4. A Canela Y Menta
5. Ay! Por Dios
6. Rezo
7. El Sueno Vencio Al Leon
8. A Calzon Quitao
9. Salada Claridad

Juan Peña Lebrijano is a Gypsy from Lebrija, Spain. He probably falls somewhere in the "nueva flamenco" school, although his previous albums have referred to "Andalusian fusion," a mix of flamenco with its deeper origins in North Africa's Maghreb. His Arab-Andalusian orchestra delivers a rich and vital music that is at once classical North African Arabic, full of string sections and large choruses (sometimes very Western European sounding), and part stripped-down flamenco. As a singer he is one of the greats, with a voice that is both wildly aggressive and yet retains a lot of control and subtlety. The core of this music is voice and palmas (hand clapping), abetted by small percussion, violins, and piano. There is little emphasis on guitar or oud, which at first makes the music sound more like Algerian classical folk than flamenco. But the core of the music is still in Spain, and while it is like no flamenco you may have heard yet, fans of Spanish Gypsy music will not be disappointed.

Belly Dance From Morocco -:- Chalf Hassan -:- Artam El-Arab

Album : Belly Dance From Morocco - Artam El-Arab

Artist : Chalf Hassan

Melodies :
1. Rakssat El-Atlas
2. Domouh El-Farah
3. Rakssat Warzazat
4. Hawla El-Magreb
5. Farhat El-Chaab
6. Marhaba Fi El-Magreb
7. La Hssab
8. Artam El-Arab

Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Saïd Chraïbi -:- L'oud [Oud Du Maroc] # Saïd Chraïbi -:- La Clef De Grenade

l'un des plus grands joueurs de Oud Marocain
I. Saïd Chraïbi -:- L'oud [Oud Du Maroc]
Artist : Saïd Chraïbi

Album : L'oud

Melodies :
0. Saïd Chraïbi - L'oud (Oud Du Maroc)
1. Souleimane Écouter
2. Taksim Sur Le Makam Awjara Écouter
3. Samai Awjara Ghouzoud Écouter
4. Taksim Sur Le Makam Hitaz Kar Kurdi Écouter
5. Pensées Andalouses Écouter
6. Likaa Écouter
7. Taksim Sur Le Makam Raast Danjikah Écouter
8. Ya Onmou Abaya Écouter
9. Longa Nakryse Écouter
10. Nouzha Écouter
11. Improvisation Autour De Souleimane
II. Saïd Chraïbi -:- La Clef De Grenade

Artist : Saïd Chraïbi

Album : L'oud

Melodies :
0. Saïd Chraïbi - L'oud (Oud Du Maroc)
1. Souleimane Écouter
2. Taksim Sur Le Makam Awjara Écouter
3. Samai Awjara Ghouzoud Écouter
4. Taksim Sur Le Makam Hitaz Kar Kurdi Écouter
5. Pensées Andalouses Écouter
6. Likaa Écouter
7. Taksim Sur Le Makam Raast Danjikah Écouter
8. Ya Onmou Abaya Écouter
9. Longa Nakryse Écouter
10. Nouzha Écouter
11. Improvisation Autour De Souleimane
Said Chraibi is at the forefront of a younger generation of musicians that is revitalizing the traditions of Arab-Andalusian music in Morroco. His spectacular technique on the oud (short-necked fretless lute) in addition to his compositions that fuse tradition with modernity have made him famous in Morocco, as well as among enthusiasts of Middle Eastern music in Europe and the United States. Although he is steeped in the centuries-old music of the Andalusi orchestras, he is not a historian, seeking instead to broaden the repertoire through his own compositions and to broaden his audience through touring abraod and recording.
Chraibi was born in Marrakech, on February 2, 1951, picking up the oud when he was 13. He went on to study Andalusi music at the university, but didn't begin to generate international acclaim until he was in his thirties, when he won first prize for his playing at a competition in Iraq, in 1986. He toured throughout Morocco and the rest of the Arab world, but it wasn't until his appearances at the Fez Festival of Sacred Music that he earned recognition in Europe and the U.S. The Sounds True compilation from the 1996 festival, entitled Bismillah, featured a piece from his performance of that year and that lead to more recording opportunities, including a disc featuring his suite "Dreams of Fez," Holm Bi Fes. ~ Tom Chandler, All Music Guide
Saïd Chraïbi, né le 2 février 1951 à Marrakech, est considéré comme l'un des plus grands joueurs de Oud marocain.
Saïd découvre le luth à l'âge de 13 ans, et ne se séparera plus de cet instrument qui le conduira sur la scène internationale, en soliste, en orchestre, ou comme accompagnateur des plus grandes voix du monde arabe. Les oeuvres qu'il compose sont le prolongement de la tradition, l'aboutissement d'une recherche et d'un travail sur des modes très anciens Arabo-Andalous, Turques ou Perses. » (Cinqplanete) (voir sur le site)
Saïd Chraïbi est « un artiste qui a beaucoup apporté à la scène artistique nationale. Instrumentiste reconnu à l'échelle aussi bien nationale qu'internationale, Saïd Chraïbi est aussi un véritable découvreur de talents. Il a le mérite d'avoir révélé plusieurs artistes, dont la chanteuse Karima Skalli.(...) Pour ce qui est du luth, l'artiste possède presque tous les éléments de la famille de cet instrument noble, luth turc, baroque et autres qu'il aurait apportés de ses multiples voyages en Orient et en Europe. » (Libération, Casablanca, 25 décembre 2001)

Saturday, 17 November 2007

Brian Jones Presents: The Pipes of Pan at Jajouka ♪ The Master Musicians of Jajouka, led by Bachir Attar

Album :
Brian Jones Presents: The Pipes of Pan at Jajouka
بـرايـن جـونـز يـقــدم: مــزامــيــر جــاجــوكــا

Artists :
The Master Musicians of Jajouka, led by Bachir Attar
رائد موسيقي جاجوكا, بقيادة بشير عطار

Index :
فرقة جهجوكة - مزيج من الصوفية والوثنية
فرقة جهجوكة - من ايران الى المغرب

Language : Instrumental - Arabic

Country : Morocco - UK

Melodies :
[.01. ] 55 (Hamsa oua Hamsine)
[.02.] War Song / Standing + One Half(Kaim Oua Nos)
[.03.] Take Me With You My Darling,Take Me With You (Dinimaak A Habibi Dinimaak)
[.04.] Your Eyes Are Like a Cup of Tea(Al Yunic Sharbouni Ate)
[.05.] I Am Calling Out (L'Alta)
[.06.] Your Eyes Are Like a Cup of Tea(Reprise with Flute)

Download From Here. [56.8 Mo]



Ishtar Alabina (Birth name : Eit Zach) was born on 10 November 1968 in Kiryat Atta, near Haifa(Isreal). She was born to Egyptian-Jewish and Moroccan-Jewish parents.

Solo Albums
Album : Je sais d'ou Je vien
Artist : Alabina Ishtar
Melodies :
01. Sin Ti - Alabína
02. Ragga Boom
03. Diki Diki - Ishtar Alabina, Tchanelas
04. Aime La Vie
05. Je Sais d'Ou Je Viens
06. Habibi - Ishtar Alabin
07. Dis le Moi0
8. Loin de Ce Monde
09. Fi Hawask
10. Yalla Yalla - Ishtar Alabina, Ilan Babylon
11. Helwa Ya Baladi
Album : Ishtar: (Truly Emet)
Artist : Alabina Ishtar
Melodies :
01. Lo Dai Baahava
02. Nasse Ve Tire
03. Daf Hadash
04. Ls'orech Ha Yam (duet with Ofra Haza)
05. Emet
06. Allahalek Ya Sidi
07. Ad Mahar
08. Aba
09. C'est La Vie My Baby (version anglalse)
10. Hozer Eleha
11. Last Kiss
12. Horchat Hai Caliptus

Album : L' Essentiel
Artist : Ishtar Alabina
Melodies :
01. Alabina
02. Comme Toi
03. Salma Ya Salama (Ole Y Ola)
04. Lolole (Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood)
05. Baila Maria Listen Listen
06. Lolai (Ya Habibi Ya Eyni)
07. Yo Te Vi (Ah Ya Zein)
08. Choukrane
09. Ya Mama, Ya Mama
10. Eshebo (Chebba)
11. Tierra Santa
12. Santa Maria
13. Linda
14. Shir Ha' Keshet (The Rainbow Song)
15. La Cubanita
16. Salam, La Paz Al Final
17. Vengan Vengan (Ya Habaybi, Ya Ghaybine)
18. Alabina (Spanish Version)

Artist : Alabina Ishtar
Album : Sahara
Melodies :
01. Lolole (Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood)
02. Salam, la Paz Al Final
03. Choukrane
04. Vengan, Vengan (Ya Habaybi, Ya Ghaybine)
05. Sevillano
06. Somos Gitanos
07. Azima Leyla
08. Loli, Lolita, Lola (Rikdi)
09. Habibi de Mis Amores (Habibi Ya Nour el Ein)
10. Me Encuentro en Tu Desierto
11. Santa Maria
12. Ya Mama Tu Mas Tant Donne

Album : Alabina
Artist : Ishtar Alabina
Melodies :
01. Alabina
02.Salma Ya Salama (ole y ola)
03. Baila Maria
04.Lolai - Ya Habibi Ya Ainy
05. Ya Mama
06.Tirerra Santa
07.Eshebo (Chebba)
08. Rona
09.Vo Te Vi (Ah Va Zein)
10.Yo Te Quiro, Tu Me Quieres
13.Alabina [Spanish Version]
14.Alabina Lolai (Ya Habibi Ya Eyni) Baila Maria


Friday, 16 November 2007

The Music of Islam Vol. 5 Aissaoua Sufi Ceremony. Marrakesh, Morrocco

The Music of Islam Vol. 5 Aissaoua Sufi Ceremony, Marrakesh, Morrocco
Song Title & Time
1. Dikr (Part 1) 11:26
2. Dikr (Part 2) 9:12
3. Fatha 0:36
4. Dikr (Part 3) 8:55
5. Invocation 0:39
6. Ada (Part 1) 17:54
7. Ada (Part 2) 7:32
8. Scene Inauguration 14:53
9. Dikra Rebbania 40:33
10. Closing Music 11:02

Thursday, 8 November 2007

The Music of Islam, Vol. 6 .. Al-Maghrib Gnawa Music

Album :The Music of Islam, Vol. 6 Al-Maghrib Gnawa Music

Artists : Various

Melodies :

01. ULAD BAMBARA (The Sons of Bambara)
03. 'ADA

Wednesday, 7 November 2007

Hotel Marrakesh - Various

Album : Hotel Marrakesh.

Artists : various.


CD 1: The Arabica Bar & Cafe
01. Amira Saqati: Madinti
02. Harry Kakoulli: Z Song (Nomad Spirit Remix)
03. Harry Kakoulli: Burning Sorrow Chant
04. Al-pha X: Sahara
05. Amira Saqati: Felestin
06. MC Skyline: Arabian Knights (DJ Ahmed Special mix)
07. Dream Team feat Momak: One World One Day
08. Amira Saqati: Sabra Dima
09. Radar: Running Away
10. Marrakesh Massive: Ambaric Chil l(Kemia 12" mix)
11. Al-pha X: Kinetic Radio

CD 2: Drakes Club & Cocktail Lounge
01. Maghrebika: Babour
02. Harry Kakoulli: Drifting Horizons (Future Chill mix)
03. Radar: Caravanne
04. Harry Kakoulli: Blue Trees (Chaotic Kasbah mix)
05. Harry Kakoulli: Souk Rush (Hard Electro Remix)
06. Nomads of Dance vs Ali Hassal: Youssef's Poem
07. T.I.A.C: Camel Train (Marrakesh Mix)
08. Amira Saqati: Sans Tes Mots
09. Cheb Rayah feat DJ Momo: The Bedouin's Dream
10. Harry Kakoulli: Zazballah (Smoking club remix)
11. Amira Saqati: PSY Habibi

CD 3: Ancient Voyage
Elysium Spa Retreat
Download Part 1

Monday, 5 November 2007

NAWBA - Hijaz La-Msharqi Mohamed Briouel Orchestre Andalusian de Fés

Album :
Nawba-Hjaz la-Msharqi

1.Mizzan Bacit[20'52]
2.Mizan Btayhi & Ddarj[32'51]

Artsits :
Françoise Atlan
Abdelfettah Bennis
Abdelkrim Rais
Andalusian Orchestra of Fés

Saturday, 3 November 2007

Illumination - Tarik Banzi and Julia banzi(ensemble Al-Andalus)

Artist : Tarik and Julia banzi(ensemble Al-Andalus)

Album : Illumination

Melodies :
2.Song of the Water
3.White Shadows
7.Rhythmic Rain
9.A la una yo naci
10.The Nineteen

Tarik Banzi : was born to one of the old Andalusian families (in Spanish) of Tetouan, Morocco who trace their roots back to Al-Andalus. He grew up immersed in the Andalusian tradition. Tarik later lived in Madrid, Spain throughout the 80's & moved in Flamenco, Jazz, and Middle Eastern music circles. Tarik formed the group Al-Fatihah with Judeo-Spanish musicologist Dr. Javier Sanchez, which has been recognized in Spain as the first group of Middle Eastern music. At the same time Tarik was collaborating and recording with flamenco masters such as Paco de Lucia, Manolo Sanlucar, Enrique Morente, Jorge Pardo & Carlos Benavent where Tarik introduced such mainstays into the flamenco sound as the darbuka (clay or metal drum) and Udu (clay pot drum). In the late 80's Tarik & Julia formed the group Amal together with Maria Ahmed, Rasgui Boujemaa.

Thursday, 1 November 2007

A Night In Marrakech - Morocco's Master Musicians Meet The Latest Magreb Beats.

Album : A Night in Marrakech

Artists : Various

Tracks and Artists :


1 .Nass El Ghiwane - Mahmouna
2 .Jil Jilala - Assalamo Âlaïkom
3 .El Bahri - Mou T Jara
4 .Raymonde - Ateouni L'Kass
5 .Najat Aatabou - LM Ouima
6 .Youmni Rabii - Gouli Je T’aime
7 .Chalf Hassan - Aïta Jilaliya (Spiritual Call)
8 .Orchestre Fayçal - Klam El Aar
9 .Altaf Gnawa Group - Baba Mimoun (Father Mimoun)
10 .Groupe Sidi Mimoun – Guafla (Gnawa)
11 .Groupe Ben Souda – Beshmellah bdina (Issawa)


1 .Amïra Saqati - Marrakech X-Press
2 .Mara & Jalal - Khalik Hdaya
3 .Gnawa Njoum Experience - Kami Ni Mantara
4 .Momo - Visa
5 .U-Cef - Idman
6 .Cheb i Sabbah – Sadats: Fnaïre Vs Cheb i Sabbah Remix
7 .DJ Click - Malful Reaction
8 .Azzddine with Bill Laswell - Droub Al Lil
9 .Niño Korta - Thé à la Menthe
10 .Cheb i Sabbah feat. B-Net Marrakech – Sadats: Saints of Marrakesh
11 .Dar Beida 04 feat. B-Net Marrakech - Wydadi Ahlam
12 .Abdeljabbar - El Baqara
Download Part 1
Download Part 2

CD1 .Traditional.
1. Mahmouna - Nass El Ghiwane : This is an epic gnawa trance builder from one of Morocco's most respected and influential bands. Loosely described as the Rolling Stones of North Africa, Nass El Ghiwane ruled the airwaves throughout the seventies, and continues to enthrall audiences the world over. 2. Assalamo Alaikom - Jil JilalaJil Jilala : Presents a refreshing take on the gnawa sound, albeit with a slightly cleaner persona than their rivals Nass El Ghiwane. Here they sing praise to Allah, with a very strange retro drum machine for company. 3. Mou T Jara - El Bahri : Forty-year old Moroccan singer El Bahri is based near Casablanca, and made his name singing popular Moroccan songs. This is a Moroccan call-and-response classic clocking in under the three minute thirty second mark. 4. Ateouni L'Kass - Raymonde : Born in Casablanca, but now living in Israel, Raymonde made her name in Europe singing at ex-pat private parties and Jewish weddings. This track makes full use of a throbbing darbuka rhythm, at once intense and trancelike. 5. LM Ouima - Najat AatabouAatabou : is one of Morocco's best-known female singers, with a penchant for penning starkly honest lyrics. This track is a typically tortured performance, rinsing every ounce of emotion out of her slight frame. 6. Gouli Je T'Aime - Youmni Rabii : An expert in chanson, chaabi, and rai styles, Youmni Rabii first made his name on the international stage when he joined German global beat pioneers Dissidenten. This is classic Moroccan rai with an infectious chorus. 7. Aita Jilaliya (Spiritual Call) - Chalf Hassan : Originally from Casablanca but now living in London, Chalf Hassan is a master musician / singer steeped in Koranic culture. He's played alongside Hossam Ramzy, Robert Plant and Jimmy Page, but this percussive delight is pure tradition. 8. Klam El Aar - Orchestre Faycal : Exponents of Moroccan chaabi, this epic track features a pulsating darbuka rhythm, sprawling keys, and tight Oud solos. At times it sounds like a barrage of disparate elements, but listen closely and the rhythms start making sense. 9. Baba Mimoun (Father Mimoun) - Altaf Gnawa Group : This is classic gnawa with earthy call-and-response singing. The omnipresent three-stringed guimbri is backed by handclaps and karkabas (metal castanets), providing a heady mixture of spiritual Arabic tradition and West African roots. 10. Guafla - Groupe Sidi Mimoun : Metal cymbals, guimbri, chanting and that omnipresent, insistent, pulsating rhythm … what more could you ask for? Just close your eyes. 11. Beshmella Bdina - Groupe Ben Souda :Taking you back to the campfire tradition of the Moroccan gypsies, this is a percussion heavy masterpiece of male bonding. The large group effect is mesmerizing, giving the feeling of eavesdropping into the past.

CD2 .Traditiona Mix.
1. Marrakech X-Press – Amira Saqati : Taken from their stunning new album 'Destination Halal' this driving Arabic techno anthem utilizes pulsating darbuka, oud, manipulated Moroccan vocals, and overdriven guitars. 2. Khalik Hdaya – Mara & Jalal : Cheb Mara was born in Mohamedia, a city near to Casablanca, and made his name selling tapes on Moroccan markets. For this project he hooked up with producer Jalal Hamdaoui, and the result is rai with a lolloping reggae beat .3. Kami Ni Mantara – Gnawa Njoum Experience : Ragga, dub, and gnawa don't sound like comfy bedfellows, but this wonderful track shows how effective the mix can be. Gnawa Njoum Experience consists of both French and Moroccan musicians and DJs, who met at hip Paris nightspot Batofar. 4. Visa – Momo : Based in the UK, Momo (Music of Moroccan Origin) wowed festival audiences a few years ago. Recently they've been ominously quiet, but Visa, taken from their debut album, shows what the initial fuss was all about. 5. Idman – U-Cef : Recorded shortly after his groundbreaking debut album, this sees ex-pat Moroccan producer U-Cef's strong hip-hop sensibilities take on the latest Western break beat techniques, and includes some deft Arabic rapping. 6. Sadats: Fnaire Remix – Cheb I Sabbah : This is a radical reconstruction from rising Moroccan hip-hop stars Fnaire. The original (featured later) took its impetus from gnawa trance, whereas this version adds a funky bounce and cool rapping to the mix. 7. Malful Reaction – DJ Click : Part of the Boom Da Clash collective based in Paris, DJ Click is a prolific composer drawing most of his inspiration from Morocco. This track is electro dub with a distinctive North African tint. 8. Droub Al Lil – Azzdine with Bill Laswell : Based on a traditional track straight out of Rabat, the rhythms are heavily muted and given a heavy dub makeover. Lyrically the track is modern Moroccan poetry, speaking about dark, illicit night thoughts. Azzdine Ouhnine is a blind Oud player and composer . 9. Thé á la Menthe – Nino Korta : A track chosen as much for its title as its contemporary Moroccan club sound, Nino Korta adds minimalist traditional samples to a funky electro beat, scratches, and eerie desert laden effects. 10. Sadats (Saints of Marrakech) – Cheb I Sabbah feat. B'Net Marrakech : Taken from the critically acclaimed album 'La Kahena', this was a radical departure for San Franciscan based producer Cheb I Sabbah, marking a return to his North African roots. Celebrated female vocal group B'Net Marrakech, who give the track its earthy, intransigent edge, joins him. 11. Wyadi Ahlam – Dar Beida 04 : When producer Pat Jabbar recorded Dar Beida 4 in Marrakesh, he hadn't realised that celebrated female vocal collective B'Net Marrakech lived just around the corner. Jabbar describes the lyrics to this dub heavy track as "surrealistic, Dadaistic dreams. 12. El Baqara – Abdeljabbar : An exclusive track that really rocks out from the Barraka stable. Baqara means cow, and Jabbar describes the track as being about "the golden cow, the worship of statues, and leaders … images as symbols of higher powers and the need to destroy them."Words: Phil Meadley with the grateful assistance of Pat Jabbar.